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Masterwork Classics, Level 4. Piano Method sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music. Intermediate.


Mojstrovina Classics, 4. stopnja. Piano Metoda note. Piano Solo note. Vmesna.


Masterwork Classics, Level 4. Level 4. By perf. Valery Lloyd-Watts. Edited by Jane Magrath. For solo piano. Graded Standard Repertoire. Masterworks. Piano Collection. Alfred Masterwork Edition. Instructional. SMP Level 4. Intermediate. Collection and examples CD. Standard notation, fingerings and introductory text. does not include words to the songs. 48 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.168. ISBN 0739007548. With standard notation, fingerings and introductory text. does not include words to the songs. Instructional. 9x12 inches. A progressive repertoire series designed to motivate students while allowing them to progress evenly and smoothly from the earliest classics toward intermediate literature. These pieces are from the standard classical literature, chosen to appeal both to teacher and student. Introduction of 4-note chords and sixteenth notes. Hand movement covering 2 to 3 octaves. Menuet in G Major. Menuet in G Minor. Polonaise in G Minor. Schwabisch. A Magic Game. Piece No. VII. Piece No. VIII. Rhythmic Dance. Country Dance in C Major. German Dance in C Major. German Dance in D Major. Arabesque. Progress. King Williams March. Pyrenese Melody. Etude. In the Garden. Murmuring Brook. Serenade. Menuet in A Minor. Menuet in D Minor. Sonatina in C Major. Allegretto. Scherzo in F Major. Clowns. Galop. Counry Dance in G Major. Minuet in C Major. Voluntary. Air. Hornpipe. Playing Soldiers. Hurdy-Gurdy. A Peasant Morning. By the Seaside.


Mojstrovina Classics, 4. stopnja. Raven 4. Z perf. Valery Lloyd-Watts. Uredil Jane Magrath. Za klavir solo. Sortirani Standardna Repertoar. Mojstrovine. Piano Collection. Alfred mojstrovino Edition. Pedagoško. SMP Level 4. Vmesna. Zbiranje in primeri CD. Standardni zapis, fingerings in uvodno besedilo. Ne vključuje besed pesmi. 48 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.168. ISBN 0739007548. S standardnim zapisom, fingerings in uvodnega besedila. Ne vključuje besed pesmi. Pedagoško. 9x12 cm. Postopno repertoar serije namenjen motivirati dijake, medtem ko jim omogoča enakomerno in gladko napredovali od prvih klasike v smeri vmesne literature. Ti kosi so iz standardne klasične literature, je bila izbrana za pritožbe tako učiteljem in učencem. Uvedba 4-Note akordi in šestnajstem pojasnilih. Gibanje roko pokriva 2 do 3 oktave. Menuet v G-duru. Menuet v G-molu. Poloneza v G-molu. Schwabisch. Magic Game. Kos No VII. Kos No VIII. Ritmični ples. Država Ples v C-duru. Nemška Ples v C-duru. Nemška Ples v D-duru. Arabesque. Napredek. King Williams marec. Pyrenese Melody. Študija. Na vrtu. Žuborenje potoka. Serenade. Menuet v a-molu. Menuet v d-molu. Sonatina v C-duru. Allegretto. Scherzo v F-duru. Klovni. Galop. Counry Ples v G-duru. Menuet v C-duru. Prostovoljno. Air. Hornpipe. Igranje Soldiers. Hurdy-gurdy. Kmečka Morning. Ob morju.
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