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Oh, More or Less. Arthur Gottschalk. Bass Clarinet sheet music. Tenor Saxophone sheet music.


Oh, bolj ali manj. Arthur Gottschalk. Bas klarinet note. Tenor saksofon note.


Oh, More or Less composed by Arthur Gottschalk. For tenor saxophone, bass clarinet duet. Classical. 21st century. Duo score and parts. Composed 2011. 10 pages. score. 4 pages. each part. Duration 7 minutes. Published by Alea Publishing. A7.ALEA1089A. ABOUT THE WORK. Oh, More or Less was composed in 2011 during the composer's residencity at the Bogliasco Foundation in Italy. Part of Gottschalk's work there was to write a piece for Henri Bok, more specifically for his "Duo Hevans", the bass clarinet and tenor saxophone ensemble in which he plays with his wife, Ann Evans. The piece, about seven minutes or less, is informed by the harmonic experiments of Carlo Gesualdo. Extremes of range and special effects are not a part of the vocabulary of this piece, as the composer was much more interested in exploring the rich sound inherent in the bass clarinet. tenor saxophone blend. ABOUT THE COMPOSER. American composer Arthur Gottschalk was born in California, but raised in the Northeastern United States. He attended the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, receiving a Bachelor of Music degree in Music Composition, a Master of Arts degree in Music Composition and English Literature, and his Doctorate in Music Composition, studying with William Bolcom, Ross Lee Finney, and Leslie Bassett. He is currently a Professor at Rice University's Shepherd School of Music, where he is Chair of the Department of Music Theory and Composition, and where he directed the university's electronic and computer music laboratories until 2002. In 1986 he co-founded Modern Music Ventures, Inc., a company which held a recording studio complex, a record production division, four publishing firms, and an artist management division, and for whom he produced records for PolyGram and Capitol. In 1998 Gottschalk abandoned these pursuits, in order that he might devote himself more fully to music composition. Gottschalk's teaching specialties include music business and law, film music, music theory, music composition, and counterpoint. As a film and television composer he numbers six feature films, twelve television scores, and numerous industrial films and commercials among his credits. Among other awards, he is a recipient of the Charles Ives Prize of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, annual ASCAP Awards since 1980, and has been a Composer-in-Residence at the famed Columbia. Princeton Electronic Music Center and for the Piccolo Spoleto Festival. He has been recently honored with Special Recognition by the ASCAP Rudolph Nissim Awards, the First Prize of the Concorso Internazionale di Composizione Originale - Corciano, Italy, and with the First Prize of the Ridgewood Symphony Orchestra composition competition. With well over one hundred compositions in his catalog, his music is performed regularly in Europe, Asia, and Australia, is recorded on New Ariel, Crystal, Summit, Capstone, Beauport Classical, ERMMedia, Golden Crest, and AURecordings, and is published by Subito Music, Shawnee Press, European American Music Distributors, and Spectrum Press. ASCAP. His book, Functional Hearing, is published by Scarecrow Press.


Oh, bolj ali manj sestavljen Arthur Gottschalk. Za tenor saksofon, bas klarinet duet. Klasična. 21. stoletje. Duo ocena in deli. Sestavlja 2011. 10 strani. ocena. 4 strani. vsak del. Trajanje 7 minut. Izdala Alea Založništvo. A7.ALEA1089A. O DELU. Oh, bolj ali manj je bila sestavljena leta 2011, v času residencity skladateljevega na Bogliasco fundacije v Italiji. Del dela Gottschalk je ni bilo, da bi napisal kos za Henri Bok, še posebej za njegov Duo Hevans, za bas klarinet in tenor saksofon ansambla, v katerem je igra s svojo ženo Ann Evans. Kos, približno sedem minut ali manj, se obvesti harmoničnih eksperimentov Carlo Gesualdo. Ekstremne učinke dosega in posebne niso del besedišča tega dela, saj je skladatelj bolj zanima raziskovanje bogat zvok značilna za bas klarinet. tenor saksofon mešanica. O skladatelju. Ameriški skladatelj Arthur Gottschalk se je rodila v Kaliforniji, vendar pa je postavljeno v severovzhodni ZDA. Je obiskoval univerzo Michigan v Ann Arbor, ki prejemajo Bachelor of Music stopnje v Music Composition, Master of Arts v Music Sestava in angleške literature, in doktoriral leta Music Composition, študira z Williamom Bolcom, Ross Lee Finney in Leslie . Trenutno je profesor na Shepherd School of Music, Rice University, kjer je je predsednik oddelka za glasbeno teorijo in kompozicijo, in kjer je režiral elektronske in računalniške glasbe laboratorijev Univerze do leta 2002. Leta 1986 je soustanovil Modern Music Ventures, Inc., podjetje, ki je potekala v snemalni studio kompleks, delitev proizvodni rekord, štiri založniške družbe in delitev ravnanja umetnik, in za katere je proizveden evidence Polygram in Capitol. Leta 1998 Gottschalk opustila te udejstvovanje, zato, da bi bil sam v večji meri posvetil glasbeni sestavi. Poučevanje posebnosti Gottschalk vključujejo glasbeno poslovne vede in pravo, filmsko glasbo, glasbeno teorijo, glasbeno kompozicijo, in kontrapunkt. Kot filmski in televizijski skladatelj je število šest celovečernih filmov, televizijskih dvanajst izide, in številne industrijske filmov in reklam med svojimi krediti. Med drugimi nagradami, je prejemnik Charles Ives nagrado Ameriške akademije umetnosti in književnosti, letnih ASCAP nagrad od leta 1980, in je bil skladatelj-in-Residence v znameniti Columbia. Princeton Electronic Music Center in za Spoleto Festival Piccolo. On je bil pred kratkim počaščen s posebno priznanje ASCAP Rudolph Nissim Awards, prve nagrade na Concorso Internazionale di Composizione originale - Corciano, Italiji, in s prvo nagrado umetnega tekmovanja Ridgewood Symphony Orchestra. Z več kot sto skladb v svojem katalogu, se njegova glasba se redno izvajajo v Evropi, Aziji in Avstraliji, ki je posneta na Novi Ariela, kristal, vrha, Capstone, Beauport Classical, ERMMedia, Golden Crest in AURecordings in je objavila . ASCAP. Njegova knjiga Funkcionalna Zaslišanje je objavil Scarecrow Press.
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