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Frank Sinatra Anthology - Volume 2. Frank Sinatra. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.


Frank Sinatra Anthology - Volume 2. Frank Sinatra. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Kitara note.


Frank Sinatra Anthology - Volume 2 by Frank Sinatra. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Artist Songbook. Softcover. 400 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.307065. ISBN 1423481313. 9x12 inches. 100 more favorites performed by the Chairman of the Board, with no duplication from the first volume. Songs include. All Alone. Almost like Being in Love. Blue Skies. Cheek to Cheek. Fly Me to the Moon. I Won't Dance. Let's Face the Music and Dance. Makin' Whoopee. My Blue Heaven. Pennies from Heaven. Somethin' Stupid. This Love of Mine. Where or When. You're Nobody 'til Somebody Loves You. and many more. I Get Along Without You Very Well. Except Sometimes. Azure-Te. Paris Blues. Goodbye. All Alone. All My Tomorrows. The One I Love. Belongs To Somebody Else. Almost Like Being In Love. From This Moment On. Somebody Loves Me. Maybe You'll Be There. Anything Goes. Secret Love. The Last Dance. Sand and Sea. Autumn Leaves. Where Are You. Change Partners. To Love And Be Loved. Lover. Blame It On My Youth. Don'cha Go 'Way Mad. Blue Skies. For Once In My Life. Body And Soul. Sleep Warm. Old Devil Moon. If I Had You. I Could Have Danced All night. We Kiss In A Shadow. Ol' Man River. I Love My Wife. Can't We Be Friends. Cheek To Cheek. There Will Never Be Another You. September Song. It Had To Be You. The Continental. The End Of A Love Affair. A Fine Romance. Fly Me to the Moon. In Other Words. Glad To Be Unhappy. Here's That Rainy Day. How Insensitive. Insensatez. I Concentrate On You. I Guess I'll Have To Change My Plan. I Love Paris. I Wish You Love. I Won't Dance. I'll Remember April. I'm Glad There Is You. In This World Of Ordinary People. In The Cool, Cool, Cool Of The Evening. Isle Of Capri. It Could Happen To You. It's Easy To Remember. It's only a Paper Moon. Jeepers Creepers. Last Night When We Were Young. Laura. Let's Face The Music And Dance. Love Is Here To Stay. A Lovely Way To Spend An Evening. Makin' Whoopee. Meditation. Meditacao. Moon River. The Moon Was Yellow. And The Night Was Young. Moonlight in Vermont. My Blue Heaven. The Nearness Of You. The Night We Called It A Day. Oh. What It Seemed To Be. On The Sunny Side Of The Street. Pennies from Heaven. Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars. Corcovado. S'posin'. Send in the Clowns. Softly As I Leave You. Somethin' Stupid. Stardust. Swingin' Down The Lane. That Old Black Magic. They Say It's Wonderful. The Things We Did Last Summer. This Love Of Mine. Violets For Your Furs. Wait Till You See Her. Wave. What'll I Do. What's New. When You're Smiling. The Whole World Smiles With You. Where Or When. Wives And Lovers. Hey, Little Girl. Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams. And Dream Your Troubles Away. You And The Night And The Music. Yes Indeed. You're Getting To Be A Habit With Me. You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You. You're Sensational. Somewhere Along The Way. Days Of Wine And Roses. Fools Rush In. Where Angels Fear To Tread.


Frank Sinatra Anthology - Volume 2 by Frank Sinatra. Za klavir. Vocal. Kitara. Načrt. Vocal. Kitara Artist Songbook. Mehko prekrivalo. 400 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.307065. ISBN 1423481313. 9x12 cm. 100 več favoritov, ki jih je predsednik uprave opravljene, brez podvajanja od prvega volumna. Pesmi vključuje. All Alone. Skoraj kot Biti v ljubezni. Blue Skies. Lici. Fly Me to the Moon. Ne bo Dance. Let's Face the Music and Dance. Makin 'Whoopee. My Blue Heaven. Penijev iz nebes. Somethin 'Stupid. To Love of Mine. Kje in kdaj. Si Nihče til You Nekdo Loves. in še veliko več. I Get Along Without You Zelo dobro. Razen Včasih. Modro-Te. Paris Blues. Goodbye. All Alone. Vsi moji jutrišnji. One I Love. Pripada nekomu drugemu. Almost Like Being In Love. Od tega trenutka dalje. Nekdo Loves Me. Morda boste Be There. Anything Goes. Secret Ljubezen. Last Dance. Pesek in morje. Autumn Leaves. Kje ste. Spremeni Partnerji. Da ljubiti in biti ljubljeni. Lover. Blame It On My mladino. Don'cha go "način Mad. Blue Skies. Za enkrat v mojem življenju. Telo in duša. Spati Warm. Old Devil Moon. Če sem te. Lahko bi plesali vso noč. Mi Poljub v senco. Ol 'Man River. I Love My Wife. Ne moremo biti prijatelji. Lici. Nikoli ne bo Drug You. September Song. To vam moral biti. Continental. End Of Love Affair. Fine Romance. Fly Me to the Moon. Z drugimi besedami:. Vesel sem, da Nezadovoljen. Tukaj je to Rainy Day. Kako Neobčutljivost. Smiselnost. Bom osredotočil na vas. Mislim, da bom moral spremeniti svoj načrt. I Love Paris. I Wish You Love. Ne bo Dance. Zapomnil si bom april. Vesel sem, da There Is You. V tem svetu navadnih ljudi. V The Cool, Cool, cool večera. Isle Of Capri. Lahko se zgodi, da vas. To je enostavno zapomniti. To je le Paper Moon. Jeepers Creepers. Last Night When We Were Young. Laura. Soočimo se glasba in ples. Love Is Here To Stay. Lovely način, da preživijo večer. Makin 'Whoopee. Meditacija. Meditacao. Moon River. Moon Was Yellow. In noč je bila mlada. Moonlight v Vermontu. My Blue Heaven. Bližina Of You. Noč smo Called It Day. Oh. Kaj se je zdelo, da je. Na sončni strani ulice. Penijev iz nebes. Tihe noči tiho Zvezde. Grbavec. S'posin ". Pošlji v Clowns. Softly Kot sem pustil. Somethin 'Stupid. Stardust. Swingin 'Down Lane. That Old Black Magic. Pravijo, da je čudovito. Stvari smo naredili Last Summer. To Love Of Mine. Vijolice For Your Furs. Počakaj, da vidiš Her. Val. Kaj mi je storiti. Kaj je novega. Ko se smejiš. Whole World Smiles With You. Kje in kdaj. Žene in ljubitelje. Hej, deklica. Ovijte svoje težave v sanjah. In Dream vaše težave Away. You And Night And The Music. Ja res. Ste Getting Habit With Me. Si Nihče Til You Nekdo Loves. Si Senzacionalna. Nekje na poti. Dnevi vina in vrtnic. Fools Rush In. Kje Angels Fear stopiti.
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