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ChordTime Popular Level 2B. Edwin Mclean. Piano Method sheet music.


ChordTime Popular Stopnja 2B. Edwin Mclean. Piano Metoda note.


ChordTime Popular Level 2B. CD Audio and MIDI Background Accompaniments. Arranged by Edwin Mclean, Nancy Faber, and Randall Faber. For Piano. Keyboard. Faber Piano Adventures. Popular. 2B. CD only. Faber Piano Adventures #CD1013. Published by Faber Piano Adventures. HL.420080. Appealing new orchestrations for the updated Level 2B ChordTime Piano Popular Book. available separately. This enhanced CD of background accompaniments includes two audio tracks for each song. one at a slower practice tempo, and the second at the full performance tempo. MIDI files for each song are also included on the CD. Includes. Angel of Music. Can You Feel the Love Tonight. Circle of Life. Do-Re-Mi. The Entertainer. Meet. The Flintstones. Heart and Soul. Lean on Me. She Loves You. Star Wars. Main Theme. We're All in This Together. Great motivational material for private or group lessons. Piano Adventures has set a new standard for a new century of piano teaching. It is fast becoming the method of choice at leading university pedagogy programs and major teaching studios around the world. But more importantly, Piano Adventures is bringing smiles to the faces of thousands of piano students. It can do the same for your students. We're Off To See The Wizard. She Loves You. Recorded by the Beatles. Can You Feel the Love Tonight. from Walt Disney's The Lion King. Meet. The Flintstones. Lean On Me. The Entertainer. Music Box Dancer. Take Me Out To The Ball Game. Hello Mudduh, Hello Fadduh. A Letter From Camp. I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing. In Perfect Harmony. Star Wars. Main Theme. , and Be Our Guest.


ChordTime Popular Stopnja 2B. CD avdio in MIDI Ozadje spremljav. Uredil Edwin Mclean, Nancy Faber in Faber Randall. Za klavir. Tipkovnica. Faber Piano Adventures. Popular. 2B. Samo CD. Приключения фортепиано Faber. Izdala Faber Piano Adventures. HL.420080. Privlačni nove orkestracije za dopolnitvi Stopnja 2B ChordTime Piano priljubljene knjige. razpolago ločeno. To okrepljeno CD zalednih spremljav vključuje dve zvočne posnetke za vsako pesem. ena na počasnejši tempo v praksi, in drugi na tempo polno zmogljivost. MIDI datoteke za vsako pesem so vključene tudi na CD-ju. Vključuje. Angel glasbe. Can You Feel The Love Tonight. Krog življenja. Do-Re-Mi. Entertainer. Meet. The Flintstones. Srce in duša. Lean on Me. Ljubi te. Star Wars. Glavna tema. Vsi smo v tem skupaj. Velik motivacijski material za zasebne ali skupinskih lekcij. Piano Adventures je postavila nov standard za novo stoletje poučevanja klavir. To hitro postaja način izbire na vodilnih programov pedagoških univerzitetnih in večjih učnih studii po vsem svetu. Toda še bolj pomembno, Piano Adventures prinaša nasmeh na obraze tisoče klavirskih študentov. To lahko storijo enako za svoje učence. Mi smo Off videti čarovnika. Ljubi te. Zabeleži Beatles. Can You Feel The Love Tonight. od Walt Disney The Lion King. Meet. The Flintstones. Lean On Me. Entertainer. Music Box Dancer. Take Me Out To The Ball Game. Pozdravljeni Mudduh, Hello Fadduh. Pismo Camp. Rad bi Teach svetu, da Sing. V popolni harmoniji. Star Wars. Glavna tema. In bo naš gost.
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