Cwm Rhondda. John Hughes. Published. 1920. Description. External websites. http. www. mutopiaproject. org. cgibin. piece-info. cgi. id523. Original text and translations. The following words are traditionally sung to this hymn tune. Welsh text. Wele'n sefyll rhwng y myrtwydd. Sacred , Hymn Meter. 87. 87. 877. Language. Welsh. SATB.
CWM Rhondda. John Hughes. Objavljeno. 1920. Opis. Zunanje spletne strani. http. www. mutopiaproject. org. cgibin. piece-info. cgi. id523. Izvirno besedilo in prevodi. The following words are traditionally sung to this hymn tune. Welsh text. Wele'n sefyll rhwng y myrtwydd. Sveto, Hymn Meter. 87. 87. 877. Jezik. Welsh. SATB.