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Tradition of Excellence Book 1 - Piano. Guitar Accompaniment. Guitar sheet music. Piano sheet music.
Tradicija odličnosti Book 1 - klavir. Kitara Spremljava. Kitara note. Klavir note.
Tradition of Excellence Book 1 - Piano. Guitar Accompaniment. Comprehensive Band Method. Composed by Bruce Pearson, Ryan Nowlin. Band. For piano. guitar. Concert Band Method. Tradition of Excellence. Book A,1. Method book and DVD. Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.W61PG. ISBN 084977070X. Tradition of Excellence is a flexible performance-centered band method that seamlessly blends classic and contemporary pedagogy, instrument-specific DVD's, and the cutting-edge interactive practice studio technology. Bruce Pearson and Ryan Nowlin present a systematic comprehensive musicianship curriculum that is second-to-none. Each book comes with the unique and revolutionary Interactive Practice Studio, at no extra charge. Today's students will appreciate access to all multimedia components of the curriculum on a single virtual page. And best of all it's fully loaded and ready to use in a performance classroom or on a Smartboard. The printed page has never been such a powerful teaching tool.
Tradicija odličnosti Book 1 - klavir. Kitara Spremljava. Celovite Band Metoda. Sestavljajo Bruce Pearson, Ryan Nowlin. Band. Za klavir. kitara. Concert Band Metoda. Tradicija odličnosti. Knjiga, 1. Metoda knjiga in DVD. Izdala Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.W61PG. ISBN 084977070X. Tradicija odličnosti je prilagodljiva-performance osredotočen način bend, ki neopazno združuje klasično in sodobno pedagogiko, instrument za posamezne DVD-jev, in vrhunske interaktivni praksa studijsko tehnologijo. Bruce Pearson in Ryan Nowlin predstaviti sistematično celovito glasbenih sposobnosti kurikulum, ki je drugo-to-none. Vsaka knjiga ima edinstven in revolucionaren Interactive Practice Studio, brez doplačila. Današnji študenti bodo cenili dostop do vseh multimedijskih sestavne dele kurikuluma na eni sami virtualni stran. In najboljše od vsega pa je v celoti naložen in pripravljen za uporabo v učilnici uspešnosti ali na Smartboard. Natisnjene strani še nikoli ni bila tako močna učni pripomoček.