


Single chant "Dixit Dominus". Erik Satie. Organ or a cappella. Sacred , Anglican chant. SATB.


Enotni chant "Dixit Dominus". Erik Satie. Organ ali cappella. Sveto, anglikanski chant. SATB.


Adaptation of Satie's Dixit Dominus , from his Messe des Pauvres. In addition to the usual rules of Anglican chant, the following is advised. In the first bar, the first syllable should be sung to the crotchet, and all others to the dotted minim. In the sixth bar, the last two notes should be treated as one, making a melisma of the last syllable sung in that bar. unless a dot in the text causes more than one syllable to fall to those crotchets. In the last bar, the last syllable only should be sung to the second minim. It should be borne in mind that Satie's original is essentially harmonized plainsong. To maintain this plainsong feel in the Anglican chant version, all notes should be approximately the same length, except for those of the final bar, which should both be more or less doubled.


Prilagoditev Satie je Dixit Dominus, s svojimi Masa Poor. Poleg običajnih pravil Anglikanske korala, svetujemo naslednje. V prvi vrstici je treba prvi zlog je pela na Hišic, in vse druge s pikčasto minim. V šesti vrstici, bi zadnji dve pojasnila, se obravnava kot eno, kar je melisma zadnjega zloga pela v tej vrstici. razen pika v besedilu, povzroči več kot en zlog, da pade na tiste crotchets. V zadnjem bara, zadnji zlog se peli samo drugi minim. Treba je opozoriti, da je Satie izvirna bistvu usklajeno plainsong. Da bi ohranili to plainsong počutijo v anglikanski verziji pesmi, bi bilo treba vse opombe biti približno enake dolžine, razen za tiste, ki v končni bar, ki bi morali biti bolj ali manj podvojile.