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The Spirituals of Harry T. Burleigh. High Voice sheet music. Medium Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music.Prevod
V duhovnih Harry T. Burleigh. Visoko Voice note. Srednje Voice note. Voice Solo note.Originalno
The Spirituals of Harry T. Burleigh. High Voice. Arranged by for Solo voice by Harry T. Burleigh. For Voice. High voice. Medium-High. Vocal Collection. Sacred. Spiritual. Book. 204 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.EL03151. ISBN 0769234410. Sacred. Spiritual. Harry Burleigh's music falls into three categories. secular, religious, and sacred. This 200-page collection is a treasure of history made usable in his fine arrangements. "Deep River" was published in 1917, the first of many to make Burleigh well-known as a composer. List. syllabus. TX UIL PML. Vocal, Choral. Ain't Goin' to Study War No More. Balm in Gilead. Behold That Star. By An' By. Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray. De Blin' Man Stood on de Road an' Cried. De Gospel Train. Deep River. Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel. DON'T BE WEARY TRAVELER. DON'T YOU WEEP WHEN I'M GONE. Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit. Give Me Jesus. GO DOWN IN THE LONESOME VALLEY. Go Down Moses. GO TELL IT ON DE MOUNTAINS. HARD TRIALS. Hear de Lambs a-Cryin' Heav'n Heav'n. HE'S JUST DE SAME TODAY. I Don't Feel No-Ways Tired. I Got a Home in a-Dat Rock. I Know de Lord's Laid His Hands on Me. I STOOD ON DE RIBBER OB JERDON. I've Been in da Storm So Long. I Want To Be Ready. JOHN'S GONE DOWN ON DE ISLAND. JOSHUA FIT DE BATTLE OB JERICHO. Let Us Cheer The Weary Traveler. Little David Play On Your Harp. My Lord What a Mornin'. MY WAY'S CLOUDY. Nobody Knows De Trouble I've Seen. Oh Didn't it Rain. Oh Wasn't Dat a Wide Ribber. Oh Peter Go Ring Dem Bells. O ROCKS DON'T FALL ON ME. RIDE ON KING JESUS. Sinner Please Doan Let Dis Harves' Pass. Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child. Stan' Still Jordan. Seteal Away. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. TIS ME O LORD. Wade In De Water. Weepin' Mary. Were You There. You May Bury Me in de Eas'.Prevod
V duhovnih Harry T. Burleigh. Visoko Voice. Uredil za solo glas Harry T. Burleigh. Za Voice. Visok glas. Srednje visoka. Vokalna Collection. Sacred. Duhovna. Knjiga. 204 strani. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.EL03151. ISBN 0769234410. Sacred. Duhovna. Harry Burleigh glasba sodi v tri kategorije. sekularne, verske in sveto. Ta zbirka 200 strani, je zakladnica zgodovine so uporabne v svojih drobnih dogovorov. "Deep River" je bilo objavljeno leta 1917, je prvi od mnogih, da bi Burleigh znana kot skladatelj. Seznam. predmetnik. TX UIL PML. Vokal, Choral. Ne grem na študij vojne No More. Balzam v Gileadu. Evo zvezdo. Z "Z. Ni slišal nihče ne poženi. De BLIN 'Man je stala na de Road "je vzkliknil. De Gospel Vlak. Deep River. Ni moj Lord Deliver Danielu. NE BE utrujen popotnik. Se vam ne jokajo, ko sem izginile. Ev'ry čas I Feel The Spirit. Give Me Jezusa. Dol pustega DOLINI. Go Down Moses. GO povedal, da o de PLANINSKO. HARD POSKUSI. Slišati de jagnjet A-Cryin 'Heav'n Heav'n. On je samo de SAME DANES. Ne počutim brez Ways Tired. Jaz imam doma v Dat-Rock. Vem de Gospodove položil roke na meni. Sem stal na DE RIBBER OB JERDON. Bil sem v DA Storm So Long. I Want To Be Ready. John je padel na tla NA OTOKU DE. JOSHUA FIT DE BATTLE OB JERICHO. Naj nas Cheer utrujen popotnik. Mali David igrajo na vaš harfo. Moj Lord Kaj Jutro. Oblačno moj način'S. Nihče ne ve, De Trouble sem videl. Oh Ali ne dežuje. Oh, ni bil Dat Wide Ribber. Oh Peter Go Ring Dem Bells. O ROCKS ne padajo na ME. RIDE ON KING JEZUS. Sinner Prosimo Doan Naj DIS Harves potuje. Včasih se počutim kot matere otroka. Stan Still Jordan. Seteal Away. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. TIS ME Jahve. Wade V De vode. Weepin "Mary. Ste bili. Morda boste Me Bury v de Eas ".Največkrat iskano