


Diffusa est gratia. Francisco Valls. 2 violins and continuo. Sacred , Canon. Language. Latin. SS.


Diffusa est gratia. Francisco Valls. 2 violini in continuo. Sveto, Canon. Jezik. Latin. SS.


From Mapa Armonico Practico. Manuscript, including this score, published in facsimile by Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. Figured bass unclear in places from poor reproduction. Composer introduces the score with the following words. "En estotro ejemplo, que son dos fugas en unísonus, a un mismo tiempo, doz voces, y dos violines,. que no son improprios para estas habilidades, sabiendoles acomodar un estilo de cantar dulce, y apacible. This other example consists of two fugues in unison, in the same tempo, two voices and two violins. The violins are appropriate in this context, being able to accommodate soft and peaceful song.


Od armonico Praktična Zemljevid. Rokopis, vključno s tem rezultatom, objavljenem v faksimile s Consejo Superior de Inve- cientificas. Pogruntal bas jasno, v krajih s slabo reprodukcijo. Composer introduces the score with the following words. "En estotro ejemplo, que son dos fugas en unísonus, a un mismo tiempo, doz voces, y dos violines,. que no son improprios para estas habilidades, sabiendoles acomodar un estilo de cantar dulce, y apacible. This other example consists of two fugues in unison, in the same tempo, two voices and two violins. The violins are appropriate in this context, being able to accommodate soft and peaceful song.
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