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Keys to Artistic Performance, Book 1. Piano Solo sheet music. Intermediate.


Ključ do umetniškega performansa, Book 1. Piano Solo note. Vmesna.


Keys to Artistic Performance, Book 1. 24 Early Intermediate to Intermediate Pieces to Inspire Imaginative Performance. Edited by Ingrid Jacobson Clarfield and Dennis Alexander. For Piano. Graded Standard Repertoire. Masterworks. Piano Collection. Keys to Artistic Performance. Masterwork. Early Intermediate. Intermediate. Book. 56 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.29991. ISBN 0739051296. Masterwork. This unique series teaches skills used by professional pianists to make their performances more expressive and dramatic. Students will explore five keys for achieving performance artistry. color, pedaling, rubato. rhythmic freedom, characterization and choreography. In-depth information helps students understand the concepts of balance, voicing, pedal techniques, how to move at the piano. Titles. Childrenâs Song from For Children Vol. 1, Sz. 42, No. 3. BartÃk. Polka. Glinka. Ecossaise in G Major, D. 145, No. 4. Schubert. Distant Bells from 12 Melodious Pieces, Op. 63, No. 6. Streabbog. Childrenâs Game from For Children, Sz. 48, No. 8. BartÃk. Old French Song from Album for the Young, Op. 39, No. 16. Tchaikovsky. In the Garden from Album for the Young, Op. 140, No. 4. Gurlitt. Morning Prayer from Album for the Young, Op. 39, No. 1. Tchaikovsky. The Festive Dance from Album for the Young, Op. 140, No. 7. Gurlitt. A Sad Story from 12 Melodious Pieces, Op. 63, No. 10. Streabbog. Italian Song from Album for the Young, Op. 39, No. 15. Tchaikovsky. Peasant Dance, Op. 107, No. 20. Reineke. First Loss from Album for the Young, Op. 68, No. 16. Schumann. Waltz Op. 36, No. 3. Amy Beach. LÃndler, D. 679, No. 2. Schubert. Waltz in B Minor, Op. 18, D. 145, No. 6. Schubert. March Breve. Dennis Alexander. Siciliana from 11 Childrenâs Pieces, Op. 35, No. 6. Alfredo Casella. Butterflies from 12 Melodious Pieces, Op. 63, No. 11. Streabbog. Elizabethâs Lullaby. Dennis Alexander. Toccata Robusto. Dennis Alexander. The Mysterious Nile. Dennis Alexander. Murmuring Brook from Album for the Young, Op. 140, No. 5. Gurlitt. Scherzino. Dennis Alexander. Children's Song, from For Children Vol. 1, Sz. 42, No. 3. Polka. Ecossaise in G Major, D. 145, No. 4. Distant Bells, from 12 Melodious Pieces, Op. 63, No. 6. Children's Game, from For Children, Sz. 48, No. 8. Old French Song, from Album for the Young, Op. 39, No. 16. In the Garden, from Album for the Young, Op. 140, No. 4. Morning Prayer, from Album for the Young, Op. 39, No. 1. The Festive Dance, from Album for the Young, Op. 140, No. 7. A Sad Story, from 12 Melodious Pieces, Op. 63, No. 10. Italian Song, from Album for the Young, Op. 39, No. 15. Peasant Dance, Op. 107, No. 20. First Loss, from Album for the Young, Op. 68, No. 16. Waltz, op. 36, No. 3. Landler, D. 679, No. 2. Waltz in B Minor, Op. 18, D. 145, No. 6. March Breve. Siciliana, from 11 Children's Pieces, Op. 35, No. 6. Butterflies, from 12 Melodious Pieces, Op. 63, No. 11. The Mysterious Nile. Toccata Robusto. Lullaby. Murmuring Brook, from Album for the Young, Op. 140, No. 5. Scherzino.


Ključ do umetniškega performansa, Book 1. 24. Zgodnje Intermediate za vmesnimi kosi na Inspire domiselne predstava. Uredila Ingrid Jacobson Clarfield in Dennis Alexander. Za klavir. Sortirani Standardna Repertoar. Mojstrovine. Piano Collection. Ključ do umetniškega performansa. Mojstrovina. Zgodnje Intermediate. Vmesna. Knjiga. 56 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.29991. ISBN 0739051296. Mojstrovina. Ta edinstvena serija uči spretnosti poklicnih pianistov, ki se uporabljajo, da bi njihove predstave bolj ekspresivna in dramatičen. Študenti bodo raziskala pet ključev za doseganje učinkovitosti umetnost. barva, poganjati, Rubato. ritmična svoboda, karakterizacija in koreografija. Poglobljene informacije študentom pomaga razumeti koncepte ravnotežja, izražanju, pedal tehnike, kako se premakniti na klavir. Naslovi. Childrenâs pesmi za otroke od Vol. 1, Sz. 42, številka 3. Barták. Polka. Glinka. Ecossaise v G-duru, D. 145, številka 4. Schubert. Distant Bells od 12 melodična Pieces, op. 63, številka 6. Streabbog. Childrenâs igre od za otroke, Sz. 48, št 8. Barták. Stara francoska pesem iz albuma za mlade, op. 39, št 16. Čajkovski. V vrtu Album za mlade, op. 140, številka 4. Gurlitt. Jutranja molitev Album za mlade, op. 39, št 1. Čajkovski. Praznični Dance Album za mlade, op. 140, številka 7. Gurlitt. Sad Story od 12. melodična Pieces, op. 63, številka 10. Streabbog. Italijanski pesmi iz albuma za mlade, op. 39, št 15. Čajkovski. Kmečki ples, op. 107, št 20. Reineke. Prvi poraz Album za mlade, op. 68, št 16. Schumann. Waltz op. 36, št 3. Amy Beach. LÃndler, D. 679, št 2. Schubert. Valček v h-molu, op. 18, D. 145, št 6. Schubert. Marec Breve. Dennis Alexander. Siciliana od 11. Childrenâs Pieces, op. 35, številka 6. Alfredo Casella. Metulji iz 12 melodična Pieces, op. 63, številka 11. Streabbog. Elizabethâs Lullaby. Dennis Alexander. Toccata robusto. Dennis Alexander. Skrivnostni Nile. Dennis Alexander. Žuborenje potoka Album za mlade, op. 140, številka 5. Gurlitt. Scherzino. Dennis Alexander. Otroška Song, od Za otroke Vol. 1, Sz. 42, številka 3. Polka. Ecossaise v G-duru, D. 145, številka 4. Distant Bells, od 12. melodična Pieces, op. 63, številka 6. Otroška igra, iz za otroke, Sz. 48, št 8. Stara francoska Song, Album za mlade, op. 39, št 16. V vrtu, Album za mlade, op. 140, številka 4. Jutranja molitev, Album za mlade, op. 39, št 1. Praznični Dance, Album za mlade, op. 140, številka 7. Sad Story, od 12. melodična Pieces, op. 63, številka 10. Italijanski Song, Album za mlade, op. 39, št 15. Kmečki ples, op. 107, št 20. Prvi poraz, Album za mlade, op. 68, št 16. Valček, op. 36, številka 3. Landler, D. 679, št 2. Valček v h-molu, op. 18, D. 145, št 6. Marec Breve. Siciliana, od 11 Otroški Pieces, op. 35, številka 6. Metulji, od 12. melodična Pieces, op. 63, številka 11. Skrivnostni Nile. Toccata robusto. Lullaby. Žuborenje potoka, iz albuma za mlade, op. 140, številka 5. Scherzino.
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