


Dum transisset Sabbatum. Robert Johnson. A cappella. Sacred , Motet. Language. Latin. SATBarB.


Dum transisset Sabbatum. Robert Johnson. Cappella. Sveto, Motet. Jezik. Latin. SATBarB.


From a manuscript in the library of Christ Church, Oxford. The soprano and alto parts are attributed in the manuscript to “Mr Johnson”. The baritone part is attributed to “Tallis alias Johnson”. In the manuscript this part is written in plainchant notation. Slurs in this edition represent ligatures in the original plainchant. The work was published by Charles Burney in his “General History of Music” in 1776 with many changes to reduce dissonances and adapt the work to 18th Century taste. In a complete performance, the plainsong intonation and entire polyphony were probably intended to be sung first. Then the plainsong verse Et valde mane. Then the polyphony from Ut venientes to the end. Then the plainsong Gloria patri. Finally the polyphonic Alleluia. In the original manuscript “Alleluia” is written out “Al-le-lui-a”. There are a number of differences in published versions of. the plainsong intonation,. ii. the Et valde mane and. iii. the Gloria patri sections. These sections are not included in the manuscript source for this edition of the Johnson five part setting. The three last notes in the intonation, usually sung “sse – e - et”, are sometimes replaced by a single long note in, for instance, published editions of Tallis’ 5 part setting of “Dum Transisset”. There are a variety of different interpretations of the Et valde mane and the Gloria patri plainsong sections. Examples are included in the CPDL edition of the Taverner setting by Rupert Preston Bell, the edition of the Tallis setting by JJ Hutchings on Sibelius Music , the edition of the same Tallis setting by Richard Abram, published in “Musical Times”, February 1979, and the performance on CD of the Johnson four and five part settings by Cappella Nova. directed by Alan Tavener.


Iz rokopisa v knjižnici Christ Church, Oxford. Deli soprano in alto se pripišejo v rokopisu, da "gospod Johnson". Bariton del je pripisati "Tallis alias Johnson". V rokopisu je ta del napisan v plainchant zapisu. Žalitvah v tej izdaji predstavlja ligature v originalni plainchant. Delo je Charles BURNEY objavila v svojem "General History of Music" leta 1776 s številnimi spremembami zmanjšati disonance in predelati delo do 18. stoletja okusa. V popolni uspešnosti, so plainsong intonacija in celotna polifonija verjetno namenjena treba najprej pela. Potem plainsong verz Et Valde griva. Potem polifonije od Ut venientes do konca. Potem plainsong Gloria Patri. Končno polifonične Aleluja. V izvirni rokopis je "Aleluja" izpisati "Al-le-lui-a". Obstajajo številne razlike v objavljenih različicah. plainsong intonacija,. ii. Et Valde griva in. iii. Patri so odseki Gloria. Ti oddelki niso vključeni v rokopisu vir za te izdaje nastavitev delnega Johnson pet. Zadnje tri opombe v intonaciji, običajno prepevajo "SSE - e - et", so včasih nadomestijo z enim samim dolgim ​​note v, na primer, objavljen izdaj Tallis '5 del nastavitev "Dum Transisset". Obstaja več različnih razlag Et VALDE grivo in Patri plainsong oddelkov Gloria. Primeri so vključeni v izdaji CPDL za nastavitev Taverner Rupert Preston Bell izdaji nastavitev Tallis JJ HUTCHINGS na Sibelius glasbo izdaji istega Tallis nastavitev Richarda Abrama, objavljena v "Musical Times", februar 1979 in uspešnost na zgoščenki Johnson štiri in pet nastavitev delu, ki ga Cappella Nova. režija Alan Tavener.