
Partiture $17.50


Selected Keyboard Works, Book 1 Short Pieces and 'Harmonius Blacksmith' Air & Variations. George Frideric Handel. Organ sheet music. Piano Method sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music.


Izbrani tipkovnici dela, Book 1 Kratek Pieces in "harmonius Kovaški Air. Georg Friedrich Händel. Organski note. Piano Metoda note. Piano Solo note.


Selected Keyboard Works, Book 1 Short Pieces and 'Harmonius Blacksmith' Air & Variations composed by George Frideric Handel. 1685-1759. Edited by R. Jones. For Piano. ABRSM Signature Series. Grades 4-8. Sheet Music. Published by ABRSM. Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. PE.9781854722560. ISBN 1-85472-256-5. Published within the Signature Series a series of authoritative performing editions of standard keyboard works prepared from original sources by leading scholars, including informative introductions and performance notes. "Air and Doubles in E 'The Harmonious Blacksmith', from Suite No. 5 in E. 1720 coll. , HWV 430". "Air in Bb, HWV 471". "Air in E, HWV 425. Saraband. "Air in G minor, HWV 467". "Allemande in A, HWV 477". "Allemande in G, from Suite No. 8 in G. 1727 coll. , HWV 441". "Aria in G, from Suite No. 8 in G. 1727 coll. , HWV 441". "Gigue in C, from Suite in C, HWV 443". "Gigue in E minor, from Suite No. 4 in E minor. 1720 coll. , HWV 429". "Gigue in F, HWV 492". "Gigue in G, from Partita in G, HWV 450". "Impertinence, HWV 494". "Minuet in D minor, from Suite in D minor, HWV 449". "Minuet in G minor, from Suite No. 1 in Bb. 1727 coll. , HWV 434". "Sarabande in G minor, from Suite No. 7 in G minor. 1720 coll. , HWV 432". "Sarabandes I and II in D minor, from Suite in D minor, HWV 448". "Sonatina in Bb, HWV 585". "Sonatina in G, HWV 582".


Izbrani tipkovnici dela, Book 1 Short Kosi in "harmonius Kovačev Air. 1685-1759. Uredil R. Jones. Za klavir. ABRSM Signature Series. Stopnje 4-8. Sheet Music. Izdala ABRSM. Pridruženi odbor Kraljeve šole za glasbo. PE.9781854722560. ISBN 1-85472-256-5. Vodilnih znanstvenikov, vključno z informativnimi uvod in opombe uspešnosti objavljena v Signature Series vrsta uglednih scenskih izdaj standardno tipkovnico dela pripravljeni iz originalnih virov. "Air in dvojice v E 'Harmonično Blacksmith", iz Suite št 5 v E. 1720 coll. , HWV 430 ". "Zrak v Bb, HWV 471". "Air in E, HWV 425. Saraband. "Zrak v g-molu, HWV 467". "Allemande v A, HWV 477". "Allemande v G, iz Suite št 8 v G. 1727 coll. , HWV 441 ". "Aria v G, iz Suite št 8 v G. 1727 coll. , HWV 441 ". "Gigue v C, iz suite v C, HWV 443". "Gigue v e-molu, iz Suite št 4 v e-molu. 1720 coll. , HWV 429 ". "Gigue v F, HWV 492". "Gigue v G, iz partite v G, HWV 450". "Nesramnosti, HWV 494". "Minuet v d-molu, iz suite v D molu, HWV 449". "Minuet v g-molu, iz Suite št 1 v Bb. 1727 coll. , HWV 434 ". "Sarabanda v g-molu, iz Suite št 7 v g-molu. 1720 coll. , HWV 432 ". "Sarabandes I in II v d-molu, iz suite v D molu, HWV 448". "Sonatina v Bb, HWV 585". "Sonatina v G, HWV 582".
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