Gaudeamus omnes Annae matris. Anonymous. A cappella. Sacred , Motet. Language. Latin. SATB.Prevod
Gaudeamus omnes Annae matris. Anonymous. Cappella. Sveto, Motet. Jezik. Latin. SATB.Originalno
The "Choir Books of Annaberg", a collection of manuscripts, were brought from the court of Friedrich der Weise. residing in Wittenberg since 1486. to the church of Annaberg on the occasion of the inauguration. It was St. Anne's day, 26th July in 1519, when the inauguration of this church took place. The books remained there for more than four centuries until they were transferred to the library of Saxony in Dresden. SLUB.Prevod
"Zbor Knjige Annabergu", zbirka rokopisov, so pripeljali iz sodišču Friedrich der Weise. stanujoč v Wittenbergu leta 1486. do cerkve Annaberg na ob otvoritvi. To je bil sv Anne dan, 26. julijem 1519, ko je otvoritev te cerkve je potekala. Knjige ostal tam za več kot štiri stoletja, dokler niso bile prenesene v knjižnico Saški v Dresdnu. Slub.Največkrat iskano