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Complete Fiddling Book. Craig Duncan. Fiddle sheet music. Violin sheet music. Advanced.


Complete poigraval Book. Craig Duncan. Gosli note. Violina note. Napredno.


Complete Fiddling Book composed by Craig Duncan. For Fiddle. Perfect binding, Solos. Complete. All Styles. Intermediate-Advanced. Book. DVD Set. 208 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.94367DP. ISBN 9780786672141. All Styles. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. Mel Bay's Complete Fiddling Book is a compilation of arrangements of traditional tunes by several outstanding practitioners of the art of fiddle playing. Craig Duncan, Bill Guest, Dave Reiner, Frank Zucco, and Joe Castle. From The Arkansas Traveler to The Yellow Rose of Texas, over 300 colorful fiddle tunes populated this book's 205 pages. Scant on text or historical notes, but long on musical content, the Complete Fiddling Book is a great resource for any fiddler or teacher in search of a delightful, toe-tapping repertoire. Although most of the tunes are written for solo fiddle, the last ten pieces are arranged as fiddle duets. A masterful solo collection presenting a vivid assortment of fiddling styles and repertoire. On the companion DVD, fiddler Craig Duncan and guitarist Robert Bowlin perform 34 favorite tunes which are played at a slow and medium tempo to demonstrate many fiddling techniques. Split-screen filming features close-up angles of both the left hand and the bow. This DVD is the perfect companion to the Complete Fiddling Book, bringing the teacher right into your living room. Compilation of arrangements of traditional tunes. Over 300 colorful fiddle tunes populate the 205 pages. Most for solo fiddle, but the last ten pieces are arranged as fiddle duets. Intermediate to advanced in difficulty. Split-screen companion DVD of 34 tunes performed by Craig Duncan and guitarist Robert Bowlin. Allie Crocker. Andy. Andy The Dandy. Angus Campbell. Anne Murray's Jig. Anniversary Schottische, The. Appalachian Fling. Ariel, The. Arkansas Traveler. Atkins Polka No. 1. Atkins Polka No. 2. Atkins Polka No. 3. Atkins Polka No. 4. Atkins Polka No. 5. Atlantic Polka No. 1, The. Away Back. B is for Bluegrass. Back Up And Push. Baddeck Reel. Ballad to the Mountain Men, A. Banks Of Newfoundland. Barn Door Jig, the. Beaux Of Oak Hill. Becky's Jig. Bee's Wing, The. Bell's Favorite. Belledune Quickstep, The. Ben Gay. Big Chief. Big-Eared Mule, The. Big John McNeil. Bill Cheatham. Billy In The Low Ground. Billy In The Lowland. Birch Reel. Bitter Creek. Blackberry Blossom. Blackberry Quadrille. Blue Mountain Waltz. Blue Star Hornpipe, The. Bonaparte's Retreat. Bonnie Doon Schottische. Bosco Thompson. Bowin' The Fiddle. Boys from the West, The. Break Your Neck. Broken Chord Jig. Buckwheat Batter. Buffalo Girls. Bumble Bee In A Hollow Log. butcher's Dog, The. Butcher's Row, The. By The Fire-Side. By-Gone Days Waltz. Cajun Cookin'. Caledonia Jig. Cape Breton Jig. Cape Islander Jig. Captain Jinks. Captain White. Carnival, The. Cattle In The Cane. Centennial Waltz, The. Chamberlain, The. Charlie Hunter's Jig. Charlie Mac. Chatagee, The. Chicken In The Hay. Chicken Polka. Chicken Reel. Chicken Scratch. Chicken Stampede. Churning Butter. Clara. Coldstream Jig. Cole Harbour Jig. Coleraine. Cooley's Reel. Cotton-Eyed Joe. Cowboy's Farewell. Cowboy's Reel, The. Cripple Creek. Croakin' Frog Jig. Daisy. Dashing White Sergeant, The. Dawn, The. Day We Paid the Rent, The. Devil's Dream, The. Dominion Reel. Double Shuffle, The. Drowsy Maggie. Dry River, The. Dumphrie's House, The. Durang's Hornpipe, Or Wobble Gears. Dusty Miller. East Tennessee Blues. Easy Way, The. Eighth Of January. Elizabethan Schottische. Fair-Haired Lassies. Falling Off A Log. Fargo, The. Farmer, The. Farmer's Jamboree. Father Murphy. Father O'Flynn. Father's Reel. Fiddle Head Reel. Fiddler's Reel, The. Fiddler's Three. Fiddler's Two-Step. Fiddling Phil. Filoro. Finger Schottische. Fire On The Mountain. First Western Change. Fisher's Hornpipe. Flowers of Edinburgh. Foresters, The. Forked Deer. Fourth Of July. Fred Wilson's Clog. Fundy, The. Garry Owen. Georgian Bay Jig. Give the Fiddlers a Dram. Goin' Up The River. Golden Eagle Hornpipe. Golden Rooster, The. Golden Slippers. Golden Wedding Reel, The. Goose Feathers. Grape-Vine Twist. Green Mountain Boy. Greensleeves Jig. Griffin, The. Growling Old Man and Old Woman, The. Halfpenny Reel, The. Halifax Harbor Two-Step. Handsome Plowboy, The. Handy Man, The. Happy Day Hornpipe. Happy Hollow Hornpipe. Happy Jack. Harvest Home. Harvest Waltz. Harvey, The. Haste to the Wedding. Hen Cackle, The. Hi-Lo Schottische. High Level, The. High Reel. Highland Schottische, The. Hijacker's Stomp. Hogs In The Corn. Home with the Girls in the Morning. Honest John. Honeymoon. Honeysuckle Schottische. Hornless Cow, The. Hornpipe For Samoyeds. Hounds In The Hallow. Huck Finn. Illinois Cotillion. Indian Summer. Irish Stew. Irish Washerwoman. Iron Wooden Shovel, The. Jack Cameron. Jack Don't. Jack Wood, The. Jacket Trimmed in Blue, The. Jacques Cartier. Jamie Hardie. Janet Beaton. Jelly Roll Breakdown. Jerome's Farewell. Jock Tamson's Hornpipe. Joys Of Wedlock. Keep A Whettin' On The Point. Kesh Jig. Kiley's Reel. Kitchen, The. Knocking At The Door. Lady Gardiner's Reel. Lamplighter's Hornpipe. Larry O Gaff. Lauterbach Waltz. Lazy Kate. Leather Britches. Leezie Lindsay. Leventine's Barrel. Liberty. Light House Reel. Little Black Moustache. Little Brown Jug Schottische. Liverpool Hornpipe. Log Cabin Waltz. London Hornpipe, The. Londonderry, The. Londonderry Air. Lonesome John. Long-Eared Mule, The. Lost Goose, The. Lost Indian. MacDonald's March, The. MacDougalls, The. Mackilmoyle, The. Major Mackie's Jig. Mama's Gone. Mamasita - Spanish Waltz. Maple Leaf Rag. Messenger, The. Minstrel's Fancy, The. Mississippi Sawyer. Money Musk, The. Month Of May Reel. Montreal. Moselle Twist. Mosquito On The Iceberg. Mother's Reel. Mouth of the Tobique, The. Murphy's Bird. New Autumn. New Brunswick, The. New Brunswick Hop, The. New York Hornpipe. Newcastle Hill. Nine Miles. North Shore. North Star Schottische. Norwegian, The. Nova Scotia, The. Ocean Waves. Old Blue. Old French. Old Joe Clark. Old Man and the Old Woman, The. Old Red Barn, The. Old Rose Waltz. Old Rosin The Beau. Old Sport. Old-Timer's Hornpipe. Old Zip Coon, Or Turkey In The Straw. On The Road To Boston. Opera Reel. Pacific Slope. Paddy On The Turnpike. Paddy Whack. Parrsboro Stomp. Parry Sound, The. Patronella. Pea Ridge. Pedestal, The. Peek-A-Boo Waltz. Pic And Cal. Pincushion. Pine Bud Jig. Plough Boy, The. Pointe-Au-Pic. Polk Salad. Pop Corn, The. Poppy, The. Pork And Beans. Porter's Lake Jig. Pound That Anvil. Prairie Schottische, The. Preacher Roe. Prince Albert. Princess Reel. Quebec, The. Raccoon's Tail. Rachel. Ragtime Annie Or Raggedy Ann. Rambler's Hornpipe. Red Fox Waltz. Red-Haired Boy, The. Little Beggar Man. Red Lion Hornpipe. Red River Valley. Red River Waltz. Red Wing. Reefer's Hornpipe. Reilly's Own. Rickett's Hornpipe. Ride The Ferry. To Mountain Grove. Rochester Schottische. Rocky Ground. Runaway Jig. Rustic Jig. Rustler's The. Sailor's, Or College Hornpipe. Sainte Agathe. St. Clair. Sally Ann. Sally Goodin' 85. Sally Johnson. Sarah-Ann Waltz. Saturday Night. Saturday Night Waltz. Savior, The. Say Old Man. Scenes From The Finland Woods. Scotland the Brave. Shannon's Fancy. Shenandoah. Shepherd's Wife, The. Shortnin' Bread. Si Bheag, Si Mhor. Silver And Gold Two-Step. Sir Roger De Coverly. Slightly Warm. Smash The Window. Snow Shoers, The. Snyder's Clock. Soldier's Joy. Spanish Waltz. Speed The Plough. Stack of Barley, The. Star of the County Down. Staten Island. Stone's Rag. Stranger At The Door. Strathbrook Schottische. Sugar In The Gourd, Or Indiana Hoe-Down. Sweet Brown-Eyed Girl. Tableau, The. Tableau Clog, The. Teika's Polka. Temperance Reel. Texas Schottische. Thunder Hornpipe. Tom And Jerry. Tommy Sullivan. Two-Day Fling. Uncle Joe. Uncle John. Victory. Vinton's Hornpipe. Violetta. Virginia Reel. Wabash Cannonball. Wagoner, The. Walker Street. Warm Stuff. Whalen's Breakdown. White Cockade, The. White Mountains, The. White River Stomp. Wild Goose on the Ocean, The. Woodchoppers, The. The Yellow Rose of Texas. Yodeling Fiddle, The. Yonder She Goes.


Popolno poigraval Knjiga sestavljajo Craig Duncan. Za dren. Popolna vezava, Solos. Complete. Vse Styles. Srednjega Napredno. Knjiga. DVD-Set. 208 strani. Izdala Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.94367DP. ISBN 9780786672141. Vse Styles. 8,75 x 11,75 cm. Mel Bay je poigraval Complete Knjiga je zbirka priredb tradicionalnih melodij, ki jih več odprtih praktikov umetnosti gosli igranje. Craig Duncan, Bill gost, Dave Reiner, Frank Zucco, in Joe grad. Od Arkansas Potnika na rumeno Rose of Texas, več kot 300 pisane dren melodije poseljena tej knjigi je 205 strani. Slaba na besedilo ali zgodovinske zapiske, ampak dolgo na glasbene vsebine, Complete poigraval Knjiga je odličen vir za vsako goslača ali učitelja v iskanju čudovito,-toe prisluškovanje repertoarja. Čeprav je večina skladb napisal za solo gosli, so v zadnjih desetih kosov urejen kot dren duetov. Mojstrsko zbirko solo predstavitvijo živo izbor poigraval stilov in repertoarja. Na spremljevalec DVD, goslača Craig Duncan in kitarist Robert Bowlin opravlja 34 najljubših skladb, ki so igrali v počasnem tempu in srednje dokazati številne tehnike poigraval. Split-screen snemanje funkcije close-up kotov tako na levi roki in lok. Ta DVD je idealen spremljevalec na Celotno poigraval knjigo, s čimer se je učitelj prav v vaši dnevni sobi. Kompilacija priredb tradicionalnih napevov. Več kot 300 pisane dren melodije zapolnijo 205 strani. Večina solo gosli, vendar v zadnjih deset kosov razporedijo kot dren dueti. Vmesni do naprednih v težavah. Split-screen spremljevalec DVD 34 pesmi, ki jih Craig Duncan in kitarist Robert Bowlin opravljenih. Allie Crocker. Andy. Andy Dandy. Angus Campbell. Anne Murray je Jig. Obletnica Schottische,. Appalachian romanca. Ariel,. Arkansas Traveler. Atkins Polka No 1. Atkins Polka No 2. Atkins Polka No 3. Atkins Polka No 4. Atkins Polka No 5. Atlantic Polka številka 1,. Gosti Nazaj. B je za Bluegrass. Back Up In Push. Baddeck Roll. Balada za Mountain Men, A. Banks Nove Fundlandije. Barn Door Jig,. Beaux Of Oak Hill. Becky Jig. Bee je Wing,. Bell Favorite. Belledune Quickstep,. Ben Gay. Big Chief. Big močvirsko Mule,. Big John McNeil. Bill Cheatham. Billy v nizkem Ground. Billy V nižinskih. Breza Roll. Bitter Creek. Blackberry Blossom. Blackberry četvorka. Blue Mountain Waltz. Blue Star Hornpipe,. Bonaparte je Retreat. Bonnie Doon Schottische. Bosco Thompson. Bowin "violino. Fantje iz zahoda,. Zlomil vrat. Broken Chord Jig. Ajda testo. Buffalo Girls. Bumble Bee v votlem Prijavite. mesarski pes,. Mesarski Row,. By The Fire-Side. Stranski Gone dni valčka. Cajun kuhale. Caledonia Jig. Cape Breton Jig. Cape Islander Jig. Kapetan Jinks. Kapetan Bela. Carnival,. Govedo v Cane. Centennial Waltz,. Chamberlain,. Charlie Hunter Jig. Charlie Mac. Chatagee,. Piščanec v senu. Piščanec Polka. Piščanec Roll. Piščanec Scratch. Piščanec Panika. Penjenja Maslo. Clara. Coldstream Jig. Cole Harbour Jig. Coleraine. Cooleyjev Roll. Cotton-Eyed Joe. Kavbojska Farewell. Kavbojska Reel,. Cripple Creek. Croakin "Frog Jig. Daisy. Drzni Belo narednik,. Dawn,. Dan smo plačali najemnino,. Hudičev Dream,. Dominion Roll. Double Shuffle,. Zaspani Maggie. Dry River,. Dumphrie hiša,. Durang je Hornpipe, ali majava Gears. Dusty Miller. East Tennessee Blues. Easy Way,. Osmega januarja. Elizabethan Škotski. Plavolaso ​​Lassies. Falling Off Prijavite. Fargo,. Kmet,. Kmeta Jamboree. Father Murphy. Oče O'Flynn. Reel očeta. Gosli Head Roll. Zapravljanje časa Reel,. Fiddler je Tri. Zapravljanje časa Two-Step. Križem Phil. Filoro. Finger škotska. Fire On The Mountain. Prvi Western Change. Fisherjeva Hornpipe. Cvetovi Edinburgh. Gozdarji,. Ločen Deer. Četrti julij. Fred Wilson cokel. Fundy,. Garry Owen. Georgian Bay Jig. Daj godcev DRAM. Dogaja Up The River. Golden Eagle Hornpipe. Golden Rooster,. Golden Copati. Golden Poroka Reel,. Gosje perje. Grape Vine-Twist. Green Mountain Boy. Greensleeves Jig. Griffin. Renčati starcu in starka,. Pol penija Reel,. Halifax Harbor Two-Step. Lepi Plowboy,. Handy Man, The. Happy Day Hornpipe. Z veseljem Hollow Hornpipe. Z veseljem Jack. Harvest Home. Harvest Waltz. Harvey,. Hitenje na poroko. Hen Cackle,. Hi-Lo škotski. Na visoki ravni,. Visoko Roll. Highland Schottische,. Ugrabitelj je Stomp. Hogs In The Corn. Domov z dekleti v dopoldanskem času. Pošteni John. Medeni mesec. Kovačnika Schottische. Hornless krava,. Hornpipe Za Samojedov. Hounds In The Hallow. Huck Finn. Illinois Cotillion. Indian Summer. Irish Stew. Irski Washerwoman. Iron Lesena Lopata,. Jack Cameron. Jack Ali ne. Jack Wood,. Jakna očiščena v modro, je. Jacques Cartier. Jamie Hardie. Janet Beaton. Jelly Roll Breakdown. Jérômove Farewell. Jock Tamson je Hornpipe. Radosti zakonske zveze. Keep Whettin "na točki. Kesh Jig. Kiley je Reel. Kuhinja,. Trka na vrata. Lady Gardiner je Roll. Svetilničar je Hornpipe. Larry O Gaff. Lauterbach Waltz. Lazy Kate. Usnjeni Britches. Leezie Lindsay. Leventine je Barrel. Liberty. Light House Roll. Little Black brkov. Malo Brown Jug Schottische. Liverpool Hornpipe. Brunarica Waltz. London Hornpipe,. Londonderry,. Londonderry Air. Lonesome John. Dolgo močvirsko Mule,. Izgubil Goose,. Izgubil indijski. MacDonald je marca,. MacDougalls,. Mackilmoyle,. Major Mackie je Jig. Mama Gone. Mamasita - Španski Waltz. Maple Leaf Rag. Messenger,. Minstrel.Originalna je Fancy,. Mississippi Sawyer. Denar Musk,. Meseca maja Roll. Montreal. Moselle Twist. Mosquito On The Iceberg. Materinski Roll. Usta Tobique,. Murphyjev Bird. New Autumn. New Brunswick,. New Brunswick Hop,. New York Hornpipe. Newcastle Hill. Nine Miles. North Shore. North Star Schottische. Norveška,. Nova Scotia,. Ocean Waves. Old Blue. Stara francoska. Old Joe Clark. Starec in Starka,. Old Red Barn,. Old Rose Waltz. Stara Rosin Beau. Stara Šport. Oldtimer je Hornpipe. Stara Zip Coon, ali Turčije, v slamo. Na poti proti Bostonu. Opera Roll. Pacific Slope. Paddy On The mitnici. Paddy Odstranil. Parrsboro Stomp. Parry Sound,. Patronella. Pea Ridge. Podstavek,. Peek-A-Boo Waltz. Pic In Cal. V obliki blazine. Pine Bud Jig. Plough Boy,. Pointe-Au-Pic. Polk Salad. Pop Corn,. Poppy,. Svinjina in fižol. Porter Lake Jig. Pound To Anvil. Prairie Schottische,. Pridigar Roe. Prince Albert. Princess Roll. Quebec,. Rakun je Tail. Rachel. Ragtime Annie Ali Raggedy Ann. Rambler je Hornpipe. Red Fox Waltz. Rdečelasi Boy,. Malo Berač Man. Red Lion Hornpipe. Red River Valley. Red River Waltz. Red Wing. Reefer je Hornpipe. Reilly je Own. Rickett je Hornpipe. Ride Ferry. Mountain Grove. Rochester Škotski. Rocky Ground. Runaway Jig. Rustikalna Jig. Lopov je. Mornar je, ali fakulteto Hornpipe. Sainte Agathe. St Clair. Sally Ann. Sally Goodin "85. Sally Johnson. Sarah Ann-Waltz. Saturday Night. Saturday Night Waltz. Rešitelj,. Recimo Old Man. Prizori iz Finske Woods. Scotland Brave. Shannonova Fancy. Shenandoah. Žena Pastirska,. Shortnin "Kruh. Si Bheag, Si Mhor. Srebro in zlato Two-Step. Sir Roger De Coverly. Rahlo Warm. Smash skozi okno. Snežne Shoers,. Snyder je ura. Joy vojaka. Španski Waltz. Hitrost Plough. Stack ječmena,. Zvezda grofije Down. Staten Island. Streljaj Rag. Stranger At The Door. Strathbrook Schottische. Sladkor v vrču, Or Indiana Hoe navzdol. Sweet Brown-Eyed dekle. Tableau,. Tableau cokel,. Teika je Polka. Zmernost Roll. Texas Scottish. Thunder Hornpipe. Tom in Jerry. Tommy Sullivan. Two-Day romanca. Stric Joe. Stric John. Victory. Vinton je Hornpipe. Violetta. Virginia Roll. Wabash Cannonball. Wagoner,. Walker Street. Topla Stuff. Whalen je Breakdown. Bela Kokarda,. Bele Mountains,. White River Stomp. Wild Goose na oceanu,. Woodchoppers,. Yellow Rose of Texas. Jodlanje gosli,. Potem tukaj je Goes.
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