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The Complete Guitar Player Songbook Omnibus Edition. Guitar sheet music. Piano sheet music. Beginning.
Complete Guitar Player Songbook Omnibus Edition. Kitara note. Klavir note. Začetek.
The Complete Guitar Player Songbook Omnibus Edition for Guitar. Music Sales America. Rock and Folk. Difficulty. easy-medium. Fake book. Vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. 167 pages. Music Sales #AM75797. Published by Music Sales. HL.14007251. ISBN 082562536X. With vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. Rock and Folk. 9x12 inches. This compilation of all 4 of The Complete Guitar Player Songbooks contains over 180 songs written by such great songwriters as Lennon & McCartney, Paul Simon, John Denver, Bob Dylan, and many more. In standard notation, with chord boxes and full lyrics. Air In C. Sor. Amazing Grace. And I Love Her. Blowin' In The Wind. Call And Answer. Catch The Wind. Colours. Dance. Down By The Brook. Dunken Sailor. Freight Train. Goin' Places. Greensleeves. The House Of The Risin' Sun. If I Were A Carpenter. If You Could Read My Mind. Jamaica Farewell. The Last Thing On My Mind. Leaving On A Jet Plane. Little Ben. Clock Chime. Maxwell's Silver Hammer. Me And Bobby McGee. Mellow Yellow. Michael Row The Boat Ashore. Moonshadow. Morning has Broken. Ob-la-di Ob-la-da. Passing Note Waltz. Romanza. Sailing. Scarborough Fair. She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain. Skateboading In The Park. Streets Of London. Study By Carcassi. Study By Fernando Sor. Sunday Blues. Suzanne. Take Me Home Country Roads. This Land Is Your Land. This Train. The Times They Are A-Changin'. Watermelon. Where Have All The Flowers Gone. Yellow Submarine. All My Trials. America. April She Will Come. Bill Bailey. The Black Velvet Band. Both Sides Now. The Boxer. Carolina in My Mind. Classical Capers. Diamonds And Rust. Early Mornin' Rain. Fire And Rain. Frankie and Johnny. Guantanamera. G. Wizz. Help. Here Comes The Sun. Homeward Bound. I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song. Imagine. Just The Way You Are. Kumbaya. Lyin' Eyes. May You Never. Money's The Word. Mr. Bojangles. Only Hopes Returning. Plumstones. Ridin' Blind. San Francisco Bay Blues. Skyline. Slip Slidin' Away. The Sloop John B. Snowmobiling. Something. Sundown. Sunny Afternoon. Sweet Baby James. Take It Easy. There But For Fortune. The Third Waltz. The Universal Soldier. The Waltz Of Love. The Whiskey In The Jar. The Wild Rover. Wild World. Worried Man Blues. The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. Your Song. You've Got A Friend. Annie's Song. Bird On The Wire. Blackbird. Bridge Over Troubled Water. Careless Love. Daniel. D'Arcy Farrow. El Condor Pasa. Everbody's Talkin. The 59th Street Bridge Song. Feelin' Groovy. Gone Fishing. Help Me Make It Through The Night. I Can't Help But Wonder. Where I'm Bound. Kansas City. Killing Me Softly with His Song. A Little Peace. Ein Bisschen Frieden. Liverpool Lullaby. Lovesick Blues. Madeleine. Marco. Midnight Special. Mother And Child Reunion. The Mountains Of Mourne. M.T.A. My Ramblin' Boy. Night Breeze. Nights In White Satin. Nine Pound Hammer. Not Fade Away. Out Near Alice. Road To Nowhere. Royal Dance. Ruby Don't Take Your Love To Town. Skimatics. Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word. The Sound Of Silence. That'll Be The Day. The Trees They Do Grow High. Turn, Turn, Turn. Wild Mountain Thyme. Year Of The Cat. Yesterday. Campbell's Jig. Candle In The Wind. Can't Help Falling in Love. Coat Of Many Colours. The Curragh Of Kildare. Dedicated Follower Of Fashion. Duncan. Father And Son. The Ferryman. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. Flight Of The Frisbee. Here There And Everywhere. Hey That's No Way To Say Goodbye. The House Carpenter. Hush Little Baby. I Walk The Line. Lady D'Arbanville. Let It Be. Little Boxes. Marathon Mania. Mary Hamilton. Mrs. McGrath. My Sweet Lord. The Nightingale. The Night they Drove Old Dixie Down. On The Run. Plaisir d'Amour. Quare Bungle Rye. Rag Of Yer Own. Rivers of Babylon. Rocky Mountain High. Rollerball. Save the Last Dance for Me. Six Nights Drunk. Squeaker's Prowl. Terminus. Thursday's Theme. Tonight's The Night. T.T.'s Blues. Two-Step Promenade. Weekend Shuffle. The Whistling Gypsy Rover. You've To To Hide Your Love Away.
Complete Guitar Player Songbook Omnibus Edition za kitaro. Glasba prodaje America. Rock Folk. Težavnost. lahka srednje. Fake knjiga. Vokalna melodija, lyrics, tetiva imena in kitara struna diagrami. 167 strani. Музыка по продажам. Izdala Music Sales. HL.14007251. ISBN 082562536X. Z vokalna melodija, lyrics, tetiva imena in kitare tetiva diagramov. Rock Folk. 9x12 cm. To zbiranje vseh 4 celotne kitarist Songbooks vsebuje več kot 180 pesmi, ki jih tako veliko tekstopisci, kot Lennon napisal. V standardni zapis, s tetiva škatle in polnimi besedili. Zrak v C. Sor. Amazing Grace. In I Love Her. Blowin 'In The Wind. Klicanje in sprejemanje klicev. Catch The Wind. Barve. Dance. Dol ob potoku. Dünken Sailor. Tovorni vlak. Goin 'Places. Greensleeves. Hiša Risin 'Sonca. Če bi bil Carpenter. Če bi lahko Read My Mind. Jamaica Farewell. Last Thing On My Mind. Leaving On A Jet Plane. Malo Ben. Ura Chime. Maxwellov Silver Hammer. Me And Bobby McGee. Mellow Yellow. Michael Row Boat Ashore. Moonshadow. Jutro je izbruhnil. Ob-la-di Ob-la-da. Mimo Opomba Waltz. Romanza. Jadranje. Scarborough Fair. Ona bo Prihaja Round the Mountain. Skateboading v parku. Streets of London. Študija, ki jo Carcassi. Študija, ki jo Fernando Sor. Nedelja Blues. Suzanne. Take Me Home Country Roads. Ta Land Is Your Land. Ta Vlak. The Times Oni so-spreminjaj. Watermelon. Če se vsi Flowers Gone. Yellow Submarine. Vsi Moje Trials. America. April bo prišla. Bill Bailey. The Black Velvet Band. Obe strani sta zdaj. Boxer. Carolina v mojih mislih. Klasični Kapre. Diamonds And Rust. Zgodnje jutro Rain. Fire In Rain. Frankie in Johnny. Guantanamera. G. Wizz. Pomaga. Here Comes The Sun. Proti domu Bound. Jaz bom reči, I Love You In A Song. Predstavljajte si,. Just The Way You Are. Kumbaya. Lažejo oči. Nikoli ne boste. Denar je Beseda. Mr Bojangles. Samo upa Vrnitev. Plumstones. Ridin 'Blind. San Francisco Bay Blues. Skyline. Slip Slidin "Away. Sloop John B. Motorne sani. Nekaj. Sundown. Sunny Afternoon. Sweet Baby James. Take It Easy. Obstaja pa za Fortune. Tretji Waltz. Universal Soldier. Waltz Of Love. Whiskey In The Jar. Wild Rover. Divji svet. Skrbelo Man Blues. Wreck od Edmund Fitzgerald. Tvoj Song. Imaš prijatelju. Annie Song. Bird On The Wire. Blackbird. Most čez Troubled Water. Nepreviden Ljubezen. Daniel. D'Arcy Farrow. El Condor Pasa. Everbody je Talkin. 59th Street Bridge Song. Feelin 'Groovy. Gone Fishing. Pomagaj mi, da bi prek noči. Ne morem pomagati, ampak se sprašujem. Kje sem Bound. Kansas City. Killing Me Softly s svojo pesmijo. A Little Peace. A Little Peace. Liverpool Lullaby. Lovesick Blues. Madeleine. Okvir. Midnight posebna. Mother and Child Reunion. Gore Mourne. M.T.A. Moj Ramblin 'Boy. Night Breeze. Nights in white satin. Nine Pound Hammer. Not Fade Away. Out bližini Alice. Road To Nowhere. Royal Dance. Ruby Ne Bodite Your Love Town. Skimatics. Žal mi zdi, da je najtežje beseda. Sound Of Silence. To bo dan. Drevje počnejo Grow Visoka. Turn, Turn, Turn. Wild Mountain Timijan. Year of the Cat. Včeraj. Campbell Jig. Candle In The Wind. Ne morem Help Falling in Love. Coat Of Many Colours. Curragh Kildare. Namenska sledite modi. Duncan. Oče in sin. Ferryman. First Time Ever I Saw tvoj obraz. Flight Of The frizbijem. Tu in povsod. Hej To No Way To Say Goodbye. House Carpenter. Hush Mali Baby. I Walk The Line. Lady D'Arbanville. Let It Be. Majhne škatle. Maraton Mania. Mary Hamilton. Ga McGrath. My Sweet Lord. Nightingale. Night Odpeljali Old Dixie dol. On The Run. Plaisir d'Amour. Quare Bungle Rye. Rag Of yer Own. Rivers of Babylon. Rocky Mountain Visoka. Rollerball. Save the Last Dance for Me. Šest Nights Drunk. Squeaker je Prowl. Terminus. Četrtkova tema. Nocoj je noč. Blues T.T. 's. Two-Step Promenade. Vikend Shuffle. Piskanje Gypsy Rover. Ste za To Hide Your Love Away.