
Partiture $2.25


Africa. Toto. Choir sheet music. Percussion sheet music.


Afrika. Toto. Zbor note. Tolkala note.


Africa by Toto. Arranged by Roger Emerson. For Choral, Percussion. 2-Part. Pop Choral Series. 16 pages. Published by Cherry Lane Music. HL.2501461. Millions saw the amazing You Tube performance of Toto's Africa by the Slovenian choir Perpetuum Jazzille as they recreated the sounds of a rainstorm solely with body percussion. This accessible arrangement will allow your choir to wow your audience the same way. Includes simple percussion part. Available separately. SATB, SAB, 2-Part, ShowTrax CD. Rhythm parts available digitally. syn 1-2, gtr, b, dm, perc. Duration. ca. 50.


Africa Toto. Uredil Roger Emerson. Za zborovsko, tolkala. 2-Part. Pop Zborovske serije. 16 strani. Izdala Cherry Lane Music. HL.2501461. Milijoni videli neverjetno You Tube uspešnost Toto v Afriki, ki ga je slovenski pevski zbor Perpetuum Jazzille kot so poustvarili zvoke nevihte izključno s telesno tolkala. Ta dostopna ureditev bo vaš pevski zbor, da wow vaše občinstvo enak način. Vključuje preprost tolkala del. Na voljo ločeno. SATB, SAB, 2-del, ShowTrax CD. Ritem deli na voljo digitalno s. syn 1-2, GTR, b, dm, perc. Trajanje. ca. 50.