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First Class - In Concert. Jacob De Haan. Beginning.


First Class - In Concert. Jacob De Haan. Začetek.


First Class - In Concert. Beginning Band - Grade 1.5 - B Flat Clarinet - B Flat Part 3a. Composed by Jacob De Haan. For Concert Band. De Haske Concert Band. Grade 1.5. 16 pages. De Haske Publications #1002037. Published by De Haske Publications. HL.44003534. ISBN 9043109436. 9x12 inches. As the name suggests, the series First Class contains compositions for the first group lessons which, despite their easy grade, are first class pieces. First Class offers numerous possibilities for ensemble playing. Special attention is given to the range of each part, so that as many different instruments as possible can play the pieces together. This means almost any combination of instruments is possible, from a quartet to a full concert band. All pieces also contain optional percussion parts. In Concert is a collection of small pieces composed by Jacob de Haan. As the title indicates, this part of the First Class series can be used to make up a concert program. With melodious titles such as March Along, Beetle Blues , and House Party , success is something you can count on. Contents. March Along. Beetle Blues. House Party. Quick Time. Slow Motion. Czardas. Farmhouse Rock. Soul Ballad. English Waltz. Sunny Samba. Rhythm & Blues. Close Finish.


First Class - In Concert. Začetek Band - Razred 1.5 - B Flat klarinet - B Flat Del 3a. Sestavljajo ga Jacob De Haan. Za Concert Band. De Haske Concert Band. Razred 1.5. 16 strani. Де Haske Публикации. Izdala De Haske publikacije. HL.44003534. ISBN 9043109436. 9x12 cm. Kot že ime pove, serija First Class vsebuje skladbe za lekcije prvih skupin, ki so kljub temu, da enostavno razredu, so prvi kosi razred. First Class ponuja številne možnosti za igranje ansambla. Posebna pozornost je namenjena razponu od vsakega dela, tako da se lahko toliko različnih instrumentov, kot je mogoče igrati koščke. To pomeni, da je skoraj vsaka kombinacija instrumentov je mogoče, iz kvarteta do polne koncertne pasu. Vsi kosi vsebuje tudi izbirne dele tolkalske. V Koncert je zbirka majhnih skladb, ki jih Jacob de Haan. Kot je razvidno iz naslova, lahko ta del serije First Class je treba uporabiti, da bi v koncertni program. Z melodičnimi naslovov kot marca naprej, Beetle Blues in House Party, uspeh je nekaj, kar se lahko zanesete. Vsebina. Marš Skupaj. Beetle Blues. House Party. Quick Time. Slow Motion. Čardaš. Kmetije Rock. Soul Ballad. Angleški valček. Sunny Samba. Ritem. Zapri Finish.
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