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St. John Passion. Johann Sebastian Bach. Choir sheet music. Piano and Keyboard sheet music. Viola da Gamba sheet music.


St John Passion. Johann Sebastian Bach. Zbor note. Klavir in klaviature note. Viola da gamba note.


St. John Passion. Version II. Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. 1685-1750. Edited by Peter Wollny. For SATBB soli, SATB choir, 2 flutes, 2 oboe. oboe d'amore. , 2 oboe da caccia, viola da gamba, 2 violin, viola, basso continuo. Stuttgart Urtext Edition. German title. Johannespassion 1725. Erganzg zu 31.245. 13. Passions, Lent and Passiontide. Viola part. Language. German. English. Composed 1725. BWV 245. 4 pages. Duration 120 minutes. Published by Carus Verlag. CA.3124563. With Language. German. English. Passions, Lent and Passiontide. The St. John Passion ranks alongside the St. Matthew Passion, the Christmas Oratorio, the Magnificat and the B minor Mass as one of the great vocal works from Johann Sebastian Bach's Leipzig years. In contrast to his other large-scale choral works, however, Bach never gave this work a definitive final form. Rather, for every performance he substantially revised the general concept of the piece and also changed numerous details. All previous editions of the St. John Passion have combined readings from various layers of sources and thus present the work in a form which was never heard during Bach's lifetime. Consequently, the wish often expressed by conductors to perform an authentic version by Bach could not be easily achieved. The present critical, new edition of the St. John Passion fulfills this wish and for the first time makes available the complete music of the second version of the work as it was performed under Bach's direction in 1725. Since a number of movements were replaced by others, including the opening chorus, this version differs most dramatically from the "standard" version which is well known today. Score available separately - see item CA.3124550.


St John Passion. Različica II. Sestavljajo Johanna Sebastiana Bacha. 1685-1750. Uredil Peter Wollny. Za SATBB soli, SATB zbor, 2 flavt, oboe 2. oboo d'amore. , Lov 2 oboa, viola da gamba, violina 2, viola, continuo. Stuttgart Urtext Edition. Nemški naslov. Johannespassion 1725. Erganzg do 31.245. 13. Strasti, Lent in Passiontide. Viola del. Jezik. Nemško. Angleščina. Sestavlja 1725. BWV 245. 4 strani. Trajanje 120 minut. Izdala Carus Verlag. CA.3124563. Z jezikom. Nemško. Angleščina. Strasti, Lent in Passiontide. St John Passion uvršča poleg St Matthew Passion, božič Oratorio, je Magnificat in B, manjše mase, kot enega od velikih vokalnih del iz Johanna Sebastiana Bacha v Leipzigu leta. Za razliko od svojih drugih velikih zborovskih del, pa Bach nikoli dal to delo dokončno končno obliko. Namesto tega za vsak nastop je bistveno spremenila splošni koncept kosa in prav tako spremenila številne podrobnosti. Vse prejšnje izdaje St John Passion združili branja iz različnih plasti virov in tako predstavila delo v obliki, ki ni bila nikoli slišal v času Bachovega življenja. Zato je želja, ki jih vodniki pogosto izražene izvesti verodostojna Bach ni mogoče doseči brez težav. Navzoči kritični, nova izdaja St John Passion izpolnjuje to željo in se prvič daje na razpolago celotno glasbo drugi različici dela, kot je bila izvedena v okviru Bachovega smer leta 1725. Ker je bilo število premikov nadomestiti z drugimi, vključno z odprtjem refren, ta različica najbolj dramatično razlikuje od "standardnih" različico, ki je dobro znana danes. Rezultat na voljo ločeno - glej točko CA.3124550.
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