


The Plow Horse. Maggie Furtak. Piano. Secular , Art song. Language. English. SA.


Plow konj. Maggie Furtak. Načrt. Sekularna, Art song. Jezik. Angleščina. SA.


For SA women's choir, or a nice duet, with piano. I kept the range to the middle of the voice for both parts to accommodate younger singers who are still learning to control their head voice. The rhythms may look a little tricky to beginning sight readers, but are actually pretty intuitive. Intervals are easy and tuneful as well, with some unison sections, some call and response and a little two-part section at the end once the main theme is firmly established in the singer's mind. If you try this piece and have any feedback for me, particularly about anything that seemed needlessly difficult, please let me know. Enjoy.


Za zbor SA žensk, ali lepo duet, s klavirjem. Obdržal sem ponudbo na sredini glas za obe deli se prilagodile mlade pevce, ki so še vedno učenje nadzorovati svoj glavni glas. Ritmi lahko videti malo težavno začnejo bralce polju, vendar pa so v resnici precej intuitivno. Intervali so enostavno in Harmonično kot tudi z nekaterimi Unison odsekov, nekaj klic in odziv in malo dvodelni poglavju na koncu, ko je glavna tema trdno zasidrana v mislih pevca. Če poskusite ta kos in kakršne koli povratne informacije za mene, še posebej o ničemer, da se je zdelo nepotrebno težko, prosim povej mi,. Uživajte.