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Lord of the Rings for Easy Piano. Howard Shore. Easy Piano sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music. Intermediate.


Gospodar prstanov za Easy Piano. Howard Shore. Easy Piano note. Piano Solo note. Vmesna.


Lord of the Rings for Easy Piano. Music from the Motion Pictures Arranged for Easy Piano. Composed by Howard Shore. Edited by Zoby Perez and Jeannette DeLisa. Arranged by Dan Coates. For piano. Piano - Easy Piano Collection. Piano Supplemental. Piano arrangement mixed folio. Easy piano. Movies. SMP Level 4. Intermediate. Songbook. Black & white photos and chord names. 56 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.AFM0408. ISBN 075792414X. With black & white photos and chord names. Movies. 9x12 inches. Loaded with full-color images from the films and printed on high-quality antique paper stock, this new Dan Coates easy piano songbook is a must-have for any fan. The book contains 12 major themes from the blockbuster trilogy. From The Fellowship of the Ring. The Prophecy. In Dreams. Concerning Hobbits. Many Meetings. The Black Rider. From The Two Towers. Gollum's Song. Rohan. Evenstar. Forth Eorlingas. From The Return of the King. Into the West. The Steward of Gondor. Minas Tirith. Introduction of 4-note chords and sixteenth notes. Hand movement covering 2 to 3 octaves. Gollum's Song. The Prophecy. In Dreams. Concerning Hobbits. The Black Rider. Rohan. Evenstar. Forth Eorlingas. Into the West. Steward of gondor. Minas Tirith.


Gospodar prstanov za Easy Piano. Glasba iz filmov urejen za Easy Piano. Ki ga sestavljajo Howard Shore. Uredil Zoby Perez in Jeannette DeLisa. Uredil Dan Coates. Za klavir. Piano - Easy Piano Collection. Dodatni načrt. Dogovor Piano mešani folio. Easy klavir. Filmi. SMP Level 4. Vmesna. Songbook. Črna. 56 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.AFM0408. ISBN 075792414X. S črno. Filmi. 9x12 cm. Naložen z barvne slike iz filmov in natisnjena na visoko kakovostnem starinsko papirno, ta nova Dan Coates enostavno klavir pesmarica je treba imeti za vsak ventilator. Knjiga vsebuje 12 glavne teme iz blockbuster trilogije. Iz Bratovščine prstana. Prophecy. V Dreams. V zvezi Hobita. Many Meetings. The Black Rider. Od Stolpa. Gollumove Song. Rohan. Evenstar. Forth Eorlingas. From The Return of the King. Into the West. Gondorjev. Minas Tirith. Uvedba 4-Note akordi in šestnajstem pojasnilih. Gibanje roko pokriva 2 do 3 oktave. Gollumove Song. Prophecy. V Dreams. V zvezi Hobita. The Black Rider. Rohan. Evenstar. Forth Eorlingas. Into the West. Gondorjev. Minas Tirith.