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Simply Love Themes. Melody Bober. Easy Piano sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music. Beginning.


Preprosto Ljubezen Teme. Melody Bober. Easy Piano note. Piano Solo note. Začetek.


Simply Love Themes. 21 Romantic Melodies from the Big Screen. Arranged by Melody Bober. For Piano. This edition. Easy Piano. Piano Collection. Piano Supplemental. Sing-Along. Simply Series. Movie. Easy Piano. Book. 80 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.30036. ISBN 0739051784. Movie. Simply Love Themes is a collection of the most heartwarming songs from the movies. These have been carefully arranged by Melody Bober for Easy Piano, making many of cinemaâs most romantic melodies accessible to pianists of all ages. Phrase markings, articulations, fingering, pedaling and dynamics have been included to aid with interpretation, and a large print size makes the notation easy to read. Titles. As Time Goes By from Casablanca. At Last from Rain Man. Beauty and the Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Can You Feel the Love Tonight from The Lion King. Can You Read My Mind. from Superman. Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas. Days of Wine and Roses from Days of Wine and Roses. Evergreen from A Star Is Born. Everything I Do. I Do It for You from Robin Hood. Prince of Thieves. How Do I Live from Con Air. It Had to Be You from When Harry Met Sally. Laura from Laura. Love Story. Where Do I Begin. from Love Story. The Man That Got Away from A Star Is Born. People from Funny Girl. Somewhere, My Love. Laraâs Theme. from Doctor Zhivago. Theme from Ice Castles. Through the Eyes of Love. from Ice Castles. The Trolley Song from Meet Me in St. Louis. Up Where We Belong from An Officer and a Gentleman. When a Man Loves a Woman from When a Man Loves a Woman. When I Fall In Love from Sleepless in Seattle. Each arrangement in the Simply series contains phrase markings, articulations, fingering, pedaling, and dynamics to aid with interpretation. The large print size makes the notation easy to read. Everything I Do. I Do It For You. As Time Goes By. At Last. Beauty And The Beast. Can you feel the love tonight. Can You Read My Mind. Love Theme from "Superman". The Days of Wine and Roses. Evergreen. Love Theme From "A Star is Born". How Do I Live. It Had To Be You. Laura. Love Story. Where Do I Begin. People. Somewhere My Love. The Colors of the Wind. The Man That Got Away. Theme from "Ice Castles". Through the Eyes of Love. The Trolley Song. Up Where We Belong. When A Man Loves A Woman. When I Fall in Love.


Preprosto Ljubezen Teme. 21 Romantične Melodije iz velikem zaslonu. Urejene po Melody Bober. Za klavir. Ta izdaja. Easy Piano. Piano Collection. Dodatni načrt. Sing-Along. Preprosto Series. Film. Easy Piano. Knjiga. 80 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.30036. ISBN 0739051784. Film. Preprosto Ljubezen Teme je zbirka najbolj topla pesmi iz filmov. Te so skrbno urejene po Melody Bober Easy Piano, dostopnost do mnogih od cinemaâs najbolj romantične melodije pianistov vseh starosti. Stavek oznake, artikulacije, fingering, poganjati pedala in dinamika so bili vključeni v pomoč pri razlagi in velik obseg tiskanja omogoča zapis enostaven za branje. Naslovi. As Time Goes By od Casablanca. At Last iz Rain Man. Beauty and the Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Can You Feel the Love Tonight from The Lion King. Lahko boste brali moj um. od Supermana. Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas. Days of Wine and Roses od Dnevi vina in vrtnic. Evergreen from A Star Is Born. Everything I Do. I Do It for You from Robin Hood. Prince of Thieves. Kako živeti s Con Air. It Had to Be You from When Harry Met Sally. Laura od Laure. Ljubezenska zgodba. Kje naj začnem. Od Love Story. The Man That Got Away from A Star Is Born. Ljudje iz Funny Girl. Nekje, My Love. Laraâs Theme. from Doctor Zhivago. Tema od Ice Castles. Skozi oči ljubezni. od Ice Castles. Voziček pesmi iz Dobiva se v St Louis. Do kam spadamo An Officer and a Gentleman. Ko Man Loves a Woman iz Ko Man Loves a Woman. Ko sem se zaljubila pred Sleepless in Seattle. Vsak dogovor v Simply seriji vsebuje stavek oznake, sklepi, fingering, poganjati pedala in dinamiko v pomoč pri razlagi. Velika velikost tiskanja omogoča zapis enostaven za branje. Everything I Do. I Do It For You. As Time Goes By. At Last. Lepotica in zver. Lahko nocoj čutiš ljubezni. Lahko boste brali moj um. Ljubezen Theme iz "Superman". Dnevi vina in vrtnic. Evergreen. Ljubezen Theme From "A Star Is Born". Kako Živo. To vam moral biti. Laura. Ljubezenska zgodba. Kje naj začnem. Ljudje. Somewhere My Love. Barve Wind. Človek, ki Got Away. Tema iz "Ice Castles". Skozi oči ljubezni. Voziček Song. Do kam spadamo. Ko Man Loves A Woman. Ko sem se zaljubila v.
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