
Besedila: The Fiery Furnaces. Though Let's Be Fair.

Though Let's Be Fair

Though let's be fair
I had other loves before my husband
Other sweethearts
Tom Kitsos, for instance
And another I won't mention

I loved him truly, or so I thought
Turned out in another snare he'd been caught

They were to get married that June
And all the relatives
From New Hampshire and Harrisburg, were coming
And the day I heard, I went home
And closed the door to my room
And I laid down on my bed
And I may have cried
Very briefly

I watched and wondered if they would last
I tried to tell myself "put it in the past,"

And that June
As I was the organist at our church, didn't you know
I was up in the choir loft, looking down
On all their friends and relations
Playing as they walked down the aisle

I'd see him 'round some
We'd nod and smile
I couldn't decide if I was still in love with him
After all this while

I'd see them together at church
And they'd look sort of grim
It didn't seem as though she was happy with him