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Essential Songs - More of the 1960s. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.


Eterična Songs - Več iz leta 1960. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Kitara note.


Essential Songs - More of the 1960s composed by Various. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Songbook. Softcover. 400 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.311353. ISBN 1423418018. 9x12 inches. This incredible collection features over 100 essential hits. The Birds and the Bees. Calendar Girl. Do Wah Diddy Diddy. Fun, Fun, Fun. Happy Together. Hawaii Five-O Theme. Leader of the Pack. Louie, Louie. My Boyfriend's Back. My Girl. Return to Sender. These Boots Are Made for Walkin'. Yellow Submarine. and more. Abraham, Martin And John. Walk On By. Runaway. All Alone Am I. Along Comes Mary. I'm Sorry. Somebody to love. One Fine Day. Wild Thing. I Get Around. It's A. Beautiful Morning. Big Bad John. The Birds And The Bees. Blowin' In The Wind. Cherish. Blue Velvet. Bread And Butter. Daydream. Calendar Girl. California Dreamin'. Carrie-Anne. Cathy's Clown. Cherry, Cherry. Crimson And Clover. Crying. Do Wah Diddy Diddy. Do You Believe In Magic. Don't Sleep In The Subway. Dream Baby. How Long Must I Dream. Duke Of Earl. Eleanor Rigby. Ferry 'Cross The Mersey. Fun, Fun, Fun. Go Away, Little Girl. Goodbye Cruel World. Happy Together. Harper Valley P.T.A. Hawaii Five-O Theme. Hello Mary Lou. Hooked On A Feeling. I Can't Help Myself. Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch. I Say A Little Prayer. I Will Follow Him. I Will Follow You. I'm A Believer. If I Were A Carpenter. In The Midnight Hour. It's My Party. King Of The Road. Last Train To Clarksville. Leader Of The Pack. Leaving On A Jet Plane. Lightnin' Strikes. The Little Old Lady. From Pasadena. Louie, Louie. A Lover's Concerto. Magic Carpet Ride. Monday, Monday. My Boyfriend's Back. My Girl. Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye. You Make Me Feel Like. A Natural Woman. Oh, Pretty Woman. Puppy Love. Release Me. Return To Sender. San Francisco. Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair. Sealed With a Kiss. Sittin' On. The Dock Of The Bay. Soul Man. Spinning Wheel. Strangers In The Night. Sugar, Sugar. Sukiyaki. Take Good Care Of My Baby. Teen Angel. These Boots Are Made For Walkin'. To Sir, With Love. The Twist. Up On The Roof. Up, Up And Away. What The World Needs Now Is Love. Wooly Bully. Wouldn't It Be Nice. Yellow Submarine. Bobby's Girl. You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'. You've Made Me So Very Happy. Mellow Yellow. Alfie. Those Were The Days. Spanish Eyes. Games People Play. Beyond the Sea. Born Free. Cycles. Greenfields. He'll Have To Go. I Hear A Symphony. I Know A Place. I Left My Heart In San Francisco. Limbo Rock. On Broadway. Peppermint Twist. Proud Mary. Spanish Flea. Wichita Lineman. Groovin'. El Paso. Little Green Apples.


Bistvene Pesmi - Več o 1960, ki jih sestavlja Various. Za klavir. Vocal. Kitara. Načrt. Vocal. Kitara Songbook. Mehko prekrivalo. 400 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.311353. ISBN 1423418018. 9x12 cm. Ta neverjetna zbirka ponuja več kot 100 osnovnih zadetkov. The Birds and the Bees. Koledar dekle. Narediti Wah Diddy Diddy. Fun, Fun, Fun. Happy Together. Hawaii Five-O Theme. Vodja Pack. Louie, Louie. Nazaj mojega fanta. My Girl. Return to Sender. Ti čevlji so narejeni za Walkin '. Yellow Submarine. in bolj. Abraham, Martin in John. Walk On By. Runaway. All Alone Am I. Skupaj Comes Mary. Žal mi je. Nekdo bi rad. One Fine Day. Wild Thing. I Get Around. To je. Lepo jutro. Big Bad John. The Birds And The Bees. Blowin 'In The Wind. Cenijo. Blue Velvet. Kruh in maslo. Daydream. Koledar dekle. California Dreamin '. Carrie-Anne. Cathy Clown. Cherry, Cherry. Crimson In Clover. Jok. Narediti Wah Diddy Diddy. Do You Believe In Magic. Ne morem spati na podzemni. Dream Baby. Kako dolgo moram Dream. Duke Of Earl. Eleanor Rigby. Trajekt "Cross Mersey. Fun, Fun, Fun. Go Away, Little Girl. Goodbye Cruel Svetovna. Happy Together. Harper Valley P.T.A. Hawaii Five-O Theme. Hello Mary Lou. Zasvojen na občutek. Ne morem pomagati, Sebe. Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch. I Say A Little Prayer. Bom sledil mu. Sledila bom vas. Jaz sem vernik,. Če bi bil Carpenter. In The Midnight Hour. To je moja stranka. King Of The Road. Last Train Za Clarksville. Vodja krdela. Leaving On A Jet Plane. Lightnin 'Strikes. Mali Old Lady. Od Pasadena. Louie, Louie. Ljubimec Koncert. Magic Carpet Ride. Ponedeljek, ponedeljek. Nazaj mojega fanta. My Girl. Na Na Hey Hey poljub njega poslovil. You Make Me Feel Like. Natural Woman. Oh, Pretty Woman. Pasji. Spustite me. Return To Sender. San Francisco. Bodite prepričani, da nosijo rože v laseh. Zapečatena s poljubom. Sedi na. Dock Of The Bay. Soul Man. Kolovrat. Strangers in the Night. Sladkor, sladkor. Sukiyaki. Pazi Of My Baby. Teen Angel. Ti Boots Are Made Za Walkin '. To Sir, with Love. Twist. Na strehi. Up, Up And Away. Kaj svet potrebuje zdaj je ljubezen. Wooly Bully. Ali ne bi bilo lepo,. Yellow Submarine. Bobby dekle. Vi ste izgubili To Lovin 'Feelin'. Vi ste Made Me Do Very Happy. Mellow Yellow. Alfie. To so bili dnevi. Španski oči. Igre People Play. Beyond the Sea. Born Free. Cikli. Greenfields. On bo moral iti. Slišim simfonijo. Poznam mesto. I Left My Heart V San Franciscu. Limbo Rock. Na Broadwayu. Peppermint Twist. Proud Mary. Spanish Flea. Wichita Lineman. Groovin ". Korak. Little Green Apples.