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Concert and Contest Collections. solo C Flute. Flute sheet music.


Koncert in tekmovanja Zbirke. solo C Flute. Flavta note.


Concert and Contest Collections. solo C Flute. Solo Part. For Flute. Concert Band Method. Solo Collection. Rubank. Classical. Instrumental solo book. 24 pages. Rubank Publications #RUBL145A. Published by Rubank Publications. HL.4471610. ISBN 1423445201. Classical. 9x12 inches. A top-rated collection of solo literature offering each instrument a variety that is simply superb. A very high percentage of the solos in these books are included on various state contest lists. Piano accompaniments published separately. Andalouse, op. 20. Bergamask. Flight of the Bumblebee from 'The Legend of Czar Sultan'. Gavotte. Meneut and Spirit Dance form 'Orpheus'. Meneut from L'Arlesienne Suite No. 2. Pan. Pastorale. Polonaise and Badinerie from Suite in B minor. Romance, op. 41. Scherzino, Op. 5, No. 6. Serenade. Serenade, Op. 3. Siciliana and Giga from Sonata V. Valse Gracieuse, Op. 261, No. 2.


Koncert in tekmovanja Zbirke. solo C Flute. Part One. Za flavto. Concert Band Metoda. Solo Collection. Rubank. Klasična. Instrumental solo knjiga. 24 strani. Rubank Публикации. HL.4471610. ISBN 1423445201. Klasična. 9x12 cm. Top-rated zbirka solo literature ponuja vsak instrument sorto, ki je preprosto odličen. Zelo visok odstotek samospevov v teh knjigah so vključeni na različnih državnih seznamih nagrad. Klavirskih spremljav objavljen ločeno. Andalouse, op. 20. Bergamask. Flight of the Bumblebee od "The Legend of car Sultan". Gavotte. Meneut in Spirit Dance oblika "Orfej". Meneut L'Arlesienne Suite No 2. Kruh. Pastoralno. Poloneza in Badinerie iz Suite v h-molu. Romance, op. 41. Scherzino, op 5, številka 6. Serenade. Serenade, op. 3. Siciliana in Giga od Sonata V.. Valse Gracieuse, op. 261, št 2.
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