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Celtic Fiddle Tunes for Solo and Ensemble - Cello, Bass. Craig Duncan. Cello sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Beginning.
Celtic dren Tunes za Solo Ensemble - violončelo, Bass. Craig Duncan. Violončelo note. Klavirsko spremljavo note. Začetek.
Celtic Fiddle Tunes for Solo and Ensemble - Cello, Bass. Piano Accompaniment Included. Composed by Craig Duncan. For Cello. Saddle-stitched, Ensemble. Mixed. Celtic. Irish. Beginning-Intermediate. Book. 80 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.99638. ISBN 9780786660841. Celtic. Irish. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. This collection contains 14 arrangements of 22 traditional tunes from Ireland and Scotland in a variety of styles including jigs, reels, hornpipes, slip jigs, strathspeys, waltzes and airs. The harmonies are written so that various combinations from solo instrument with piano, to duets and trios, to full string quartet. orchestra are possible. The cello book includes melody. solo. cello, cello harmony, bass and piano accompaniment. All of the Celtic Tunes for Solo and Ensemble books. Violin, Viola and Cello. Bass. are written as ensemble books, so they can be played as solo books or together as ensemble. Danny Boy. Garry Owen - Merrily Kiss the Quaker. Give Me Your Hand. Guilderoy - Red- Haired Boy. Harvest Home - Chief O'Neill's Favorite. Irish Washerwoman - Swallowtail Jig. Miss Mcleod's Reel. Scotland the Brave. Sporting Paddy - St. Ruth's Bush. The Blarney Pilgrim - The Kesh Jig. The Laird o'Drumblair - Angus Campbell. The Mist Covered Mountain. The Rocky Road to Dublin - Dublin Streets. Will Ye No Come Back Again.
Celtic dren Tunes za Solo Ensemble - violončelo, Bass. Klavirsko spremljavo Vključeno. Sestavljajo ga Craig Duncan. Za violončelo. Sedlo žico, ansambel. Mixed. Celtic. Irski. Začetek-Intermediate. Knjiga. 80 strani. Izdala Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.99638. ISBN 9780786660841. Celtic. Irski. 8,75 x 11,75 cm. Ta zbirka vsebuje 14 priredbe 22 tradicionalnih napevov iz Irske in Škotske v različnih stilov, vključno šablone, koluti, hornpipes, drsnih vzorcev, strathspeys, valčkov in airs. Harmonije so napisani tako, da različne kombinacije iz solo instrument, s klavirjem, v duetih in triov, do polne godalni kvartet. Orkester je možno. Violončelo Knjiga vključuje melodijo. samo. violončelo, violončelo harmonija, bas in klavirsko spremljavo. Vse keltskih Tunes za Solo in Ensemble knjig. Violino, violo in violončelo. Bass. so napisana kot ensemble knjig, tako da se lahko igra kot solo knjig ali skupaj kot ansambel. Danny Boy. Garry Owen - Veselo Poljubi Quaker. Podaj mi roko. Guilderoy - rdečelasi Boy. Harvest Home - glavni O'Neilla Favorite. Irski Washerwoman - Swallowtail Jig. Miss McLeod je Roll. Scotland Brave. Sporting Paddy - St Ruth Bush. Blarney Pilgrim - Kesh Jig. Laird o'Drumblair - Angus Campbell. Mist Pokrita Mountain. Rocky Road Dublin - Dublin Streets. Bo Ye Ni prišel nazaj.