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Sing Out with Gladness. Lee Dengler. Choir sheet music.
Pojejo Out z veseljem. Lee Dengler. Zbor note.
Sing Out with Gladness composed by Lee Dengler. For Choral, Children's Choir. Unison. 2-Part Treble. Harold Flammer WorshipSongs Jr. 12 pages. Published by Shawnee Press. HL.35029813. ISBN 1480395366. 6.75x10.5 inches. Uses. General. Scripture. Psalm 148. Based on Psalm 148, this anthem of praise invites all creation to “sing out with gladness” and worship the Lord. Piano and a variety of optional percussion instruments provide an expressive calypso-style accompaniment for the jovial melody that's easy to learn and fun to sing. Available separately. Unison. opt. 2-Part Treble, CelebrationTrax CD. Duration. ca. 22.
Sing Out z veseljem jo sestavljajo Lee Dengler. Za zborovsko, otroški zbor. Unison. 2-Part Treble. Harold Flammer WorshipSongs Jr 12 strani. Izdala Shawnee Press. HL.35029813. ISBN 1480395366. 6.75x10.5 cm. Uporabe. Splošno. Pismo. Psalm 148. Na podlagi Psalma 148, ta himna pohvale vabi vso kreacijo na peti ven z veseljem in častil Gospoda. Piano in izbor opcijskih tolkal zagotoviti ekspresivno calypso slogu spremljavo za mladostnem melodijo, ki je enostaven za učenje in zabavo, da pojejo. Na voljo ločeno. Unison. opt. 2-Part Treble, CelebrationTrax CD. Trajanje. ca. 22.