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The Big Book of Disney Songs. Various. Flute Solo sheet music.Prevod
Big Book of Disney pesmi. Various. Flavto solo note.Originalno
The Big Book of Disney Songs. Flute. Composed by Various. For Flute. Instrumental Folio. Softcover. 80 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.842613. ISBN 1458411311. 9x12 inches. This mammoth collection includes instrumental solos of more than 70 Disney classics. Beauty and the Beast. Can You Feel the Love Tonight. Friend like Me. It's a Small World. Mickey Mouse March. A Pirate's Life. Reflection. The Siamese Cat Song. A Spoonful of Sugar. Trashin' the Camp. Under the Sea. We're All in This Together. Winnie the Pooh. Written in the Stars. You've Got a Friend in Me. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. and dozens more. Once Upon A Dream. Circle Of Life. I Just Can't Wait To Be King. Hakuna Matata. Can you feel the love tonight. Beauty And The Beast. Sooner Or Later. Colors Of The Wind. Let's Get Together. If I Never Knew You. Love Theme from POCAHONTAS. Alice in Wonderland. You've Got A Friend In Me. God Help The Outcasts. Zero To Hero. Go The Distance. Sweet Surrender. Reflection. Written in the Stars. Trashin' The Camp. You'll Be In My Heart. Pop Version. When She Loved Me. My Funny Friend And Me. Where The Dream Takes You. The Ballad Of Davy Crockett. The Bare Necessities. Be Our Guest. Bella Notte. This Is The Night. Best Of Friends. Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo. The Magic Song. Breaking Free. We're All In This Together. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. You Are The Music In Me. Candle On The Water. Chim Chim Cher-ee. Cruella De Vil. A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes. Friend Like Me. He's A Tramp. How D'ye Do And Shake Hands. I'm Late. It's a Small World. Kiss the Girl. Lavender Blue. Dilly Dilly. Let's Go Fly A Kite. Little April Shower. The Lord Is Good To Me. Mickey Mouse March. Never Smile At A Crocodile. Part of Your World. A Pirate's Life. Saludos Amigos. Scales And Arpeggios. The Second Star To The Right. The Siamese Cat Song. So This Is Love. The Cinderella Waltz. Someone's Waiting For You. A Spoonful Of Sugar. These Are The Best Times. Toyland March. The Unbirthday Song. Under The Sea. Westward Ho, The Wagons. A Whale Of A Tale. A Whole New World. Winnie the Pooh. The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers. Wringle Wrangle. A Pretty Woman's Love. Yo Ho. A Pirate's Life For Me. You Can Fly. You Can Fly. You Can Fly. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. Someday. Esmeralda's Prayer.Prevod
Big Book of Disney pesmi. Flavta. Sestavljajo ga Various. Za flavto. Instrumental Folio. Mehko prekrivalo. 80 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.842613. ISBN 1458411311. 9x12 cm. Ta mamuta zbirka vsebuje instrumentalnih solo več kot 70 Disneyjeve klasike. Beauty and the Beast. Can You Feel The Love Tonight. Friend Like Me. To je majhen svet. Mickey Mouse marec. A Pirate's Life. Odsev. Siamese Cat Song. Žlico sladkor. Trashin "taboru. Pod morjem. Vsi smo v tem skupaj. Winnie the Pooh. Zapisano v zvezdah. Imaš prijatelju v Me. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. in desetine več. Once Upon a Dream. Krog življenja. Jaz komaj čakam, da je kralj. Hakuna matata. Lahko nocoj čutiš ljubezni. Lepotica in zver. Prej ali slej. Barve Of The Wind. Pojdimo skupaj. Če I Never Knew You. Ljubezen Theme od Pocahontas. Alice v čudežni deželi. Imaš prijatelj sem. Bog Pomoč pregnance. Nič do junaka. Go The Distance. Sweet Surrender. Odsev. Zapisano v zvezdah. Trashin "taboru. Boste v mojem srcu. Pop različice. Ko je Loved Me. My Funny Friend And Me. Kje Dream vas popelje. Ballad Of Davy Crockett. Gole potrebe. Bodite naš gost. Bella Notte. This Is The Night. Najboljša prijatelja. Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo. Magic Song. Rešuje. Vsi smo v tem skupaj. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. You Are The Music v meni. Candle On The Water. Chim Chim Cher-ee. Cruella De Vil. Dream je Wish Your Heart Makes. Friend Like Me. On je Tramp. Kako D'delate In rokoval. Jaz sem Late. To je majhen svet. Poljubi dekle. Lavender Blue. Dilly Dilly. Pojdimo Fly Kite. Malo Tuš april. Gospod je dobro Me. Mickey Mouse marec. Nikoli Smile Na krokodil. Del vašega sveta. A Pirate's Life. Saludos Amigos. Lestvice in arpeggia. Druga zvezda na desno. Siamese Cat Song. Torej, to je ljubezen. Cinderella Waltz. Nekdo je Waiting For You. Žlico sladkor. To so najboljši časi. Toyland marec. Unbirthday Song. Pod morjem. Proti zahodu Ho, vagonov. Whale Of A Tale. Whole New World. Winnie the Pooh. Wonderful Thing About Tigri. Wringle Polemika. Pretty Woman Love. Yo Ho. Pirat Življenje For Me. You Can Fly. You Can Fly. You Can Fly. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. Nekega dne. Esmeralda molitev.Največkrat iskano