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The Real Book - Volume I - Mini Edition. Various. B-Flat Instrument sheet music.


Real Book - Zvezek I - Mini Edition. Various. B-Flat Instrument note.


The Real Book - Volume I - Mini Edition. Bb Edition. Composed by Various. For Bb Instruments. Fake Book. 464 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240339. ISBN 1423469380. 5.25x8.5 inches. The Real Books are the best-selling jazz books of all time. Since the 1970s, musicians have trusted these volumes to get them through every gig, night after night. The problem is that the books were illegally produced and distributed, without any regard to copyright law, or royalties paid to the composers who created these musical masterpieces. Hal Leonard is very proud to present the first legitimate and legal editions of these books ever produced. You won't even notice the difference, other than all the notorious errors being fixed. the covers and typeface look the same, the song list is nearly identical, and the price for our edition is even cheaper than the original. Every conscientious musician will appreciate that these books are now produced accurately and ethically, benefitting the songwriters that we owe for some of the greatest tunes of all time. This Bb mini edition includes 400 songs. All Blues. Au Privave. Autumn Leaves. Black Orpheus. Bluesette. Body and Soul. Bright Size Life. Con Alma. Dolphin Dance. Don't Get Around Much Anymore. Easy Living. Epistrophy. Falling in Love with Love. Footprints. Four on Six. Giant Steps. Have You Met Miss Jones. How High the Moon. I'll Remember April. Impressions. Lullaby of Birdland. Misty. My Funny Valentine. Oleo. Red Clay. Satin Doll. Sidewinder. Stella by Starlight. Take Five. There Is No Greater Love. Wave. and hundreds more. C Edition also available. Call Me. Easy Living. Jelly Roll. West Coast Blues. Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum. Ring Dem Bells. Israel. Pinocchio. Butterfly. Pfrancing. No Blues. Beauty And The Beast. Peace. Afternoon In Paris. Reflections. Always. Cotton Tail. Airegin. Passion Flower. Guilty. Lines And Spaces. Conception. Captain Marvel. Litha. What Was. Inner Urge. Isotope. Passion Dance. Las Vegas Tango. Alfie. Alice in Wonderland. Heaven. All Blues. All By Myself. Topsy. Sidewinder. Lament. How My Heart Sings. I Love You. Steps. Crystal Silence. Detour Ahead. Sugar. Con Alma. Hot Toddy. Solitude. In A Mellow Tone. All Of Me. All Of You. All The Things You Are. I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free. Dolphin Dance. Broadway. Upper Manhattan Medical Group. UMMG. Straight No Chaser. One Finger Snap. Iris. My Way. Alright, Okay, You Win. Golden Lady. So What. Somebody Loves Me. Afro Blue. Road Song. Once I Loved. Amor Em Paz. Love In Peace. April Joy. Bright Size Life. Midwestern Nights Dream. Missouri Uncompromised. Sirabhorn. Uniquity Road. Unity Village. Angel Eyes. Unchain My Heart. Ceora. A Child Is Born. Full House. Icarus. El Gaucho. Prince Of Darkness. Armageddon. Black Nile. Stuff. Anthropology. Apple Honey. April In Paris. Skating In Central Park. Arise, Her Eyes. What Am I Here For. Desafinado. Contemplation. Miss Ann. Au Privave. Joy Spring. Autumn In New York. Autumn Leaves. Black Diamond. Forest Flower. Sweet Georgia Bright. Swedish Pastry. Chippie. Think On Me. Man In The Green Shirt. Memories Of Tomorrow. Milano. Tame Thy Pen. 502 Blues. Poem For #15. The Saga Of Harrison Crabfeathers. Deluge. House Of Jade. Dolores. Orbits. Good Evening Mr. And Mrs. America. Equipoise. African Flower. Petite Fleur Africaine. Indian Lady. Three Flowers. Follow Your Heart. Peri's Scope. Quiet Now. Time Remembered. Very Early. Chelsea Bells. Doin' The Pig. Domino Biscuit. The Green Mountains. Portsmouth Figurations. Sweet Henry. Coral. Days And Nights Waiting. Grow Your Own. In Your Quiet Place. Lucky Southern. Moonchild. The Magician In You. Broad Way Blues. The Sphinx. Dear Old Stockholm. Midnight Mood. Turn Out The Stars. Gypsy In My Soul. Day Waves. Desert Air. Dexterity. Wild Flower. Sometime Ago. Kelo. Oliloqui Valley. The Sorcerer. Easy To Love. You'd Be So Easy To Love. Django. There Is No Greater Love. Bessie's Blues. Bewitched. Big Nick. Black Coffee. Fall. Blue In Green. The Blue Room. Young At Heart. Blue Train. Blue Trane. Bluesette. Body And Soul. Boplicity. Be Bop Lives. Beautiful Love. Could It Be You. Yesterday. Hello, Young Lovers. Stolen Moments. My Favorite Things. But Beautiful. Byrd Like. Call Me Irresponsible. Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man. Central Park West. Countdown. Whispering. Chega De Saudade. No More Blues. Chelsea Bridge. Prelude To A Kiss. Cherokee. Indian Love Song. Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White. Lady Bird. Eighty One. Up Jumped Spring. We'll Be Together Again. Darn that Dream. My Shining Hour. I Should Care. There Will Never Be Another You. Triste. Take The 'A' Train. Chitlins Con Carne. My Foolish Heart. Come Sunday. Como En Vietnam. Confirmation. Crescent. D Natural Blues. Daahoud. Dancing On The Ceiling. Dearly Beloved. Dedicated To You. Dizzy Atmosphere. Don't Blame Me. Don't Get Around Much Anymore. Donna Lee. Dream A Little Dream Of Me. Dreamsville. Easter Parade. Equinox. Falling Grace. Falling in Love With Love. A Fine Romance. 500 Miles High. Footprints. For All We Know. I Love You. For Sentimental Reasons. Four. Four On Six. Freddie Freeloader. God Bless' The Child. Giant Steps. Grand Central. Groovin' High. Half Nelson. Have You Met Miss Jones. Heebie Jeebies. Here's That Rainy Day. How High The Moon. How Insensitive. Insensatez. Hullo Bolinas. I Can't Give You Anything But Love. I Could Write A Book. I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good. I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart. I Love Paris. I Remember Clifford. I'll Never Smile Again. I'll Remember April. I'm All Smiles. I'm Beginning to See the Light. I'm Your Pal. If You Never Come To Me. Inutil paisagem. Impressions. In A Sentimental Mood. In The Mood. In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning. The Inch Worm. The Intrepid Fox. Invitation. Is You Is, Or Is You Ain't. Ma' Baby. Isn't It Romantic. It Don't Mean a Thing. If it ain't got That Swing. It's Easy To Remember. June In January. Just One More Chance. Lazy Bird. Lazy River. Like Someone In Love. Limehouse Blues. Little Waltz. Long Ago. and Far Away. Lonnie's Lament. Look To The Sky. Love Is The Sweetest Thing. Lullaby Of Birdland. Lush Life. Maiden Voyage. A Man And A Woman. Un Homme Et Une Femme. Meditation. Meditacao. Michelle. Misty. Moment's Notice. Mood Indigo. The Most Beautiful Girl In The World. Mr. P.C. My Buddy. My Funny Valentine. My One And Only Love. My Romance. My Ship. Mysterious Traveller. Naima. Niema. Nardis. Nefertiti. Never Will I Marry. Nica's Dream. The Night Has A Thousand Eyes. A Night In Tunisia. Night Train. Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out. Oleo. Once In Love With Amy. One Note Samba. Samba De Uma Nota So. Only Trust Your Heart. Ornithology. Out Of Nowhere. P.S. I Love You. Paper Doll. Penthouse Serenade. Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars. Corcovado. Red Clay. 'round Midnight. Ruby, My Dear. Satin Doll. Scotch And Soda. Scrapple From The Apple. Seven Come Eleven. Seven Steps to Heaven. So Nice. Summer Samba. Solar. Some Day My Prince Will Come. Some Other Spring. Some Skunk Funk. Song For My Father. The Song Is You. Sophisticated Lady. Standing On The Corner. Stella By Starlight. STOMPIN' AT THE SAVOY. A String of Pearls. A Sunday Kind Of Love. The Surrey With The Fringe On Top. Take Five. Thanks For The Memory. There'll Be Some Changes Made. They Didn't Believe Me. Thou Swell. Tones For Joan's Bones. Tune Up. Valse Hot. Wait Till You See Her. Waltz For Debby. Wave. Well You Needn't. It's Over Now. When I Fall in Love. When Sunny Gets Blue. When You Wish Upon A Star. Wives And Lovers. Hey, Little Girl. Woodchopper's Ball. The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise. Gemini. Blue Monk. Twisted Blues. Nuages. Black Orpheus. For Heaven's Sake. Tour De Force. Yesterdays. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life. You Are Too Beautiful. You Brought A New Kind Of Love To Me. You Don't Know What Love Is. You Took Advantage Of Me. You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You. Blues For Alice. Silver Hollow. Tell Me A Bedtime Story. Black Narcissus. Blue Bossa. E.S.P. Gloria's Step. I Mean You. Pent Up House. Yes And No. Freedom Jazz Dance. Jordu. Sea Journey. The Star-Crossed Lovers. Windows. Woodyn' You. Lady Sings The Blues. Interplay. Epistrophy. Minority. Ecclusiastics. Jump Monk. Nostalgia In Times Square. Peggy's Blue Skylight. Pithecanthropus Erectus. Pussy Cat Dues. Reincarnation Of A Lovebird. Ana Maria. Juju. Mahjong. Miyako. Night Dreamer. Speak No Evil. Virgo. Witch Hunt. Journey to Recife. Gee Baby, Ain't I Good To You. The Old Man From. The Old Country. C'est Si Bon. I Can't Get Started. Recorda Me. Little Boat. O Barquinho. The Girl From Ipanema. GarÃta De Ipanema. Ãgua De Beber. Water To Drink. That's AmorÃ. That's Love.


Real Book - Zvezek I - Mini Edition. Bb Edition. Sestavljajo ga Various. Za Bb Instruments. Fake Book. 464 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.240339. ISBN 1423469380. 5.25x8.5 palcev. Real Knjige so najbolje prodajani jazz knjig vseh časov. Od leta 1970 so se glasbeniki zaupal te kvote, da bi jih dobili skozi vsak koncert, noč za nočjo. Problem je, da so bile knjige, ki nezakonito proizvaja in distribuira, brez upoštevanja zakona o avtorskih pravicah, ali licenčnine, plačane skladateljev, ki so ustvarili te glasbene mojstrovine. Hal Leonard je zelo ponosen, da predstavi prve legitimne in zakonite izdaje teh knjig kdajkoli proizvedeni. Ne boste niti opazili razliko, ki niso vsi razvpiti napake je bil določen. pokrovi in ​​tipografija videti enako, seznam skladb je skoraj enaka, in ceno za naše izdaje je celo cenejši od originala. Vsak glasbenik vestni bodo cenili, da so te knjige zdaj proizvaja natančno in etično, zagotavljanju koristi songwriters, da smo dolžni za nekaj največjih pesmi vseh časov. Ta Bb mini izdaja vsebuje 400 pesmi. Vse Blues. Au Privave. Autumn Leaves. Črna Orpheus. Bluesette. Body and Soul. Bright Velikost življenje. Con Alma. Dolphin Dance. Ne Get Around Much Anymore. Easy Living. Epistrophy. Falling in Love with Love. Footprints. Štirje od šesterice. Giant Steps. Ste Met gospa Jones. How High Moon. Zapomnil si bom april. Vtisi. Lullaby of Birdland. Misty. My Funny Valentine. Oleo. Red Clay. Satin Doll. Sidewinder. Stella s Starlight. Traja pet. Ni večje ljubezni. Val. in na stotine več. C Edition na voljo tudi. Call Me. Easy Living. Jelly Roll. West Coast Blues. Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum. Ring Dem Bells. Izrael. Pinocchio. Butterfly. Pfrancing. Ni Blues. Lepotica in zver. Mir. Popoldne v Parizu. Razmišljanja. Vedno. Cotton Tail. Airegin. Passion Flower. Guilty. Linije in prostorov. Oblikovanje. Captain Marvel. Litho. Kaj je bilo. Notranja Urge. Izotop. Passion Dance. Las Vegas Tango. Alfie. Alice v čudežni deželi. Heaven. Vse Blues. All By Myself. Topsy. Sidewinder. Lament. How My Heart Sings. I Love You. Koraki. Crystal Silence. Detour Ahead. Sladkor. Con Alma. Hot Toddy. Solitude. V mehak Tone. All Of Me. Vse vas. Vse stvari, ki jih. I Wish I Knew Kako bi se počutili, da so brez. Dolphin Dance. Broadway. Upper Manhattan Medical Group. UMMG. Straight Ne Chaser. Ena Finger Snap. Iris. My Way. V redu, v redu, zmagal si. Golden Lady. So What. Nekdo Loves Me. Afro Blue. Road Song. Ko sem Loved. Amor Em Paz. Radi v miru. April Joy. Bright Velikost življenje. Midwestern Nights Dream. Missouri Skrb. Sirabhorn. Uniquity Road. Unity Village. Angel Eyes. Unchain My Heart. Ceora. Child Is Born. Full House. Icarus. Gaucho. Prince Of Darkness. Armageddon. Črna Nile. Stuff. Antropologija. Apple Honey. April v Parizu. Drsanje v Centralnem parku. Vstani, oči. Kaj sem tukaj Za. Desafinado. Kontemplacija. Miss Ann. Au Privave. Joy Spring. Jesen v New Yorku. Autumn Leaves. Black Diamond. Forest Flower. Sweet Georgia Bright. Švedski Pecivo. Chippie. Pomislite On Me. Človek v zeleni srajci. Memories Of Tomorrow. Milan. Tame Thy Pen. 502 Blues. Поэма для. Saga Of Harrison Crabfeathers. Potop. House Of Jade. Dolores. Tirnice. Dober večer gospod in gospa America. Podjednakost. Afriška Flower. Petite Fleur Africaine. Indijski Lady. Tri Flowers. Sledi svojemu srcu. Peri je Področje. Tiho zdaj. Čas Remembered. Zelo zgodaj. Chelsea Bells. Doin 'Pig. Domino piškotov. The Green Mountains. Portsmouth upodobitev. Sweet Henry. Coral. Dni in noči Waiting. Grow Your Own. V vašem miren kraj. Lucky Southern. Moonchild. Magician In You. Broad Way Blues. Sphinx. Dear Old Stockholm. Midnight Mood. Turn Out The Stars. Gypsy In My Soul. Dan Waves. Desert Air. Spretnost. Wild Flower. Včasih Ago. Kelo. Oliloqui Valley. Sorcerer. Easy To Love. Ti bi bilo tako enostavno Love. Django. Ni večje ljubezni. Blues Bessie je. Bewitched. Big Nick. Črna kava. Fall. Modre v zeleno. Blue Room. Mlade po srcu. Blue Train. Blue Trane. Bluesette. Telo in duša. Boplicity. Be Bop Lives. Lepa ljubezen. Priložnost tudi za vas. Včeraj. Pozdravljeni, mlada zaljubljenca. Ukradeni trenutki. My Favorite Things. Ampak Beautiful. Byrd Like. Call Me Neodgovorno. Ne morem si pomagati Lovin 'Dat Man. Central Park West. Odštevanje. Šepet. Chega De Saudade. No More Blues. Chelsea Bridge. Uvod v poljub. Cherokee. Indian Love Song. Cherry Pink in Apple Blossom Bela. Lady Bird. Osemdeset One. Up Skočil pomlad. Bomo spet skupaj. Darn, da Dream. Moj Shining Hour. Naj Care. Nikoli ne bo Drug You. Sad. Z vlakom "A". Chitlins Con Carne. Moj Trapast Heart. Pridite nedelja. Como En Vietnam. Potrditev. Crescent. D Natural Blues. Daahoud. Pleše na stropu. Predragi. Posvečena vam. Dizzy na recepciji. Ne krivite mene. Ne Get Around Much Anymore. Donna Lee. Dream A Little Dream of Me. Dreamsville. Easter Parade. Equinox. Falling Grace. Falling in Love With Love. Fine Romance. 500 Miles High. Footprints. For All We Know. I Love You. Za sentimentalnih razlogov,. Štiri. Štiri na šest. Freddie Freeloader. God Bless "The Child. Giant Steps. Grand Central. Groovin "Visoka. Half Nelson. Ste Met gospa Jones. Heebie znorel. Tukaj je to Rainy Day. How High The Moon. Kako Neobčutljivost. Smiselnost. Hullo Bolinas. Ne morem ti lahko dam, ampak ljubezen. Jaz bi lahko napisal knjigo. I Got to slabo in to ni dobro. Jaz Naj pesem Go Out Of My Heart. I Love Paris. I Remember Clifford. Nikoli ne bom Smile spet. Zapomnil si bom april. Sem All Smiles. Jaz sem že videli luči. Jaz sem tvoj kolega. If You Never Come To Me. Inutil paisagem. Vtisi. V sentimentalno razpoloženje. In The Mood. V zgodnjih jutranjih ur zjutraj. Inch Worm. Intrepid Fox. Vabilo. Ali vas je ali vas ni. Gospa Baby. Ali ni romantično. To ne pomeni Thing. Če je ni dobil That Swing. To je enostavno zapomniti. Junij V januarju. Just One More Chance. Lazy Bird. Lazy River. Tako kot nekdo v ljubezni. Limehouse Blues. Malo Waltz. Long Ago. in Far Away. Lonnie je Lament. Poglej v nebo. Love Is Sweetest Thing. Lullaby Of Birdland. Lush življenje. Maiden Voyage. Moški in ženska. Moški in ženska. Meditacija. Meditacao. Michelle. Misty. Obvestilo za trenutek. Mood Indigo. Most Beautiful Girl In The World. G. P.C. My Buddy. My Funny Valentine. My One and Only Ljubezen. My Romance. My Ship. Skrivnostni Traveller. Naima. Niema. Nardis. Nefertiti. Nikoli ne bom Marry. Nica je Dream. Noč ima tisoč oči. Noč v Tuniziji. Night Train. Nihče vas ne ve, kdaj si na tleh in Out. Oleo. Ko je v ljubezni z Amy. Eden Opomba Samba. Samba De Uma Nota Torej. Zaupaj samo Your Heart. Ornitologija. Out Of Nowhere. P. S. I Love You. Paper Doll. Penthouse Serenade. Tihe noči tiho Zvezde. Grbavec. Red Clay. "Round Midnight. Ruby, My Dear. Satin Doll. Viski s sodo. Scrapple iz Apple. Sedem Pridi Eleven. Sedem korakov do nebes. So Nice. Summer Samba. Solar. Nekateri Day My Prince Will Come. Nekateri Drugo Spring. Nekateri Skunk Funk. Pesem za mojega očeta. Pesem je, da. Prefinjena Lady. Stoji na vogalu. Stella By Starlight. STOMPIN "Na Savoy. String of Pearls. Nedelja Kind Of Love. Surrey With The Fringe na vrh. Traja pet. Hvala za spomin. Tam boste Nekatere spremembe, narejene. Niso verjeli Me. Ti swell. Toni Joan je Bones. Tune Up. Valse Hot. Počakaj, da vidiš Her. Valček za Debby. Val. No, vam ni treba. Sedaj je konec. Ko sem se zaljubila v. Ko Sunny Gets Modra. When You Wish Upon A Star. Žene in ljubitelje. Hej, deklica. Woodchopper Ball. Svet čaka na Sunrise. Gemini. Blue Monk. Twisted Blues. Oblaki. Črna Orpheus. Za Heaven Sake. Tour De Force. Včerajšnja. Se Sunshine Of My Life. Preveč si lepa. Si prinesel nova vrsta ljubila. Ti ne veš, kaj je ljubezen. Vi vešče izkoristil Me. Si Nihče Til You Nekdo Loves. Blues For Alice. Silver Hollow. Tell Me A Bedtime Story. Black Narcissus. Blue Bossa. E.S.P. Gloria je korak. I pomeni, da. Potlačeno House. Da in ne. Svoboda Jazz Dance. Jordu. Sea Journey. The Star-Crossed Lovers. Windows. Woodyn 'You. Lady Sings The Blues. Prepletanje. Epistrophy. Manjšina. Ecclusiastics. Skoči Monk. Nostalgija v Times Square. Peggy Blue Skylight. Pithecanthropus Erectus. Pussy Cat Članarino. Reinkarnacija Lovebird. Ana Maria. Juju. Mahjong. Miyako. Night Dreamer. Speak No Evil. Devica. Witch Hunt. Potovanje v Recife. Gee Baby, je ne bom dober do tebe. Old Man From. Old Country. C'est Si Bon. Jaz ne morem začeti Get. Recorda Me. Malo čoln. O Barquinho. The Girl From Ipanema. GarÃta De Ipanema. Agua De Beber. Vode za pitje. To je Amora. To je ljubezen.
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