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Fiddle Time Joggers CD Book 1, Revised Edition. Kathy and David Blackwell. Fiddle sheet music. Violin sheet music. Beginning.
Gosli čas Joggers CD Book 1, Revised Edition. Kathy in David Blackwell. Gosli note. Violina note. Začetek.
Fiddle Time Joggers CD Book 1, Revised Edition. A first book of very easy pieces for violin. Composed by Kathy and David Blackwell. For violin. This edition. paperback. Fiddle Time. Instructional, method and play along. Difficulty. very easy. Collection & accompaniment CD. 32 pages. Published by Oxford University Press. OU.9780193386778. ISBN 978-0-19-338677-8. instructional, method and play along. 12 x 9 inches. pieces and duets using the open strings and finger pattern 0-1-23-4. a Music Fact-Finder Page at the back to help explain words and signs with multi-instrumental backings and other improvements. compatibility with Viola Time Joggers - most pieces can be played together. fantastic illustrations by Martin Remphry. an inspiring play-along CD, with live band, string quartet, guitar, and accordion backings, as well as fun sound effects. practice tracks recorded at a slower tempo for some pieces. backing tracks. accompaniment only. available to download from the Companion Website. piano and violin accompaniments available separately. Fiddle Time is a great series for young violinists. Packed with lively original tunes, well-known pieces, and easy duets, the series is carefully paced and organized to build confidence every step of the way. This new edition still contains all your favourite pieces, back by popular demand, plus a brand new CD, and fantastic new illustrations. Bow down, O Belinda. duet. Under arrest. Jim along Josie. duet. Down up. Two in a boat. duet. London Bridge. duet. Fast lane. In flight. Lift off. 10. Katie's waltz. 11. Copy cat. duet. 12. Tap dancer. 13. Rhythm fever. 14. Here it comes. 15. So there. 16. Rowing boat. 17. Ally bally. duet. 18. Tiptoe, boo. 19. Travellin' slow. 20. Lazy cowboy. 21. Off to Paris. duet. 22. Clare's song. 23. City lights. 24. The three friends. duet. 25. Chinese garden. 26. Summer sun. 27. Phoebe in her petticoat. duet. 28. Ready, steady, go now. 29. Shortnin' bread. duet. 30. Happy go lucky. 31. The mocking bird. duet. 32. Algy met a bear. duet. 33. Listen to the rhythm. 34. Cattle ranch blues. 35. In the groove. 36. Stamping dance. 37. Distant bells. 38. Lazy scale. 39. The old castle. 40. Rocking horse. 41. Patrick's reel. 42. Calypso time. 43. Knock, knock. 44. Li'l Liza Jane. duet. 45. Carrion crow. duet. 46. Flying high. 47. Fiddle Time.
Gosli čas Joggers CD Book 1, Revised Edition. Prva knjiga zelo enostavno skladb za violino. Ki ga sestavljajo Kathy in David Blackwell. Za violino. Ta izdaja. broširano. Gosli čas. Pedagoško, način in igrajo skupaj. Težavnost. zelo enostaven. Zbiranje. Izdala Oxford University Press. OU.9780193386778. ISBN 978-0-19-338677-8. poučni, način in igrajo skupaj. 12 x 9 cm. kosov in dueti z uporabo odprte strune in prst vzorec 0-1-23-4. Fact Finder Page Glasba na zadnji strani, ki pomagajo pojasniti, besede in znake z multi-instrumentalnih podloge in drugih izboljšav. združljivost z Viola Čas tekačem - lahko večina kosov igral skupaj. fantastično ilustracije Martin Remphry. navdihujoč play-skupaj CD, z live band, godalni kvartet, kitaro in harmoniko podloge, kot tudi zabavne zvočne učinke. prakse, posnete s počasnejšim tempom za nekatere kose. spremljevalni skladbe. spremstvo samo. na voljo za prenos na spletni strani Companion. klavirja in violine spremljav na voljo posebej. Gosli Čas je super serija za mlade violiniste. Polnjena z živahnimi originalnih melodij, znanih kosov in enostavno duetov, je serija skrbno tempu in organizirana za izgradnjo zaupanja na vsakem koraku poti. Ta nova izdaja še vedno vsebuje vse vaše najljubše kose, nazaj pod zahtevo ljudstva, plus čisto nov CD in fantastične nove ilustracije. Klanjali, o Belinda. duet. Aretirani. Jim skupaj Josie. duet. Down up. Dva v čolnu. duet. London Bridge. duet. Prehitevalnem pasu. Med letom. Dvignite. 10. Katie valček. 11. Kopija cat. duet. 12. Tap dancer. 13. Ritem vročina. 14. Tukaj gre. 15. Tako da. 16. Čoln na vesla. 17. Ally Bally. duet. 18. Prstih, boo. 19. Travellin "počasen. 20. Lazy kavboj. 21. V Pariz. duet. 22. Clarino pesem. 23. Mestne luči. 24. Tri prijatelje. duet. 25. Kitajski vrt. 26. Poletno sonce. 27. Phoebe in njeno petticoat. duet. 28. Pripravljeni, pozor, gremo zdaj. 29. Shortnin "kruh. duet. 30. Z veseljem šel srečo. 31. Posmehoval ptica. duet. 32. Algy srečal medveda. duet. 33. Poslušajte ritmu. 34. Renč blues. 35. V utora. 36. Žigosanje ples. 37. Daljni zvonci. 38. Lazy lestvico. 39. Stari grad. 40. Gugalni konj. 41. Patrika reel. 42. Calypso čas. 43. Knock, knock. 44. Li'l Liza Jane. duet. 45. Črna vrana. duet. 46. Ki plujejo pod visokim. 47. Gosli čas.