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We Wait for Thee. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.Prevod
Čakamo na tebi. Zbor note. Klavirsko spremljavo note.Originalno
We Wait for Thee composed by Victor C. Johnson. For SATB choir, piano. with optional cello. Sacred Anthem, Advent. Octavo. Published by Lorenz Publishing Company. LO.10-4016L. Dramatic, moving, lovely. These are just a few words that describe this stirring Victor C. Johnson original. After opening with soli sections for women and men, the texture gradually builds to a magnificent peak before closing in quiet anticipation of the coming of the Savior. An optional cello part adds to the warmth of the flowing accompaniment.Prevod
Čakamo tebe sestavljena Victor C. Johnson. Za SATB pevski zbor, klavir. z opcijskim violončelo. Sacred Anthem, Advent. Osma. Izdala Lorenz Publishing. LO.10-4016L. Dramatičen, premikanje, ljubko. To je le nekaj besed, ki opisujejo to mešanjem Victor C. Johnson izvirnik. Po odprtju pri soli oddelke za ženske in moške, tekstura postopoma gradi na veličastni vrh pred zaprtjem v tihem pričakovanju prihod odrešenika. Neobvezno violončelo del dodaja toplino tekoče spremljave.Največkrat iskano