Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in F. Benjamin Rogers. A cappella. Sacred , Evening Canticles. Language. English. SATB.
Magnificat in Nunc dimittis v F. Benjamin Rogers. Cappella. Svete, večerne slavospevov. Jezik. Angleščina. SATB.
Rogers was organist at Christ Church, Dublin in his early career, an employment cutailed by the outbreak of the Irish rebellion, 1641. Except for a short interlude at Eton in the early years of the restauration, Rogers spent most of the rest of his life in Oxford. Magdalen. He was a quintessential Oxfordian of the seventeenth century. informant to Anthony a Wood, composer of music played at the dedication ceremonies of the Sheldonian Theatre, and composer of the Hymnus Eucharisticus, sung on May Morning from Magdalen Tower. probably from the 1670s, although the ritual was not formalised until about 1844.
Rogers je bil organist v Christ Church, Dublinu v svoji zgodnji karieri, je cutailed jo izbruhu irskega upora, 1641 zaposlitve. Razen za kratek medigra na Eton v zgodnjih letih restavriranje, Rogers večino preostanek svojega življenja preživel v Oxfordu. Magdalen. Bil je tipičen Oxfordian od sedemnajstega stoletja. informator Anthony Wood, skladatelj glasbe igral na posvetitvi slovesnosti v Sheldonian gledališča in skladatelj Hymnus Eucharisticus, pela na majskega jutra iz Magdalen Tower. Verjetno od 1670s, čeprav ritual ni bil formaliziran do približno 1844.