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The Ultimate Song Pages. Piano Volume 1. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music.


Ultimate Song Strani. Piano Volume 1. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar note. Voice note. Electric Guitar note.


The Ultimate Song Pages. Piano Volume 1 by Various. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. C Mixed Folio. Piano. Vocal. Chords. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Songbook. Pop and Rock. Songbook. Vocal melody, lyrics, piano accompaniment, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. 999 pages. Alfred Music #26320. Published by Alfred Music. HL.322050. ISBN 073904429X. With vocal melody, lyrics, piano accompaniment, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. Pop and Rock. 9x12 inches. Over 200 of your favorite pop. rock songs, all in one book. The Ultimate Song Pages. Piano Volume 1 provides the lyrics along with piano and chord arrangements for some of the greatest pop and rock hits ever written. Artists featured. 50 Cent. ABBA. Aerosmith. Avril Lavigne. the Beatles. the Bee Gees. Bruce Hornsby. Bruce Springsteen. Celine Dion. Cher. Chicago. Coldplay. Cream. Diana Ross. Dixie Chicks. Elvis Presley. Eric Clapton. Grateful Dead. Green Day. Hall & Oates. Jerry Lee Lewis. Jim Brickman. Jimmy Buffett. Joni Mitchell. Kelly Clarkson. Kenny Loggins. Madonna. Mariah Carey. Michael Jackson. Motley Crue. Neil Young. Nickelback. Pink Floyd. R.E.M.. Ray Charles. Rod Stewart. Santana. Sheryl Crow. Steppenwolf. The Cars. The Doobie Brothers. The Who. The Eagles. The Rolling Stones. Tina Turner. Van Halen. Van Morrison. Wham. Whitney Houston, and many more. After Midnight. After the Gold Rush. All I Wanna Do. American Idiot. And We Danced. And You and I - Part 1. Angel Eyes. Another Brick in the Wall. Part II. Back In The High Life Again. Bad, Bad Leroy Brown. Beach Baby. Beat It. Because You Loved Me. Believe. Best Friend. The Best of My Love. Big Yellow Taxi. Billie Jean. Black Or White. Black Water. Blueberry Hill. Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Breakaway. Breathe. Breathless. Broken. By Heart. Can't Take That Away. Mariah's Theme. Cara Mia. Careless Whisper. Cat's In The Cradle. Cheeseburger in Paradise. Chelsea Morning. Cinnamon Girl. Cold as Ice. Cold Day in July. Complicated. Conga. Could it be I'm Falling in Love. Cowboy Take Me Away. Crash and Burn. Crazy Love. Crying in the Chapel. Da Ya Think I'm Sexy. Dance to the Music. Dancing in the Dark. Dancing Queen. Day After Day. Devils & Dust. Do You Want to Know A Secret. Doctor My Eyes. Domino. Don't Cry. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood. Don't You Know What the Night Can Do. Don't Cha. Dr. Feelgood. Dreaming of You. 8th World Wonder. Escapade. Europa. Earth's Cry Heaven's Smile. Everyday Is A Winding Road. Express Yourself. Feel Like Makin' Love. Fernando. Follow Me. For What It's Worth. Stop, Hey What's That Sound. Get On Your Feet. Girls, Girls, Girls. Great Balls of Fire. The Greatest Love Of All. Hallelujah I Love Her So. Hard to Say I'm Sorry. The Harlem Shuffle. Heart Of Gold. Heart to Heart. Heat of the Moment. Heaven is a 4 Letter Word. Here I Go Again. Hero. Hey, Good Lookin'. A Horse With No Name. Hot Fun in the Summertime. Hotel California. The House of the Rising Sun. How Can You Mend A Broken Heart. How Deep Is Your Love. How Will I Know. Hungry Heart. I Can See for Miles. I Can't Drive 55. I Dig Rock and Roll Music. I Don't Want To Miss A Thing. I Got a Name. I Got a Woman. I Got You Babe. I'll Be Around. Whenever You Want Me. I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song. I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man. If I Were You. If It Makes You Happy. If You Asked Me To. If Your Could Read My Mind. Inside Your Heaven. Into the Groove. Irrestible. Is This Love. It's Been Awhile. Jambalaya. On the Bayou. Jump. Jungle Boogie. Just What I Needed. Killing Me Softly with His Song. Kiss on My List. Lady. Lay Down Sally. Layla. The Letter. Like a Prayer. Listen To The Music. Lonely People. Looks that Kill. Losing My Religion. Love Train. Lyin' Eyes. Mama Told Me. Not to Come. Mandolin Rain. Margaritaville. Mexico. Money. Moondance. More Than A Feeling. My Best Friend's Girl. My Generation. Night and Day. Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now. Ohio. Old Time Rock & Roll. One. Only God Knows Why. Operator. That's Not The Way It Feels. Owner of a Lonely Heart. Panama. Photograph. The Prayer. Puff. The Magic Dragon. Queen of the Hop. The Reason. Redneck Woman. Rhinestone Cowboy. Rhythm Is Gonna Get You. Rhythm Nation. Rich Girl. Right Here Waiting. Rock & Roll Band. Roundabout. Running On Empty. San Franciscan Nights. Save the Last Dance for Me. Say Say Say. Sealed With a Kiss. She Bangs. She's Not There. Shower The People. Sister Golden Hair. Smooth. Soak Up The Sun. Society's Child. Some Hearts. Stupid Girls. Sugar Magnolia. Sundown. Sunshine of Your Love. Sunshine On My Shoulders. Take a Bow. Take a Chance on Me. Take It Easy. Take Me Home, Country Roads. Take Me Breath Away. Talk. Thank God I'm a Country Boy. There's Your Trouble. This Is It. Time In A Bottle. Time is on My Side. Tin Man. Too Bad. Too Little Too Late. Touch of Grey. Truckin'. Unbreak My Heart. Regresa a Mi. Untitled. How Can This Happen ot Me. Upside Down. Ventura Highway. Vogue. The Way It Is. Welcome to My Nightmare. What a Fool Believes. What'd I Say. What's Love Got To Do With It. When A Man Loves A Woman. When I See You Smile. Whenever I Call You "Friend". Where Or When. White Flag. Witchy Woman. Words Get In The Way. The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. You Belong to te City. You Don't Mess Around with Jim. You Might Think. You Raise Me Up. You Really Got Me. You Should Be Dancing. You're the Inspiration. Your Cheatin' Heart. Your Smiling Face.


Ultimate Song Strani. Piano zvezek 1, ki ga Various. Za klavir. Vocal. Kitara. C Mešani Folio. Načrt. Vocal. Pesem. Načrt. Vocal. Kitara Songbook. Pop in rock. Songbook. Vokalna melodija, besedilo, klavirska spremljava, tetiva imena in kitara struna diagrami. 999 strani. Альфред Музыка. Objavljeno Alfred Music. HL.322050. ISBN 073904429X. Z vokalne melodije, besedila, klavirjem, tetiva imena in kitara struna diagrami. Pop in rock. 9x12 cm. Več kot 200 vaših najljubših pop. rock skladb, vse v eni knjigi. Ultimate Song Strani. Piano zvezek 1 določa, lyrics skupaj s klavirskimi in tetiva ureditve za nekatere od največjih pop in rock uspešnice vseh časov. Umetniki, predstavljeni. 50 Cent. ABBA. Aerosmith. Avril Lavigne. Beatli. Bee Gees. Bruce Hornsby. Bruce Springsteen. Celine Dion. Drage. Chicago. Coldplay. Krema. Diana Ross. Dixie Chicks. Elvis Presley. Eric Clapton. Grateful Dead. Green Day. Dvorana. Jerry Lee Lewis. Jim Brickman. Jimmy Buffett. Joni Mitchell. Kelly Clarkson. Kenny Loggins. Madonna. Mariah Carey. Michael Jackson. Motley Crue. Neil Young. Nickelback. Pink Floyd. R.E.M.. Ray Charles. Rod Stewart. Santana. Sheryl Crow. Steppenwolf. Avtomobili. The Doobie Brothers. Kdo. The Eagles. The Rolling Stones. Tina Turner. Van Halen. Van Morrison. Wham. Whitney Houston, in še veliko več. Po polnoči. Po Gold Rush. Vse, kar si želim. Ameriški Idiot. In smo plesali. In Ti in jaz - 1. del. Angel Eyes. Še ena opeka v zidu. Part II. Nazaj v visoki življenju enkrat. Bad, Bad Leroy Brown. Plaža Baby. It Beat. Ker You Loved Me. Verjamem. Best Friend. Best of My Love. Big Yellow Taxi. Billie Jean. Črna ali bela. Black Water. Blueberry Hill. Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Breakaway. Breathe. Breathless. Broken. Heart. Ne more vzeti. Mariah je Theme. Cara Mia. Nepreviden Whisper. Cat je v zibelki. Cheeseburger v raju. Chelsea Morning. Cimet dekle. Hladna kot led. Hladen dan v juliju. Zapleten. Conga. Ali je mogoče, sem Falling in Love. Cowboy Take Me Away. Crash and Burn. Crazy Love. Vpijočega v kapeli. Da Ya Think sem Sexy. Ples na glasbo. Dancing in the Dark. Dancing Queen. Dan za dnem. Devils. Želite vedeti skrivnost. Zdravnika My Eyes. Domino. Ne joči. Ne Let Me Be napačno razumljen. Ne veste, kaj Night lahko storite. Ne Cha. Dr Feelgood. Dreaming of You. 8. čudo sveta. Escapade. Evropa. Zemljino Cry nebes Smile. Everyday je Winding Road. Express Yourself. Feel Like Makin 'ljubezni. Fernando. Sledite mi. Za kaj je vredno. Stop, Hej Kaj je ta zvok. Get On Your Feet. Girls, Girls, Girls. Great Balls of Fire. Greatest Love Of All. Hallelujah I Love Her So. Težko je reči, žal mi je. Harlem Shuffle. Heart Of Gold. Srca do srca. Vročici trenutka. Nebesa so 4 pismo Word. Here I Go Again. Hero. Hej, Good Lookin '. Konj brez imena. Hot Zabava v poletnem času. Hotel California. House of the Rising Sun. Kako lahko Popraviti Broken Heart. Kako globoka je Your Love. Kako bom vedel. Hungry Heart. Vidim za Miles. Ne morem voziti 55. I Dig Rock and Roll Music. Jaz ne želim zamuditi Thing. I Got Name. I Got a Woman. I Got You Babeu. Bom Around. Kadarkoli You Want Me. Jaz bom reči, I Love You In A Song. Jaz sem tvoj Hoochie Coochie Man. Če bi bil jaz vas. Če te osrečuje. Če ste so mi naj. Če je vaš Bi mi bereš. Inside Your Heaven. Into the Groove. Irrestible. To je ljubezen. To je bilo nekaj časa. Jambalaya. Na Bayou. Jump. Jungle Boogie. Samo, kar sem potreboval. Killing Me Softly s svojo pesmijo. Poljubi moj seznam. Lady. Določiti Sally. Layla. Pismo. Kot Prayer. Poslušanje glasbe. Lonely People. Izgleda, da je Kill. Losing My Religion. Ljubezen Train. Lažejo oči. Mama mi je rekel,. Ne pride. Mandolin Rain. Margaritaville. Mexico. Denar. Moondance. Več kot občutek. Moj najboljši prijatelj je dekle. My Generation. Night and Day. Nič se ne bo Stop Us Now. Ohio. Old Time Rock. Eden. Samo Bog ve, zakaj. Operater. To ni način, se počuti. Lastnik Lonely Heart. Panama. Fotografija. Molitev. Puff. Magic Dragon. Queen of the Hop. Razlog. Redneck Woman. Nosorogovo Cowboy. Rhythm Is Gonna Get You. Rhythm Nation. Rich Dekle. Right Here Waiting. Rock. Krožišče. Running On Empty. San frančiškanski Nights. Save the Last Dance for Me. Pravijo pravijo, pravijo. Zapečatena s poljubom. She Bangs. Ona je Not There. Tuš ljudi,. Sister Golden Hair. Smooth. Sončenje. Otrok Society. Nekateri Hearts. Stupid Girls. Sugar Magnolia. Sundown. Sunshine of Your Love. Sunshine On My Shoulders. Bodite Bow. Izkoristite priložnost in on Me. Take It Easy. Take Me Home, Country Roads. Take Me Away Breath. Pogovor. Hvala bogu, da sem Country Boy. Tukaj je Vaš Trouble. This Is It. Čas v steklenici. Čas je na moji strani. Tin Man. Škoda. Premalo Too Late. Touch of Grey. Truckin '. Unbreak My Heart. Regresa Mi. Brez naslova. Kako se to lahko zgodi podaljšku Me. Upside Down. Ventura Highway. Vogue. Tako pač je. Welcome to My Nightmare. Kaj Fool verjame. Kaj naj rečem. Kaj je ljubezen ima to opraviti z njo. Ko Man Loves A Woman. Ko sem se smejiš. Kadarkoli vas kličem "Prijatelj". Kje in kdaj. White Flag. Fascinantnega Woman. Besede v napoto. Wreck od Edmund Fitzgerald. You Belong za TE Mesto. Vi ne Mess Around z Jimom. Si morda mislite. You Raise Me Up. You Really Got Me. Moral bi biti Dancing. Ti si Inspiration. Vaš Cheatin "Heart. Vaš nasmeh.
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