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Santana's Greatest Hits. Santana. Bass Guitar Tablature sheet music. Drums sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Percussion sheet music. Intermediate.


Greatest Hits Santana je. Santana. Bass Guitar tablature notno. Bobni note. Electric Guitar note. Guitar tablature note. Tolkala note. Vmesna.


Santana's Greatest Hits by Santana. For Bass, Drums, Guitar. Hal Leonard Transcribed Scores. Rock, Pop Rock and Latin. Difficulty. medium. Complete score songbook. Guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names, guitar chord diagrams, bass tablature, drum notation, guitar notation legend and bass notation legend. 192 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.672360. ISBN 0793567262. With guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names, guitar chord diagrams, bass tablature, drum notation, guitar notation legend and bass notation legend. Rock, Pop Rock and Latin. 9x12 inches. Includes full-score transcriptions of ten great Santana songs. Transcribed Scores are vocal and instrumental arrangements of music from some of the greatest groups in music. These excellent publications feature transcribed parts for lead vocals, backup vocals, lead guitar, rhythm guitar, bass, drums, and all of the various instruments used in each specific recording session. All songs are arranged exactly the way the artists recorded them. Jingo. Jin-Go-Lo-Ba. Everything's Coming Our Way. Hope You're Feeling Better. Persuasion. Se A Cabo. Black Magic Woman. Oye Como Va. Evil Ways. Samba Pa Ti. Everybody's Everything.


Santana je Greatest Hits po Santana. Za bas, bobni, kitara. Hal Leonard transkribirale Scores. Rock, Pop Rock in Latinski. Težavnost. srednje. Popolna ocena pesmarica. Kitara tablature, standardni zapis, vokalna melodija, besedilo, imena tetiva, kitara struna diagrami, bas tablature, drum zapis, kitara zapis legenda in bas zapis legenda. 192 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.672360. ISBN 0793567262. Z Guitar tablature, standardno notacijo, vokalna melodija, besedila, imena tetiva, kitara struna shemami, bas tablature, bobna zapisu, kitara notacije legenda in bas notacije legenda. Rock, Pop Rock in Latinski. 9x12 cm. Vključuje polni dosegla transkripcij desetih velikih Santana pesmi. Transkripciji Rezultati so vokalne in instrumentalne priredbe glasbe iz nekaterih največjih skupin v glasbi. Odlični publikacije funkcijo transkribirale dele za vokal, backup vokal, kitara, ritem kitara, bas, bobni, in vse različne instrumente, ki se uporabljajo v vsakem posameznem snemanja. Vse pesmi so razporejeni ravno tako umetniki jih zabeležili. Šovinista. Jin-Go-Lo-Ba. Vse, kar prihaja naš način. Upam, da bolje počutiš. Prepričevanje. Se Cabo. Black Magic Woman. Oye Como Va. Evil Ways. Samba Pa Ti. Vse vsakogar.