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In the Palm of His Hand. Choir sheet music.


V dlanjo. Zbor note.


In the Palm of His Hand composed by Patricia Mock. Arranged by Jon Paige. For Choral. SATB. Glory Sound. Octavo. 8 pages. Published by Glory Sound. HL.35029758. Uses. General, Lent. Scripture. Psalm 61. 1-4. Isaiah 49. 16. John 10. 27-29. Like a stately rustic dance, this anthem is styled in an early American folk idiom. Based on a beautiful thought from Scripture, this message of hope and security reminds us of the merciful nature of God and His sheltering grace in our lives. Try it with the acoustic instruments for a truly unique worship presentation. Engaging. Parts for fiddle and bass available as a digital download.


V dlanjo jo sestavljajo Patricia Mock. Urejen Jon Paige. Za zborovsko. SATB. Glory Sound. Osma. 8 strani. Izdala Glory Sound. HL.35029758. Uporabe. General, Lent. Pismo. Psalm 61. 1-4. Izaija 49. 16. John 10. 27-29. Kot Veličasten kmečki ples, je to himna styled v zgodnji ameriški folk idiom. Na podlagi lepo misel iz Svetega pisma, to sporočilo upanja in varnost nas spominja na usmiljeno naravo Boga in Njegovo zatočišče milost v naših življenjih. Poskusite z akustičnimi instrumenti za resnično edinstveno bogoslužjem predstavitev. Ukvarjajo. Deli za gosli in bas na voljo kot digitalni prenos.
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