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Mandolin Method Complete. Greg Horne. Mandolin sheet music. Beginning.


Mandolin Metoda Complete. Greg Horne. Mandolin note. Začetek.


Mandolin Method Complete composed by Greg Horne. For Other Fretted. Book. Enhanced CD. Mandolin Method or Supplement. Method. Instruction. Complete Method. Beginner. 288 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.39091. ISBN 0739087886. Anyone interested in learning to play mandolin can pick up this book and get started right away. This well-paced, comprehensive method covers everything from basic to advanced techniques. Beginning concepts include reading music and TAB, basic strumming patterns, alternate picking, tremolo, slides, and bluegrass and blues styles. Intermediate topics include hammer-ons, pull-offs, cross picking, rolls, and more. The book concludes with advanced concepts like advanced harmonies, 12-bar blues, rhythm changes, chord-melody playing, modes, improvisation, and much more. Complete Mandolin Method breaks the age-old dilemma of dry, intimidating, and confusing method books to provide a step-by-step and enjoyable way to play. An MP3 CD with demonstrations of the examples in the book is included. Introduction. CHAPTER 1---GETTING STARTED. Lesson 1. Getting to Know Your Tools. Lesson 2. The Notes on the Fretboard. Lesson 3. Read Some TAB, Play Some Tunes. River's Up, Can't Go Across. This One's Got Spots. Mary Had a Border Collie. Lesson 4. Your First Chords. Cabbage Seeds. Lesson 5. Changing Chords. Roast Them Rutabagas. Windy Grove. CHAPTER 2---READING STANDARD MUSIC NOTATION. Lesson 1. The Notes and the Staff. Lesson 2. Natural Notes on the 1st String. Lesson 3. Time. Lesson 4. Natural Notes on the 2nd String. Cumberland Gap. Lesson 5. Rests. Lesson 6. Natural Notes on the 3rd String. Lesson 7. Eighth Notes. Lesson 8. Natural notes on the 4th String. Lesson 9. Dotted Notes. Lesson 10. Sharps and Flats. Ooooh. Creepy. Theme from Invention No. 4---J.S. Bach BWV 775. Lesson 11. Key Signatures. Raise a Glass for Pythagoras. Lesson 12. 1st and 2nd Endings. Marching off to Litchfield. Lesson 13. Refining Your Strumming. Boil Them Cabbage Down. CHAPTER 3---FIDDLE-TUNE STYLE. THE ROOTS OF BLUEGRASS. CHAPTER 5---BLUEGRASS. Lesson 1. Bluegrass Rhythm. This Hammer's Too Heavy. Lesson 2. Bluegrass Lead. Come on and Sit on Top of My Kitchen Counter. Lesson 3. Transposition. Lesson 4. More Moveable Chords. This Hammer's Too Heavy. in A. Lesson 5. Bluegrass Blues in A. Bluegrass 12-Bar Blues in A. Bluegrass 12-Bar Blues in A. Lead Break. Lesson 6. Bluegrass in a Minor Key. Dark on the Drive Home. Lesson 7. Kickoffs and Tags. CHAPTER 6---ROCK MANDOLIN. Lesson 1. Rock 'n' Roll Folk Strumming. The Long Forgotten Daze of My Youth. The Battle of the Elves, Dragons and Rock Vocalists. Lesson 2. Arpeggiating Chords. The Long Forgotten Daze of My Youth. Arpeggio Chords. The Battle of the Elves, Dragons and Rock Vocalists. Arpeggio Chords. Lesson 3. Rock Mandolin Improv. The Long Forgotten Daze of My Youth. Solo. The Battle of the Elves, Dragons and Rock Vocalists. Solo. APPENDIX 1---THE ELEMENTS OF MUSIC. Lesson 1. The Major Scale. Lesson 2. The Circle of 5ths. Lesson 3. Intervals. Lesson 4. Fingerings for Intervals. Lesson 5. Harmony and Chords. Lesson 6. Musical Expression. APPENDIX 2---GUIDE FINGERS. APPENDIX 3---CHORD FORMS. APPENDIX 4---HOW TO PRACTICE. Home base Technique. When and What. Organizing a Practice Session. Buy a Metronome. About the Author. CHAPTER 1---REVIEW. READING MUSIC. Lesson 1. Pitch. Lesson 2. Time. Lesson 3. Tablature. CHAPTER 2---REVIEW. SCALES AND CHORDS. Lesson 1. Major Scales. Lesson 2. Chords. CHAPTER 3---DEVELOPING TECHNIQUE. Lesson 1. Building Speed and Agility. Lesson 2. Improving Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs. Lesson 3. Improving Tremolo. Creating a Chord. Melody. Mississippi Sawyer. Jethro Style. PART TWO---MELODY. CHAPTER 5---SCALES AND MODES. Generating the Modes from a Parent Scale. The Relative View. The Parallel View. Mode Characteristics and Fingerings. Using the Modes. The Rights Of Man. Drunken Sailor. June Apple. Over The Waterfall. Pentatonic Scales. Spootiskerry Reel. The Blues Scale. The Whole-Tone Scale. The Chromatic Scale. The Five Basic Scale Types Every Mandolin Player Should Know. PART THREE---RHYTHM. CHAPTER 6---EXPLORING TIME SIGNATURES. Review of Compound Meter. A Trip To The Cottage. Banish Misfortune. The Butterfly. Dan O'Keefe's Slide. Odd Meters. 5-Time Waltz. Sillyfjord. CHAPTER 7---MELODIC RHYTHM. Soldier's Joy. Soldier's Joy---Waltz. Soldier's Joy---Jig. PART FOUR---PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER. CHAPTER 8---IMPROVISATION. Raking Leaves No. 1. Raking Leaves No. 2. Raking Leaves No. 3. Raking Leaves No. 4. Raking Leaves No. 5. Raking Leaves No. 6. CHAPTER 9---FINDING MATERIAL FROM AROUND THE WORLD. Old French. Canada. Simo Ligeri. WRAPPING UP---FINAL THOUGHTS AND SUGGESTIONS. Lesson 1. D Major Scale. Your First D Tune. Old Liza Jane. Lesson 2. Alternate Picking. Lesson 3. Connecting the Dots with Passing Tones. Soldier's Joy. Variation with Passing Tones. Lesson 4. Drones and Shuffles. Mississippi Sawyer. Lesson 5. A Tunes and Unison Doubles. Old Joe Clark. Lesson 6. The Modal Sound of the A Minor Pentatonic Scale. Cluck Old Hen. High. Cluck Old Hen. Low. Lesson 7. The Key of G Major. Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs. Miss McLeod's Reel. Hop High Ladies. Uncle Joe. Lesson 8. Waltz-Time Strumming and Melody. Amazing Grace. Lesson 9. Sixteenth Notes. Tremolo. Greensleeves. CHAPTER 4---THE BLUES. Lesson 1. Basic Blues Theory. Lesson 2. The 12-Bar Blues. Lesson 3. Memorizing the 12-Bar Blues. Lesson 4. Blues Rhythm. Blues Boogie in G. Lesson 5. Blues Improvisation with the Minor Pentatonic Scale. Lesson 6. Blues Improvisation with the G Blues Scale and Slides. Louie's Got the Bluie and Yank's at the Bank. Air on the Side of Caution. Lesson 4. Slides. Sign Says "Gone Noodling". Lesson 5. Crosspicking. Turkey in the Straw. Crosspicking. Lesson 6. McReynolds-Style Rolls and Picking Patterns. Long Lonesome Road. Crosspicking. CHAPTER 4---BETTER PICKING THROUGH FIDDLE TUNES. Lesson 1. How to Learn Folk Music. Lesson 2. Cut Time. Fire On The Mountain. Lesson 3. Sally Goodin. Sally Goodin. Standard Two-Part Version. Sally Goodin Variation No. 1. Sally Goodin Variation No. 2. Sally Goodin Variation No. 3. Sally Goodin Variation No. 4. Lesson 4. "Kitchen Gal". Kitchen Gal. Lesson 5. "Leather Britches". Leather Britches. Lesson 6. "Seneca Square Dance". Seneca Square Dance. Lesson 7. "Johnny Don't Get Drunk". Johnny Don't Get Drunk. Lesson 8. A Rag in C Major. Orville and Lloyd's Rag. Lesson 9. Jigs. Money In Both Pockets. Scatter The Mud. CHAPTER 5---BACK TO BLUEGRASS. Lesson 1. Improving Rhythm Playing. Free Little Bird. Lesson 2. Lead Backup Playing. Free Little Bird---Lead Backup. Lesson 3. Bluegrass Lead---Melodic Breaks. Free Little Bird---Melodic Break. Lesson 4. Bluegrass Lead---Improvised Breaks. Free Little Bird---Improvised Break. CHAPTER 6---WORKING UP THE NECK. Lesson 1. Moveable Major Scales. This Hammer's Still Too Heavy. Lesson 2. Major Scale Harmony Review. Lesson 3. Double Stops---3rds. San Antonio Sunrise. Lesson 4. Double Stops---6ths. Mandohula Sunset. Lesson 5. Arpeggios---Major, Minor and Diminished Triads. Saturday Night at the Gulag Arpeggio. Lesson 6. Arpeggios---Augmented Triads and Seventh Chords. Lesson 7. The Natural Minor Scale and the Relative Minor. Toulouse Lautrec. CHAPTER 7---BLUES AND BLUEGRASS IMPROV UP THE NECK. Lesson 1. Moveable Dominant 7 Chords. Blues in My Bee Bonnet. or, Bees in My Blue Bonnet. Lesson 2. The Minor Pentatonic Scale. Lesson 3. Connecting the Fingerings. You Won't B-Minor Forever. Lesson 4. The Major Pentatonic Scale. Lesson 5. Comparing and Combining the Major and Minor Pentatonic Sounds. Key to the High School---Solo No. 1. Major Pentatonic. Key to the High School---Solo No. 2. Minor Pentatonic. Key to the High School---Solo No. 3. Major and Minor Pentatonic. CHAPTER 8---A TASTE OF SWING AND JAZZ MANDOLIN. Lesson 1. Swing Rhythm Playing. Swing by Your Thumbs. Simple Rhythm Chords. Lesson 2. Cool Swing Chords---Maj7, Min7 and 6. Swing by Your Thumbs. Cool Swing Chords. Lesson 3. Melody and Improvisation. Swing by Your Thumbs. Melody. CHAPTER 9---NEW RHYTHMS AND SOUNDS. Lesson 1. Funk on the Mandolin. Ooh, That Some Funky Mando. Lesson 2. The Grooves of New Orleans. Bo Man Diddley Blues. Lesson 3. Reggae on the Mandolin. How A'You Gonna Play Dat Mando-Leen. CHAPTER 10---A TASTE OF BRAZIL. Lesson 1. Brazilian-Style Rhythm Playing. Mandolin Jake. Chords and Rhythm. Lesson 2. Brazilian-Style Lead Playing. Mandolin Jake. Melody. CHAPTER 1---WARM-UPS. Exercises for the Left Hand. Working Fingers in Pairs. Right-Hand Exercises. PART ONE---HARMONY. CHAPTER 2---IMPORTANT CHORDS. Extended Major Chords. Extended Minor Chords. Extended Dominant Chords. Diminished 7th Chords. Other Important Chords. Altered Chords. Chord Reference Charts. Finding Other Voicings. CHAPTER 3---CHORD PROGRESSIONS. Blues Forms. 8-Bar Blues. 12-Bar Blues. 16-Bar Blues. 1st Variation. 16-Bar Blues. 2nd Variation. 24-Bar Blues. 12-Bar Blues in G. Almost Time. Blues Grass Ramble. Jazz---Rhythm Changes. Rhythm Changes. Basic. Rhythm Changes---Swing. Rhythm Changes---Bebop. Rhythm Changes. Tritone Substitution. Anthromorphology. Criminal Satisfaction. Chord Substitution. Rollin' in My Sweet Baby's Arms. Straight. Rollin' in My Sweet Baby's Arms. Tritone Substitution. Rollin' in My Sweet Baby's Arms. Minor 3rd Substitution. Rollin' in My Sweet Baby's Arms. Dim7 Substitution. CHAPTER 4---CHORD. MELODY. Mississippi Sawyer. Melody.


Mandolina Metoda Complete sestavljajo Greg Horne. Za druge rezljani. Knjiga. Okrepljeno CD. Mandolin Način oziroma Supplement. Metoda. Navodila. Complete Method. Začetnik. 288 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.39091. ISBN 0739087886. Vsakdo, zanima učenje igrati mandolino lahko poberete to knjigo in da bi začeli takoj. To dobro tempu, celovit način zajema vse, od osnovnih do naprednih tehnik. Beginning koncepti vključujejo branje glasbe in TAB, osnovnih vzorcev Drndanje, Alternate Pobiranje, tremolo, diapozitive in bluegrassa in blues stilov. Vmesne teme vključujejo hammer-ons, pull-off, navzkrižna trganjem, žemljice in več. Knjiga se zaključi z naprednimi koncepti, kot so napredne harmonij, 12-bar blues, spremembe ritma, tetiva-melody igranja, načine, improvizacijo in še veliko več. Popolno Mandolin Metoda odmori prastaro dilemo suhih, zastrašujoče in zmedeno metoda knjig za zagotavljanje korak za korakom in na zabaven način, da igrajo. MP3 CD z demonstracijami primeri v knjigi je vključena. Predstavitev. POGLAVJE 1 --- ZAČETEK. Lekcija 1. Spoznavanje Orodja. Lekcija 2. Pojasnila o Ubiralka. Lekcija 3. Preberite nekaj TAB igrat Tunes. Do reke, ne more iti čez. Tole ima Spots. Mary Had a Collie Border. Lekcija 4. Vaš prvi akordi. Zelje Semena. Lekcija 5. Spreminjanje Akordi. Them pečenka Rutabagas. Windy Grove. POGLAVJE 2 --- READING STANDARD notni zapis. Lekcija 1. Pojasnila in osebja. Lekcija 2. Naravne Opombe o 1. String. Lekcija 3. Čas. Lekcija 4. Naravne Opombe o 2. String. Cumberland Gap. Lekcija 5. Sloni. Lekcija 6. Naravne Opombe o 3. String. Lekcija 7. Osmega Notes. Lekcija 8. Naravne obvestila na 4. String. Lekcija 9. Pikčaste Notes. Lekcija 10. Pelete in stanovanja. Ooooh. Creepy. Tema od Invention številka 4 --- J.S. Bach BWV 775. Lekcija 11. Ključne Podpisi. Nazdravil za Pitagora. Lekcija 12. 1. in 2. Endings. Korakajo off Litchfield. Lekcija 13. Izboljšate svoje Drndanje. Skuhamo zelje navzdol. POGLAVJE 3 --- dren-TUNE STYLE. Korenin Bluegrass. POGLAVJE 5 --- Bluegrass. Lekcija 1. Bluegrass Rhythm. Ta Hammer je pretežka. Lekcija 2. Bluegrass Lead. Pridi in sedi na vrhu mojega kuhinjskem pultu. Lekcija 3. Prenos. Lekcija 4. Več Premični akordi. Ta Hammer je pretežka. v A. Lekcija 5. Bluegrass Blues v. Bluegrass 12-Bar Blues v. Bluegrass 12-Bar Blues v. Svinec Break. Lekcija 6. Bluegrass v molu. Dark na vožnjo domov. Lekcija 7. Kickoffs in oznake. POGLAVJE 6 --- ROCK Mandolin. Lekcija 1. Rock 'n' Roll Folk Drndanje. Long Forgotten Daze moje mladosti. Bitka vilincev, zmajev in Rock vokalistov. Lekcija 2. Arpeggiating akordi. Long Forgotten Daze moje mladosti. Arpeggio akordi. Bitka vilincev, zmajev in Rock vokalistov. Arpeggio akordi. Lekcija 3. Rock Mandolin Improv. Long Forgotten Daze moje mladosti. Samo. Bitka vilincev, zmajev in Rock vokalistov. Samo. DODATEK 1 --- elementov GLASBO. Lekcija 1. Večjem obsegu. Lekcija 2. Krog 5ths. Lekcija 3. Intervali. Lekcija 4. Fingerings za presledke. Lekcija 5. Harmony in akordi. Lekcija 6. Musical Expression. DODATEK 2 --- NAVODILA PRSTE. DODATEK 3 --- tetiva OBLIKE. DODATEK 4 --- Kako Practice. Domača baza tehnika. Kdaj in kaj. Organizira vajo. Kupi metronom. O avtorju. POGLAVJE 1 --- PREGLED. Branje notnega. Lekcija 1. Pitch. Lekcija 2. Čas. Lekcija 3. Tablature. POGLAVJE 2 --- PREGLED. Lestvice in akordi. Lekcija 1. Večji Tehtnice. Lekcija 2. Pesem. POGLAVJE 3 --- RAZVOJ TEHNIKA. Lekcija 1. Stavba hitrost in Agility. Lekcija 2. Izboljšanje Hammer-ons in pull-off. Lekcija 3. Izboljšanje Tremolo. Ustvarjanje tetivi. Melody. Mississippi Sawyer. Jethro Style. DRUGI DEL --- MELODIJA. POGLAVJE 5 --- LESTVICE IN NAČINI. Generiranje Načini iz enega od staršev lestvici. Relativna View. Vzporedni pogled. Način Značilnosti in fingerings. Uporaba načinov. Pravicah človeka. Drunken Sailor. Junij Apple. Nad slapom. Pentatonic Tehtnice. Spootiskerry Roll. Blues lestvico. Cela-Tone Lestvica. Kromatične lestvice. Pet Osnovne vrste lestvic Vsak Mandolin Player vedeti. TRETJI DEL --- RITEM. POGLAVJE 6 --- EXPLORING ČAS PODPISI. Pregled spojine Meter. Pot do koče. Pregnati nesrečo. Butterfly. Je Dan O'Keefe Slide. Lihe merilniki. 5-Time Waltz. Sillyfjord. POGLAVJE 7 --- SPEVNO RITEM. Joy vojaka. Vojaka Joy --- Waltz. Vojaka Joy --- Jig. ČETRTI DEL --- ki ga je dala VSI SKUPAJ. POGLAVJE 8 --- IMPROVIZACIJA. Grabljenje Listi številka 1. Grabljenje Listi No 2. Grabljenje Listi številka 3. Grabljenje Listi številka 4. Grabljenje Listi številka 5. Grabljenje Listi številka 6. POGLAVJE 9 --- ISKANJE MATERIAL iz celega sveta. Stara francoska. Canada. Simo Ligeri. Zavijanje --- KONČNE MISLI IN PREDLOGI. Lekcija 1. D Major lestvica. Vaš prvi D Tune. Stara Liza Jane. Lekcija 2. Alternate Pobiranje. Lekcija 3. Povezovanje pike z Passing Toni. Joy vojaka. Variacija s prehodom Toni. Lekcija 4. Brezpilotna letala in Shuffles. Mississippi Sawyer. Lekcija 5. Tunes in Unison dvojice. Old Joe Clark. Lekcija 6. Modal Zvok Minor pentatonic lestvico. Cluck Stare Hen. Visoko. Cluck Stare Hen. Nizka. Lekcija 7. Ključne G-duru. Hammer-Ons in pull-off. Miss McLeod je Roll. Hop visoke dame. Stric Joe. Lekcija 8. Waltz Time Drndanje in Melody. Amazing Grace. Lekcija 9. Šestnajstega Notes. Tremolo. Greensleeves. POGLAVJE 4 --- THE BLUES. Lekcija 1. Osnovni Blues Theory. Lekcija 2. 12-Bar Blues. Lekcija 3. Pomnjenja 12-Bar Blues. Lekcija 4. Blues Rhythm. Blues Boogie v G. Lekcija 5. Blues improvizacija z Minor pentatonic lestvico. Lekcija 6. Blues improvizacija z G Blues obsega in diapozitivov. Louiejev Got Bluie in južnjakom je v banki. Air na strani previdno. Lekcija 4. Diapozitivi. Znamenje pravi "Gone Noodling". Lekcija 5. Crosspicking. Turčija v Straw. Crosspicking. Lekcija 6. McReynolds-Style Rolls in nabiranje Patterns. Long Lonesome Road. Crosspicking. POGLAVJE 4 --- BOLJŠA nabiranje SKOZI dren Tunes. Lekcija 1. Kako se učiti ljudske glasbe. Lekcija 2. Cut času Uporabnik. Fire On The Mountain. Lekcija 3. Sally Goodin. Sally Goodin. Standardna dvodelni Version. Sally Goodin Sprememba številka 1. Sally Goodin Sprememba številka 2. Sally Goodin Sprememba številka 3. Sally Goodin Sprememba številka 4. Lekcija 4. "Kuhinja Gal". Kuhinja Gal. Lekcija 5. "usnje Britches". Usnjeni Britches. Lekcija 6. "Seneca trg Dance". Seneca trg Dance. Lekcija 7. "Johnny Ne napij". Johnny Ne napij. Lekcija 8. Rag v C-duru. Orville in Lloyd Rag. Lekcija 9. Šablone. Denar v obeh žepov. Raztreseni blatu. POGLAVJE 5 --- NAZAJ NA Bluegrass. Lekcija 1. Izboljšanje Rhythm Igranje. Brezplačne ptiček. Lekcija 2. Svinec Backup predvajanja. Brezplačne ptiček --- Lead Backup. Lekcija 3. Bluegrass Svinec --- Melodične Breaks. Brezplačne ptiček --- Melodic Break. Lekcija 4. Bluegrass Svinec --- improviziranih Breaks. Brezplačne ptiček --- improvizirane Break. POGLAVJE 6 --- dela do vratu. Lekcija 1. Premični Glavni Tehtnice. Ta Hammer je še vedno pretežka. Lekcija 2. Večjem obsegu Harmony Review. Lekcija 3. Dvojno zavoro --- 3rds. San Antonio Sunrise. Lekcija 4. Dvojno zavoro --- 6ths. Mandohula Sunset. Lekcija 5. Arpeggios --- velike, manjše in zmanjšala Triade. Sobotni večer v Gulag Arpeggio. Lekcija 6. Arpeggios --- Augmented Triade in sedmi Chords. Lekcija 7. Naravna molu in Relativna Minor. Toulouse Lautrec. POGLAVJE 7 --- blues in bluegrass Improv UP NECK. Lekcija 1. Premični Prevladujoči 7 akordi. Blues v moj Bee Bonnet. ali Čebele v moj Blue Bonnet. Lekcija 2. Manjše pentatonic Lestvica. Lekcija 3. Priključitev fingerings. Vam ne bo b-molu Forever. Lekcija 4. Major pentatonic Lestvica. Lekcija 5. Primerjanjem in združevanjem večjih in manjših pentatonic Zvoki. Ključ do High School --- Solo številka 1. Major pentatonic. Ključ do High School --- Solo številka 2. Manjše pentatonic. Ključ do High School --- Solo številka 3. Major in Minor pentatonic. POGLAVJE 8 --- TASTE OF SWING in jazza Mandolin. Lekcija 1. Swing Rhythm Igranje. Swing s palcema. Enostavno Rhythm akordi. Lekcija 2. Cool Swing Pesem --- Maj7, Min7 in 6. Swing s palcema. Cool Swing akordi. Lekcija 3. Melody in improvizacija. Swing s palcema. Melody. Poglavje 9 --- NEW ritmov in zvokov. Lekcija 1. Funk na mandolino. Ooh, da so nekateri Funky Mando. Lekcija 2. Žlebove New Orleans. Bo Diddley Man Blues. Lekcija 3. Reggae na mandolino. Kako A'You bo igral Dat Mando-Leen. POGLAVJE 10 --- TASTE Brazilije. Lekcija 1. Brazilski-Style Rhythm Igranje. Mandolin Jake. Akordi in Rhythm. Lekcija 2. Brazilski-Style Lead predvajanja. Mandolin Jake. Melody. POGLAVJE 1 --- WARM-UPS. Vaje za levo roko. Delovne Fingers v parih. Desnem Vaje. PRVI DEL --- HARMONIJA. POGLAVJE 2 --- POMEMBNA akordov. Razširjene Glavni akordi. Razširjene Manjše akordi. Razširjene Prevladujoči akordi. Zmanjšane 7. Pesem. Drugi pomembni akordi. Altered akordi. Chord Referenčni Charts. Iskanju drugih Voicings. POGLAVJE 3 --- akordov. Blues Obrazci. 8-Bar Blues. 12-Bar Blues. 16-Bar Blues. 1. Sprememba. 16-Bar Blues. 2. Sprememba. 24-Bar Blues. 12-Bar Blues v G. Skoraj čas. Blues Grass potepajo. Jazz --- Rhythm Spremembe. Ritem Spremembe. Osnovni. Ritem Spremembe --- Swing. Ritem Spremembe --- Bebop. Ritem Spremembe. Tritone Menjava. Anthromorphology. Kazensko Zadovoljstvo. Chord Menjava. Rollin 'v My Sweet Baby je orožje. Naravnost. Rollin 'v My Sweet Baby je orožje. Tritone Menjava. Rollin 'v My Sweet Baby je orožje. Manjše 3. Menjava. Rollin 'v My Sweet Baby je orožje. Dim7 Menjava. POGLAVJE 4 --- CHORD. MELODIJA. Mississippi Sawyer. Melody.
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