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Popular Hymns, Level 1. James Bastien. Piano Method sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music. Beginning.


Priljubljena Hvalnice, Level 1. James Bastien. Piano Metoda note. Piano Solo note. Začetek.


Popular Hymns, Level 1 composed by James Bastien. For piano. Bastien Supplementary Books. Bastien Piano. Hymns. Sacred, Hymns. Level 1. Music Book. Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.WP227. ISBN 849793130. Sacred, Hymns. Each level contains a stirring variety of sacred music -- ideal for sharing with family and friends, or for Sunday School activities. Duet parts are included for many Primer Level and Level selections. Correlated with Bastien Piano Basics, can be used with any beginning piano method. Songs include Faith of Our Fathers, Jesus Loves Me. Primer. Jesus Loves the Little Children, When the Saints Go Marching In. Level 1. Amazing Grace, Battle Hymn of the Republic. Level 2. In the Sweet By and By, A Mighty Fortress is Our God. Level 3. , and more. Level 1. All Things Bright and Beautiful. Come, Thou Almighty King. Holy. Holy. Holy. I Would Be True. Holy Bible, Book Divine. Jesus, Lover of My Soul. Jesus Loves The Little Children. Now Thank We All Our God. When The Saints Go Marching In. God's Watching Over Us. Easter Hymn. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee.


Popular Hvalnice, Level 1 sestavljajo James Bastien. Za klavir. Bastien Dodatne Knjige. Bastien Piano. Hvalnice. Svete, Hvalnice. Level 1. Glasba Book. Izdala Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.WP227. ISBN 849793130. Svete, Hvalnice. Vsaka stopnja vsebuje mešanja različnih sakralne glasbe - idealno za izmenjavo z družino in prijatelji, ali verouku dejavnosti. Duet deli so vključeni v številne izbore Primer raven in. Korelaciji z Bastien Piano Basics, se lahko uporablja s katerim koli metodo, ki se začne s klavirjem. Pesmi vključujejo vero naših očetov, Jesus Loves Me. Prva. Jesus Loves Otročiči, ko Saints Go Marching In. Level 1. Amazing Grace, Battle Hymn Republike. Raven 2. V Sweet Z in Z, Mighty Fortress je naš Bog. Stopnja 3. , In bolj. Level 1. Vse stvari, svetle in lepe. Daj no, ti vsemogočni kralju. Sveti. Sveti. Sveti. Jaz bi veljalo. Sveto pismo, Knjiga Divine. Jezus, Lover of My Soul. Jesus Loves The Little Children. Zdaj Hvala bogu, smo vse. Ko Saints Go Marching V. Božji bdi nad nami. Velikonočne pesmi. Joyful, Joyful, častimo Thee.