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Community Song Book. Mitch Miller. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. Intermediate.


Skupnost Song Book. Mitch Miller. Voice note. Zbor note. Vmesna.


Community Song Book. A Collection for Group Singing for All Occasions. By Mitch Miller. For 4-part voices. 2-part, Opt. SSA. C Mixed Folio. Traditional Pop. Difficulty. medium. Vocal score book. Vocal score notation and chord names. 128 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.CN0027. ISBN 0769210414. With vocal score notation and chord names. Traditional Pop. 6x9 inches. A collection for group singing for all occasions. Includes God Bless America, By the Light of the Silvery Moon, I'm Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover and many others. Alouette. America. America, the Beautiful. Au Clair de la Lune. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. Big Rock Candy Mountain. Bill Bailey. Wont You Please Come Home. The Birch Tree. The British Grenadiers. The Broom. Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie. Cantique De Noel. O Holy Night. Careless Love. Christmas Is Coming. Cielito Lindo. Come Follow. Come Ye Thankful People. Dear Old Girl. Down By The Riverside. Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes. The First Nowell. From Ill Do Thou Defend Me. The Gal I Left Behind Me. The Galway Piper. Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor. Give My Regards to Broadway. Gloria Patri. God Bless All. God Bless America. God Of Our Fathers. Good Night. Hark. The Herald Angels Sing. Hear The Wind Blow. The Heavens Resound. The Holy City. Home on the Range. I'm A Poor Wayfaring Stranger. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day. In the Good Old Summertime. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear. Jingle Bells. The Last Rose Of Summer. Li'l Liza Jane. List To The Bells. Lonesome Road. Lonesome Valley. The Lord Is My Shepherd. Lovely Evening. March of the Kings. Mary's A Grand Old Name. Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis. The Minstrel Boy. My Gal Sal. My Lord What A Morning. O Come All Ye Faithful. O No, John. O, Worship The King. Old Ark's A-Moverin'. The Old Refrain. On Top of Old Smokey. The Peat-Bog Soldiers. Red River Valley. Santa Lucia. She May Have Seen Better Days. Shoo Fly. Shortnin' Bread. Silent Night. Sing Together. Skye Boat Song. Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child. The Spacious Firmament On High. The Star Spangled Banner. Sweet Betsy From Pike. Sweet Molly Malone. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Tallis Canon. There's A Man Goin' Round Takin' Names. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. Turkey In The Straw. Twelve Days Of Christmas. Waltzing Matilda. We Three Kings Of Orient Are. We Wish You a Merry Christmas. When Johnny Comes Marching Home. Youre A Grand Old Flag. The Birth Of The Blues. Charleston. Fine And Dandy. Hallelujah. Just A Cottage Small. L'amour-Toujours-L'amour. Memory Lane. Mountain Greenery. My Heart Stood Still. Play Gypsies - Dance Gypsies. Rose Marie. Sometimes I'm Happy. When Day Is Done. With a Song in My Heart. Something To Remember You By. Two Hearts In 3. 4 Time. Dancing in the Dark. Louisiana Hayride. La Vie en Rose. By the Light of the Silvery Moon. I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles. I'm Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover. Laugh. Clown. Laugh. Memories. Put on YOur Old Grey Bonnet. Sweet Georgia Brown. Moonlight Bay. Blues In the Night. I'm Just WIld About Harry. Mother Machree. Tip-Toe Thru' The Tulips With Me. When Irish Eyes Are Smiling. Lullaby Of Broadway. Yankee Doodle Dandy.


Skupnost Song Book. Zbiranje za skupine Petje za vse priložnosti. Mitch Miller. Za 4-delna glasove. 2-delna, opt. SSA. C Mešani Folio. Tradicionalna Pop. Težavnost. srednje. Vokalna ocena knjiga. Vokalna ocena za zapis in tetiva imena. 128 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.CN0027. ISBN 0769210414. Z vokalno ocena zapisu in tetiva imena. Tradicionalna Pop. . Zbirka za skupinsko petje za vse priložnosti. Vključuje God Bless America, s svetlobo v srebrno Luno, iščem v štiri deteljico in mnoge druge. Lark. America. Amerika, Beautiful. V mesečini. Battle Hymn Republike. Big Rock Candy Mountain. Bill Bailey. Navada vas prosim Come Home. Birch Tree. Britanski grenadirji. Broom. Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie. Cantique De Noel. O Holy Night. Nepreviden Ljubezen. Božič Is Coming. Cielito Lindo. Pridite sledite. Pridi Ye hvaležni People. Draga deklica. Navzdol ob reki. Piti k meni Samo s svojimi očmi. Prva Nowellova. Od Ill Ali Ti Brani me. Gal I Left Behind Me. Galway Piper. Daj mi svoje utrujene, vaše Poor. Pozdravi na Broadway. Gloria Patri. Bog blagoslovi vse. God Bless America. God Of Our Fathers. Good Night. Evocirati. Herald Angels Sing. Slišati The Wind Blow. Heavens Resound. Sveto mesto. Home on the Range. Jaz sem Poor Wayfaring Stranger. Slišal sem Bells na božični dan. V dobrih starih Summertime. Je prišel Ob Midnight Clear. Jingle Bells. Last Rose of Summer. Li'l Liza Jane. Seznama na Bells. Lonesome Road. Lonesome Valley. Gospod je moj pastir. Lovely Večer. Marec kraljev. Marijina Grand Old Ime. Meet Me in St Louis, Louis. Minstrel Boy. Moj Gal Sal. Moj Lord Kaj Morning. O Come All Ye Faithful. O Ne, John. O, verske kralj. Stare skrinje je-Moverin ". Stara vzdržati. Na vrh Old Smokey. Šoto-BOG Soldiers. Red River Valley. Santa Lucia. Mogoče je videl boljše dni. Shoo Fly. Shortnin "Kruh. Silent Night. Pojejo skupaj. Skye Boat Song. Včasih se počutim kot matere otroka. Prostorna nebu na visokih. Star Spangled Banner. Sweet Betsy Od Pike. Sweet Molly Malone. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Tallis Canon. Tam je 'okrog vožnja človek dogaja Imena. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. Turčija v Straw. Dvanajst dni božiča. Waltzing Matilda. Mi Three Kings Of Orienta. Želimo vam Merry Christmas. Ko Johnny Comes Marching Domov. Vaša Grand Old Flag. Rojstvo Blues. Charleston. V najlepšem redu in. Hallelujah. Samo Počitniška hiša Small. Love-Always-Ljubezen. Memory Lane. Gorska narava. My Heart obstala. Igraj Cigani - Dance Cigani. Rose Marie. Včasih sem srečen. Ko dan se naredi. S pesmijo v srcu. Something To Remember You By. Dve Hearts v 3. 4. čas. Dancing in the Dark. Louisiana Hayride. La Vie en Rose. Luč srebrni Luni. Jaz sem Forever Blowing Bubbles. Gledam v štiri deteljico. Smeh. Klovn. Smeh. Spomini. Nadenite si Old Grey Bonnet. Sweet Georgia Brown. Moonlight Bay. Blues in the Night. Jaz sem samo Wild About Harry. Mati Machree. Nasvet-Toe Thru "tulipani z mano. Ko se irske oči smejijo. Lullaby Of Broadway. Yankee Doodle Dandy.
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