
Besedila: Julia Fordham. Julia Fordham. Woman Of The 80's.


I'm a woman of the 80s, I'm fit and I'm strong
There ain't no situation where I don't belong
Too late for flowers too soon for pins (too soon for pins)
But I know where I'm heading and I like where I've been

And I swear I never really ever really get that lonely on Sundays
Well maybe, just a little, but I'm never really ever really gonna
Let myself CALL YOU UP!

Cos I'm not allowed to miss you and I'm not allowed to ring you
I'm a woman of the 80s, no fractures, no flaws,
But I miss you sometimes that's all

I'm a woman of the 80s, I'm single and I'm free
There ain't no complications between my lover and me
He's got my number and I've got his
And even though I MIGHT MISS HIM, I like it like this

And I swear I never really ever really get that lonely on Sundays
Well maybe, just a little, but I'm never really ever really gonna
Let myself CALL YOU UP!
Cos I'm not allowed to miss you and I'm not allowed to ring you
I'm a woman of the 80s, no fractures, no flaws,
But I miss you sometimes that's all

If you're a woman of the 80s you've got a set of rules to follow
If it's not on, it's not on and you never ever ever ever ever SWALLOW
(your pride)


I'm a woman of the 80s, I'm fit and I'm strong
There ain't no situation where I don't belong

And I swear I never really ever really get that lonely on Sundays
Well maybe, just a little, but I'm never really ever really gonna
Let myself CALL YOU UP!

And I swear I never really ever really get that lonely on Sundays
Well maybe, just a little, but I'm never really ever really gonna
Let myself CALL YOU UP!

Cos I'm not allowed to miss you and I'm not allowed to ring you
I'm a woman of the 80s, no fractures, no flaws,
But I miss you sometimes that's all

That's all.
No fractures, no flaws
These unwritten laws