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Adult Piano Adventures All-in-One Lesson Book 1 - CD only. Nancy Faber. Piano Method sheet music. Beginning.
Adult Piano Adventures All-in-One Lesson Book 1 - CD samo. Nancy Faber. Piano Metoda note. Začetek.
Adult Piano Adventures All-in-One Lesson Book 1 - CD only. Background Accompaniment CD. Audio & MIDI. Composed by Nancy Faber and Randall Faber. For Piano. Keyboard. Faber Piano AdventuresÂ. Method. Primer - Level 2B. CD only. Faber Piano Adventures #CD1025. Published by Faber Piano Adventures. HL.420092. Background Accompaniments on Compact Disc. Adults love playing the pieces now add the fun of a digital orchestra, marching band, chamber orchestra, jazz combo, and rock group to highlight the variety of sounds. The FJH Music Company is pleased to present high-quality, professionally orchestrated background accompaniments on CDs and General MIDI Disks. Teachers and students alike will appreciate the quality of these distinctive orchestrations, and adult beginners will simply love playing along to their favorite pieces. The play-along CD offers practice and performance tempos for every selection and features live musicians on acoustic instruments. Amazing Grace. I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing. Merrily We Roll Along. Ode to Joy. Yankee Doodle. Row, Row, Row, Your Boat. Clock Tower Bells. Catch A Falling Star. Russian Sailor Dance. Lean On Me. Chant of the Monk. Chant of the Monks. Shining Stars. Roman Trumpets. Camptown Races. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. New World Symphony Theme. Jingle Bells. Procession. Theme from Surprise Symphony. Hungarian Dance. Matchmaker. French Minuet. Morning. Taps. Happy Birthday to You. English Folk Song. Gavotte. Simple Gifts. Moon on the Water. Star Wars. Main Theme. Reveille. May Dance. When The Saints Go Marching In. The Rose. Musette. American Fiddle Tune. Theme by Mozart. Half-Time Band. Over The Rainbow. Fiddler On The Roof. Sleeping Beauty Waltz. Summer Mountain Rain. Promenade. from Pictures at an Exhibition. Chinese Kites. Danny Boy. New Age Sounds. Aria from the Marriage of Figaro. Sixth Sense. The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen. Sonatina in C. Scale Waltz. Trumpet Voluntary. Can-Can. Tiger Rag. Hold That Tiger. Rise And Shine. The River. The Entertainer. Home on the Range. Chord Etude. Minuet In G. Bells on a G Scale. Alexander March. French Dance. Polovtsian Dance. For He's a Jolly Good Fellow. Music Box Etude. Don't Dry for Me, Argentina.
Adult Piano Adventures All-in-One Lesson Book 1 - CD samo. Ozadje Spremljava CD. Avdio. Ki ga sestavljajo Nancy Faber in Faber Randall. Za klavir. Tipkovnica. Faber Piano AdventuresÂ. Metoda. Primer - Stopnja 2B. Samo CD. Приключения фортепиано Faber. Izdala Faber Piano Adventures. HL.420092. Ozadje spremljav na zgoščenki. Odrasli radi igrajo kosov zdaj dodajte zabavo digitalnega orkester, korakajo band, komorni orkester, jazz combo in rock skupina, da izpostavljajo različne zvoke. FJH Glasba Družba je zadovoljen, da predstavi visoko kakovostno, strokovno vodena v ozadju spremljavo na CD-je in General MIDI diske. Učitelji in učenci bodo enako cenijo kakovost teh značilnih orkestracijami in odrasle začetnike bo preprosto radi igrajo skupaj, da svoje najljubše kose. Play-vzdolž CD ponuja prakse in uspešnosti tempos za vsako izbiro in značilnosti živih glasbenikov na akustičnih inštrumentov. Amazing Grace. Rad bi Teach svetu, da Sing. Veselo smo Roll Skupaj. Oda radosti. Yankee Doodle. Row, Row, Row, Vaša Boat. Clock Tower Bells. Catch zvezdnim utrinkom. Ruski Sailor Dance. Lean On Me. Chant je menih. Chant od menihov. Shining Stars. Roman Trobente. Camptown Dirke. A Little Night Music. New World Symphony Theme. Jingle Bells. Procesija. Tema od Surprise simfonije. Madžarski ples. Matchmaker. Francoski Minuet. Jutro. Pipe. Happy Birthday to You. Angleški Folk Song. Gavotte. Simple Gifts. Moon na vodi. Star Wars. Glavna tema. Budnica. Lahko Dance. Ko Saints Go Marching V. Rose. Haversack. Ameriški gosli Tune. Tema, ki jo Mozarta. Polčas Band. Over The Rainbow. Fiddler on the Roof. Sleeping Beauty Waltz. Summer Mountain Rain. Promenade. iz Slike z razstave. Kitajski Zmaji. Danny Boy. New Age Sounds. Aria od Poroka Figaro. Sixth Sense. Lion Sleeps Tonight. Nihče ne ve Težave sem videl. Sonatina v C. Merilo Waltz. Trobenta Prostovoljno. Can-Can. Tiger Rag. Držite To Tiger. Vstanite. River. Entertainer. Home on the Range. Chord Etude. Menuet V G. Bells on a G lestvici. Alexander marec. Francoski Dance. Polovtsian Dance. Za On je dober fant. Music Box Etude. Ne sušite zame, Argentina.