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Carols for Choirs 4. David Willcocks. Choir sheet music.


Carols za pevskih zborov 4. David Willcocks. Zbor note.


Carols for Choirs 4. Fifty Carols for Sopranos and Altos. Composed by David Willcocks and John Rutter. 1945-. Edited by David Willcocks, John Rutter. For women's choir. for Choirs Collections. Christmas, Choral Collection. Choral collection. 208 pages. Published by Oxford University Press. OU.9780193535732. ISBN 9780193535732. Christmas, Choral Collection. 10 x 7 inches. OUP's choral publishing is admired worldwide and includes an impressive collection of anthologies for every type of choir. These volumes include all the vital standard repertoire plus less well-known works and have become indispensible to singers worldwide. 50 carols for sopranos and altos. suitable for boys', girls', or women's choirs. It contains mostly simple arrangements of the best-loved carols, some less well-known ones, and four original pieces by Britten. , Rutter, and Hadley. Most of the Christmas hymns are presented in two versions. for choirs only, unaccompanied, and for choir and audience. congregation, with accompaniment. Orchestral accompaniments for many of the carols are available on hire. Adeste fideles. Christmas. Angels, from the realms of glory. Christmas. Epiphany. Angelus ad Virginem. Advent. Blessed Virgin Mary. As with gladness men of old. 2 versions. Epiphany. Away in a manger. Christmas. The cherry tree carol. Lent. Christmas. Blessed Virgin Mary. Coventry Carol. Christmas. Deck the hall. General use. Ding dong. merrily on high. Christmas. Donkey carol. Christmas. The first Nowell. Christmas. Epiphany. Gabriel to Mary came. Advent. Blessed Virgin Mary. Gabriel's message. Advent. Blessed Virgin Mary. Christmas. God rest you merry, gentlemen. 2 versions. Christmas. Good King Wenceslas. Christmas. Hail. Blessed Virgin Mary. Blessed Virgin Mary. Christmas. Hark. the herald angels sing. 2 versions. Christmas. He smiles within his cradle. Christmas. The holly and the ivy. Lent. Christmas. How far is it to Bethlehem. Christmas. I saw three ships. Christmas. I sing of a maiden. Blessed Virgin Mary. Christmas. Il est ne le divin enfant. Christmas. In dulci jubilo. 4-part version. Christmas. In dulci jubilo. 3-part version. Christmas. The Infant King. Christmas. It came upon the midnight clear. Christmas. King Jesus hath a garden. Christmas. Lent. The linden tree carol. Advent. Blessed Virgin Mary. Lute-book lullaby. Christmas. A merry Christmas. Christmas. Nativity carol. Christmas. Epiphany. A New Year carol. General use. O come, all ye faithful. Christmas. O come, O come, Emmanuel. Advent. O little town of Bethlehem. Christmas. Once in royal David's city. 2 versions. Christmas. Past three a clock. Christmas. Personent hodie. Christmas. Epiphany. Quelle est cette odeur agreable. Christmas. Quem pastores laudavere. Christmas. Epiphany. Rocking. Christmas. See amid the winter's snow. Christmas. Shepherd's pipe carol. Christmas. Star carol. Christmas. Stille Nacht. Christmas. Sussex Carol. Christmas. There is no rose. Christmas. Blessed Virgin Mary. Tomorrow shall be my dancing day. Christmas. Unto us is born a son. Christmas. Up. good Christen folk, and listen. Christmas. A virgin most pure. Christmas. While shepherds watched. Christmas.


Carols za pevskih zborov 4. Petdeset Carols za Sopranos in Altos. Ki ga sestavljajo David Willcocks-om in John Rutter. 1945 -. Uredil David Willcocks-om, John Rutter. Za zbor žensk. Za zborov Zbirke. Božič, Choral Collection. Zborovska zbiranje. 208 strani. Izdala Oxford University Press. OU.9780193535732. ISBN 9780193535732. Božič, Choral Collection. 10 x 7 cm. OUP je zborovsko založništvo občudovali po vsem svetu in vključuje impresivno zbirko antologij za vsako vrsto zbor. Te količine vključujejo vse pomembne standardni repertoar plus manj znanih del in so postali nepogrešljivi za pevce po vsem svetu. 50 božične pesmi za Sopranos in Altos. primeren za fante ", dekleta", ali ženskih zborov. Vsebuje predvsem preproste priredbe najbolj cenjenih carols, nekaj manj znanih podjetij, in štiri originalne dele imenom Brittna. , Rutter in Hadley. Večina božične hvalnice so predstavljeni v dveh različicah. samo zborov, brez spremstva, in za zbor in občinstvo. občina, s spremljavo. Orkestrske spremljave za mnoge carols so na voljo na najem. Adeste fideles. Božič. Angeli, od svetovi slave. Božič. Sveti trije kralji. Angelus oglas Virginem. Advent. Blažena Devica Marija. Kot z veseljem moških starih. 2 različici. Sveti trije kralji. Gosti v jasli. Božič. Češnja carol. Lent. Božič. Blažena Devica Marija. Coventry Carol. Božič. Deck dvorana. Splošna uporaba. Ding dong. Veselo na visoko. Božič. Osel carol. Božič. Prvi Nowellova. Božič. Sveti trije kralji. Gabriel Mariji prišel. Advent. Blažena Devica Marija. Sporočilo Gabriela. Advent. Blažena Devica Marija. Božič. Bog vam počitek vesela, gospodje. 2 različici. Božič. Good King Wenceslas. Božič. Toča. Blažena Devica Marija. Blažena Devica Marija. Božič. Evocirati. The Herald angeli pojejo. 2 različici. Božič. Smehlja v njegovi zibelki. Božič. Holly in bršljan. Lent. Božič. Kako daleč je v Betlehem. Božič. Videl sem tri ladje. Božič. Zapojem za devico. Blažena Devica Marija. Božič. To je božanska otrok. Božič. V dulci Jubilo. 4-delna različica. Božič. V dulci Jubilo. 3-delna različica. Božič. Infant King. Božič. Prišla je ob polnoči jasno. Božič. King Jesus dade vrt. Božič. Lent. Lipa carol. Advent. Blažena Devica Marija. Lutnja knjiga uspavanka. Božič. Vesel božič. Božič. Nativity Carol. Božič. Sveti trije kralji. Novo leto carol. Splošna uporaba. O pridi, vsi vi verniki. Božič. O pridi, O pridi, Emmanuel. Advent. O mestece iz Betlehema. Božič. Ko je v mestu kraljeve Davidove. 2 različici. Božič. Pretekla tri ure. Božič. Personent hodie. Božič. Sveti trije kralji. Kaj je to prijeten vonj. Božič. Quem laudavere župnikov. Božič. Sveti trije kralji. Zibanje. Božič. Oglejte si sredi zime sneg. Božič. Pastirski cevi carol. Božič. Star carol. Božič. Silent Night. Božič. Sussex Carol. Božič. Ni Rose. Božič. Blažena Devica Marija. Jutri bo moja ples dan. Božič. Unto nam je rojen sin. Božič. Up. Dober Christen folk, in poslušati. Božič. Deviško najbolj čista. Božič. Medtem ko so pastirji gledal. Božič.
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