
Besedila: Outlandish. Appreciation.

As I got up this morning
You watched me and hoped I?d talk to you
Even if it was just a few words
Askin? your opinion

Thankin? you for something good that happened, Lord
But you noticed I was too busy
Tryin? to find the right clothes matchin? with the right shoes
And I ran around the house getting ready

You knew there would be minutes to stop
And say hello, but I still, I were too busy
And at one point, I had to wait doing nuttin?
Then you saw me spring to my feet

Thought I wanted to talk
But I ran to the phone
Called a friend, wassup

Okay, now it?s time for us to talk
So I find an empty room but hesitation is in my heart
A look down the hall, nobody there, so I close the door
Take of my new jacket, man, I can?t put this on the floor

I?m a have this conversation standin? or my jeans will get dirty
Better yet, I?m a sit on this chair right here ?cause I feel a bit lazy
Almost forgot to pull the curtains so no one can look in
And just when I?m about to utter you some words

Someone steps in
Embarrassed by the moment
I jump up and come up with some stupid excuse
Like I was looking for something

All while you were watchin? me patiently
Ready to give more chances with the hope
That eventually at some point
I will speak to you

You give me so much
You wait all day for a nod
A prayer or a thought
A thankful part of my heart

To all my moros back home
All day workin? hard
Struggling all week
Every dawn standing tall

I know you noticed that before lunch I looked around
I felt embarrassed to talk to you
That is why I didn?t bow my head
Glanced 3 or 4 tables over, saw some of my friends talking to you

But I did not, there is still more time left
Hope that I will talk to you yet, but I went home
And seemed as if I had lots of things to do
After that what is on TV

Suddenly I felt too tired to talk to you
Fell asleep in no time without a thought for you
I know it?s hard to have a one sided conversation
Well, give me some days to try again, and again, and again

Pase por enfrente de tu casa esta manana muy temprano
No me dio ni por llamarte, saludarte lo cual es muy extrano
Ahora que la luz esta apagada estoy pensando
Si solo cuando yo lo necesito conversamos

O si solo cuando temo me haces falta
A cada instante tu retrato esta en mi espalda
Me equivoco en muchas de cosas
Y defectos tengo mas de cien estoy luchando, tu lo sabes bien

Faults, I have more than 100
I'm struggling, you know I am

Appreciatin' is something I be forgettin', every second
24/7, I'm a forgetful servant, I gotta be prayin' though
Appreciatin' when suffering, calamities call
My soul be hospitalized and all gonna be alright

To all my moros back home
All day workin' hard
Struggling all week
Every dawn standing tall

To all my moros sheddin' tears
Still greet with warm smiles
Patiently throughout the years
Give praise to the most high

To all my moros back home
All day workin' hard
Struggling all week
Every dawn standing tall

To all my moros sheddin' tears
Still greet with warm smiles
Patiently throughout the years
Give praise to the most high

To all my moros back home
All day workin' hard
Struggling all week
Every dawn standing tall