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Piano Literature - Book 3. Piano Method sheet music. Intermediate.


Piano literatura - Book 3. Piano Metoda note. Vmesna.


Piano Literature - Book 3. Developing Artist Original Keyboard Classics. Edited by Nancy Faber, Randall Faber, and Joanne Smith. For Piano. Keyboard. Faber Piano AdventuresÂ. Classical. Intermediate. Softcover with CD. 88 pages. Faber Piano Adventures #FF1056. Published by Faber Piano Adventures. HL.420165. ISBN 1616770562. Classical. 9x12 inches. Consists of carefully selected repertoire from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern periods. Contents include. Sonatina in C Major, Op. 36, No. 1, by Clementi. Rondo for Four Hands, by Diabelli. Ballade, by Burgmuller. Spinning Song, by Ellmenreich. Avalanche, by Heller. Wild Rider, by Schumann. and many other selections. Piano Adventures has set a new standard for a new century of piano teaching. It is fast becoming the method of choice at leading university pedagogy programs and major teaching studios around the world. But more importantly, Piano Adventures is bringing smiles to the faces of thousands of piano students. It can do the same for your students. March in D Major, Minuet in G Major, Minuet in G Minor, Musette in D Major from Anna Magdalena's Notebook. Fanfare in D Major. Duncombe. Minuet in A Minor. Krieger. , Minuet in D Minor. Lully. Solfeggio in D Major. J.C.Bach. Two German Dances. Beethoven. Sonatina in C Major Op. 36 No. 1. Clementi. Rondo for Four Hands. Diabelli. Sonatina in G major 1st Mvt Op. 168 No. 2. Diabelli. Tambourin. Gossec. Sonatina in C Major. Haslinger. Allegro in F Major. Haydn. German Dance in D Major. Haydn. Minuet in G Major. Haydn. Allegro in A Major. L. Mozart. Arabesque Op. 100 No. 2, Ballade Op. 100 No. 15, Harmony of the Angels Op. 100 No. 21. Burgmuller. Spinning Song. Ellmenreich. A Little Flower. Gurlitt. Avalanche. Heller. Gavotte. Reinecke. Wild Rider Op. 68 No. 8, Melody Op. 68 No. 1. Schumann. The Moons of Jupiter. Faber. Sonatina. Jacoby. Cowboy Song and Song of the Range Rider. McKay. Chines Figurine and Playing Soldiers. Rebikov. Street Games. Siegmeister.


Piano literatura - Book 3. Razvijanje Artist Original tipkovnici Classics. Uredil Nancy Faber, Randall Faber in Joanne Smith. Za klavir. Tipkovnica. Faber Piano AdventuresÂ. Klasična. Vmesna. Mehko prekrivalo s CD-ja. 88 strani. Приключения фортепиано Faber. Izdala Faber Piano Adventures. HL.420165. ISBN 1616770562. Klasična. 9x12 cm. Je sestavljen iz skrbno izbranega repertoarja, od baroka, klasične, romantičnih in modernih obdobjih. Vsebina vključuje. Sonatina v C-duru, op. 36, št 1, s Clementi. Rondo za štiriročno, ki jih Diabelli. Balada, ki ga Burgmuller. Spinning Song, ki jo Ellmenreich. Plazov, ki jih Heller. Wild Rider, ki ga Schumanna. in številne druge izbore. Piano Adventures je postavila nov standard za novo stoletje poučevanja klavir. To hitro postaja način izbire na vodilnih programov pedagoških univerzitetnih in večjih učnih studii po vsem svetu. Toda še bolj pomembno, Piano Adventures prinaša nasmeh na obraze tisoče klavirskih študentov. To lahko storijo enako za svoje učence. Marca v D-duru, menuet v G-duru, menuet v G-molu, musette v D-duru od Anna Magdalena je Notebook. Fanfare v D-duru. Duncombe. Menuet v a-molu. Krieger. , Minuet v d-molu. Lully. Solfeggio v D-duru. J.C.Bach. Dve nemški plesi. Beethoven. Sonatina v C-duru op. 36 No 1. Clementi. Rondo za štiriročno. Diabelli. Sonatina v G-duru 1. DMV op. 168 No 2. Diabelli. Tambourine. Gossec. Sonatina v C-duru. Haslinger. Allegro v F-duru. Haydn. Nemška Ples v D-duru. Haydn. Menuet v G-duru. Haydn. Allegro v A-duru. L. Mozart. Arabesque Op. 100 številka 2, Balada op. 100 številka 15, Harmony of Angels op. 100 številka 21. Burgmuller. Spinning Song. Ellmenreich. A Little Flower. Gurlitt. Avalanche. Heller. Gavotte. Reinecke. Wild Rider Op. 68 No 8, Melody op. 68 No 1. Schumann. Jupitrove lune. Faber. Sonatina. Jacoby. Cowboy Song in Pesem jezdec. McKay. Zarebrnice figur in Playing Soldiers. Rebikov. Street Igre. Masters zmaga.
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