Partiture $50.00
Shockwave. Grade 2.
Shockwave. Razred 2.
Shockwave composed by Jason K. Nitsch. For concert band. FJH Young Band. Grade 2. Score and parts. Duration 2 minutes. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc. FJ.B1588. Feel the sonic boom race away from the epicenter of the blast and flood your concert hall with fury and excitement. This dynamic and heart-pounding tour de force will energize young musicians everywhere as they power up and shake the foundation. Explosive. 00. Appropriate for middle school and smaller high school groups. Second clarinets usually stay below the break. Parts are written with more independence, and instrumentation increases slightly. There is still adequate doubling in the lower voices. Grades 2 - 2.5.
Shockwave composed by Jason K. Nitsch. Za koncert pasu. FJH Young Band. Razred 2. Rezultat in deli. Trajanje 2 minuti. Objavila FJH Music Company Inc. FJ.B1588. Feel the sonic boom race away from the epicenter of the blast and flood your concert hall with fury and excitement. This dynamic and heart-pounding tour de force will energize young musicians everywhere as they power up and shake the foundation. Eksplozivno. 00. Primerno za srednje šole in manjših visoke šolske skupine. Drugi klarineti običajno ostanejo pod počitek. Deli so napisana z več neodvisnosti in instrumentacije pa nekoliko. Še vedno je primerna za združevanje v nižjih glasove. Stopenj 2-2,5.