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Collection. David Lanz. Piano Solo sheet music. Intermediate.


Zbiranje. David Lanz. Piano Solo note. Vmesna.


Collection composed by David Lanz. For Piano. Keyboard. Piano Solo Personality. New Age. SMP Level 7. Late Intermediate. Songbook. 104 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.308126. ISBN 0793512182. New Age. 9x12 inches. 4 to 5-note chords in both hands and scales in octaves in both hands. Behind The Waterfall. Desert Rain Medley. Coronet Chop Suey. The Crane. Dancing On The. Berlin. wall. Dark Horse. Dream Of Forgotten Child. Escapades Of Pan. Firedance. Free Fall. Madre De La Tierra. Prelude To The Dance. Return To The Heart. The Setting Of Two Suns. Vesuvius. Wings To Altair.


Zbiranje sestavljajo David Lanz. Za klavir. Tipkovnica. Piano Solo Osebnost. New Age. SMP Raven 7. Pozna Intermediate. Songbook. 104 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.308126. ISBN 0793512182. New Age. 9x12 cm. 4. in 5.-note akordi v obeh rokah in lestvic v oktavah v obeh rokah. Behind The Slap. Desert Rain Medley. Coronet Chop Suey. Žerjav. Dancing On. Berlin. stena. Dark Horse. Dream pozabljenih otrok. Pobegi vseevropskih. Firedance. Free Fall. Mati Zemlja. Prelude na ples. Return To The Heart. Nastavitev dveh sonc. Vezuv. Wings na Altair.
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