


Stirps regia. Composer. H. Battre. H. Battre. Unknown. Published. Description. Transcribed from the Trent manuscript tr87. The notes' values, accidentals and colourings are as in the manuscript. The time signature is missing, the “tempus perfectum” is assumed from the context. the perfect notes and rests have been dotted and a ties have been used for the notes' values that cannot be exactly represented. The coloured notes are “hemiolæ”. The notes' values within the "ligaturæ" are as follows. the left upstemmed notes are semibreves - the unstemmed notes are breves – te right downstemmed notes are longæ. The “musica ficta” suggestions are in the MIDI and MusicXML files. External websites. http. www1. trentinocultura. net. portal. server. pt. open514&objID22652&mode2. Original text and translations. Latin text. Stirps regia, Vitae via,. Sacred , Motet. Language. Latin. STT. Genre. Sacred , Motet. Language. Latin.


Stirps regia. Skladatelj. H. Beat. H. Beat. Neznan. Objavljeno. Opis. Prepisane iz Trent rokopisu tr87. Pojasnilih "vrednote, predznakov in barvil, so v rokopisu. Čas podpis manjka, je "Tempus perfectum" Predpostavlja se iz konteksta. odlična opombe in sloni so pikčasto in a vezi so bile uporabljene za vrednosti, "da ni mogoče natančno zastopane. Obarvani note so "hemiolæ". Vrednosti pojasnilih "v" ligaturæ ", so naslednji. leva upstemmed pojasnila so semibreves - da unstemmed pojasnila so Breves - te prav downstemmed pojasnila so longæ. V "musica ficta" predlogi so v MIDI in MusicXML datotek. Zunanje spletne strani. http. www1. trentinocultura. net. portal. Strežnik. pt. open514. Izvirno besedilo in prevodi. Latin text. Stirps regia, Vitae via,. Sveto, Motet. Jezik. Latin. STT. Genre. Sveto, Motet. Jezik. Latin.


Transcribed from the Trent manuscript tr87. The notes' values, accidentals and colourings are as in the manuscript. The time signature is missing, the “tempus perfectum” is assumed from the context. the perfect notes and rests have been dotted and a ties have been used for the notes' values that cannot be exactly represented. The coloured notes are “hemiolæ”. The notes' values within the "ligaturæ" are as follows. the left upstemmed notes are semibreves - the unstemmed notes are breves – te right downstemmed notes are longæ. The “musica ficta” suggestions are in the MIDI and MusicXML files.


Prepisane iz Trent rokopisu tr87. Pojasnilih "vrednote, predznakov in barvil, so v rokopisu. Čas podpis manjka, je "Tempus perfectum" Predpostavlja se iz konteksta. odlična opombe in sloni so pikčasto in a vezi so bile uporabljene za vrednosti, "da ni mogoče natančno zastopane. Obarvani note so "hemiolæ". Vrednosti pojasnilih "v" ligaturæ ", so naslednji. leva upstemmed pojasnila so semibreves - da unstemmed pojasnila so Breves - te prav downstemmed pojasnila so longæ. V "musica ficta" predlogi so v MIDI in MusicXML datotek.