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Children, Go Where I Send Thee. Elizabeth Alexander. Choir sheet music. Soprano Voice sheet music. Tenor Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Beginning.


Otroci, Go Kje Pošlji Thee. Elizabeth Alexander. Zbor note. Soprano Voice note. Tenor Voice note. Voice Solo note. Klavirsko spremljavo note. Začetek.


Children, Go Where I Send Thee. African-American Spiritual. Arranged by Elizabeth Alexander. For Children's Choir and Piano. SA choir. children's choir. , soprano voice. tenor voice soloist and piano. Junior. Youth Choir, Concert Music, Church Choir-Anthem. Church Choir-Seasonal-Christmas, Sacred. Worship & Praise. , Choral, Spirituals. Gospel. Easy. Octavo. Text language. English. Duration 3 minutes. Published by Seafarer Press. SF.SEA-018-00. With Text language. English. Church Choir-Seasonal-Christmas, Sacred. Worship & Praise. , Choral, Spirituals. Gospel. This clever arrangement of "Children, Go Where I Send Thee" is presented as a dialogue between an adult soloist and children's choir. A colorful accompaniment, delightful piano interludes, a little thigh-slapping, and a brief foray into musical punsmanship make for a Christmas treat. Composer's Note. When I sang this song to my own children - during long car rides, or while they were waiting for dinner to be ready - I sang the "real" lyrics when I could remember them, and unabashedly made up my own words when I could not. But when I decided to arrange this song for treble choir, I found that there were many different versions of this song, and I had to make some conscious choices. In the spirit of oral tradition, some of these verses are traditional, and some are original. Verses 1-3. These first three verses are pretty standard. Although my son Oliver has been known to sing. one for the little Beanie Baby. Verse 4. Although one popular version says. "four for the four come a-knockin' at the door," I chose to save that most catchy rhythm for Verse 8, where it provides an opportunity for a surprising interlude. Verse 5. This verse I came up with on my own. Since "four gospel preachers" refers to the first four books in the New Testament, I decided to have the five "ancient stories" refer to the first five books in the Old Testament, often called the "Pentateuch. " Verse 6. It seems so natural to link "six" with the points on the Star of David, also called the "Jewish Star", that I only tentatively assert that I'm the first to come up with this verse. Verse 7. Verse 7 is always "the seven who went to heaven. " Case closed. Verse 8. Who knows who the eight are who "come a-knocking at the gate". I don't think anyone knows for sure. What I do know is this. it's the funnest verse to sing. Verse 9. This verse is standard, too, though it's not clear to me what sign "the nine" saw. Ask your young singers to use their imaginations. What might the sign have said. Behold. Be Not Afraid. Question Authority. Verse 10. There were several possibilities for the final verse, but in the end I decided to use one I wrote myself, since I know of few things more valuable in a religious life than "trying again. " So there you have it. Have fun. Range. Soprano. d'-f '' , Alto. d'-c" Text. Children, go where I send thee. How shall I send thee. I'm gonna send thee one by one. One for the little bitty baby Wrapped in swaddling clothing Lying in a manger Born, born, oh born in Bethlehem. I'm gonna send thee two by two. Two for Joseph and Mary, I'm gonna send thee three by three. Three for the three old wise men, I'm gonna send thee four by four. Four for the gospel preachers, I'm gonna send thee five by five. Five for the ancient stories, I'm gonna send thee six by six. Six for the star of David, I'm gonna send thee seven by seven. Seven for the seven who went to heaven, I'm gonna send thee eight by eight. Eight for the eight come a-knockin' at the gate, I'm gonna send thee nine by nine. Nine for the nine who saw the sign, I'm gonna send thee ten by ten. Ten for the ten who tried again.


Otroci, Go Kje Pošlji Thee. Afriško-ameriški Duhovna. Uredil Elizabeth Alexander. Za otroški zbor in klavir. SA zbor. otroški pevski zbor. , Sopran glas. tenor glas solist in klavir. Junior. Mladinski pevski zbor, koncert glasba, Cerkev zbor-Anthem. Cerkev zbor-Sezonsko-Božič, Sacred. Bogoslužje. , zborovske, duhovnih. Gospel. Easy. Osma. Besedilo jezik. Angleščina. Trajanje 3 minute. Izdala pomorščak Press. SF.SEA-018-00. Z besedilom jeziku. Angleščina. Cerkev zbor-Sezonsko-Božič, Sacred. Bogoslužje. , zborovske, duhovnih. Gospel. Ta pameten dogovor o "Otroci, pojdite Kje Pošlji Thee", je predstavljen kot dialog med odraslo solist in otroški zbor. Barvita spremljava, čudovito klavir interludes, malo stegna-klofutanje in kratek plenilec v glasbeni punsmanship da za božič zdravljenje. Skladateljeva Note. Ko sem pela to pesem za moje otroke - na dolgih vožnjah avto, ali pa so čakali na večerjo, da bi bila pripravljena - sem pel "pravi" pesmi, ko bi jih lahko spomnite, in unabashedly sestavljen moje besede, ko nisem mogla. Toda, ko sem se odločil, da poskrbi za to pesem violinskem zbor, sem ugotovila, da je bilo veliko različic te pesmi, in sem moral narediti nekaj ozaveščeni izbiri. V duhu ustnega izročila, nekateri od teh verzih so tradicionalna, in nekateri so original. Verzi 1-3. Ti prvi trije verzi so precej standard. Čeprav je bil moj sin Oliver je znano, da pojejo. ena za malega Beanie Baby. Verse 4. Čeprav je ena priljubljena različica pravi,. "Štiri za štiri pridejo-Knockin 'pri vratih," sem se odločil, da razen, da je najbolj privlačen ritem za verz 8, kjer je priložnost za presenetljivo medigra. Verz 5. Ta verz sem prišel z živim sam. Ker se "štiri gospel pridigarji" se nanaša na prvih štirih knjig v Novi zavezi, sem se odločil, da je pet "starodavne zgodbe" se nanaša na prvih pet knjig v Stari zavezi, pogosto imenovana "Pentatevha. "Verse 6. Zdi se tako naravno povezavo "šest" s točkami na Davidovo zvezdo, imenovano tudi "judovsko zvezdo", da sem samo okvirno trditi, da sem prvi prišel gor s tem verzu. Verz 7. Verz 7 je vedno "sedem, ki so šli v nebesa. "Primer zaključen. Verz 8. Kdo ve, kdo je osem, ki "pridejo, trkanje na vrata". Ne verjamem, da kdo ve zagotovo. Kar vem je to. to je funnest verz, da pojejo. Verz 9. Ta verz je standardna, preveč, čeprav je ni mi jasno, kaj znak "devet" žaga. Vprašajte svoje mlade pevce, da uporabljajo svoje domišljijo. Kaj bi lahko bili znak dejal. Evo. Ne bojte se!. Organ vprašanje. Verz 10. Bilo je več možnosti za končni verz, ampak na koncu sem se odločil, da uporabite enega sem sam napisal, ker vem nekaj stvari bolj dragocena v verskem življenju kot "ponovno poskuša. "Torej, tam ga imate. Have fun. Območje. Soprano. d'-f'', Alto. d'-c "Besedilo. Otroci, tja, kjer sem te poslati. Kako naj ti pošljejo. Jaz tebe bodo poslali enega za drugim. Ena za malega majčkeni dojenček zavit v Swaddling oblačila položeno v jasli Born, rojen, oh rojen v Betlehemu. Jaz tebe bodo poslali po dva. Dva za Jožefa in Marije, bom tebe poslali tri za tri. Tri za tri starih modrecev, bom tebe poslali štiri s štiri. Štiri za evangelij pridigarjev, bom tebe poslali pet za pet. Pet za starodavne zgodbe, bom poslati tebi šest pa šest. Šest za Davidovo zvezdo, bom tebe poslali sedem za sedem. Sedem za sedem, ki je šel v nebesa, bom tebe poslali osem krat osem. Osem za osem pridejo-Knockin 'pri vratih, jaz tebe bodo poslali devet krat devet. Devet za devet, ki je videl znak, bom tebe poslali deset do desetih. Deset za deseterico, ki se ponovno poskusil.
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