Partiture $3.60
A Christmas Garland--SATB. Bruce Saylor. A Cappella sheet music. Advanced.
Božič Garland - SATB. Bruce Saylor. Cappella note. Napredno.
A Christmas Garland--SATB composed by Bruce Saylor. For SATB choir with some divisi, a cappella. Cathedral. Choral, Christmas, Hymn. Medium. Medium Difficult. Choral octavo. Published by Paraclete Press. PL.9625. Premiered by "Gloriae Dei Cantores" at the tree-lighting at Rockefeller Center in 1995, "A Christmas Garland" is an exciting work for the Christmas season. Creating a fresh look at three well-known and beloved Christmas carols,. "Ding. Dong. merrily on high," "Infant Holy, Infant Lowly", and "Deck the Hall". Bruce Saylor writes with a masterful command of choral writing and sonorities. The combination of sensitive word setting, traditional harmonies and rhythmic excitement maskes this an immediately attractive work to both singers and listeners alike. While Dr. Saylor uses the entire vocal range in a challenging way, the work gives great satisfaction to the singers in tis expressive opportunities. "A Christmas Garland" will be a wonderful addtition to any choir's Christmas repertoire, and is especially appropriate for concert use.
A Christmas Garland--SATB composed by Bruce Saylor. Za SATB zbor z nekaj divisi, a cappella. Katedrala. Zborovsko, božič, Hymn. Srednje. Srednje težko. Zborovska octavo. Izdala Paraclete Press. PL.9625. Z "Gloriae Dei Cantores" premierno na drevo razsvetljavo na Rockefellerjevega centra v letu 1995, "Božič Garland" je razburljivo delo za božično sezono. Ustvarja nov pogled na treh dobro znanih in priljubljenih božične pesmi,. "Ding. Dong. veselo na visoko "," Infant Holy, Infant ponižen "in" Deck Hall ". Bruce Saylor piše z mojstrskim poveljstvom zborovskega pisanja in sonorities. Kombinacija občutljivem okolju besedil, tradicionalne harmonije in ritmični razburjenje maskes to je takoj privlačno delo, tako pevci in poslušalci enako. Medtem ko je dr Saylor uporablja celoten vokalni razpon v izzivalnem način dela daje veliko zadovoljstvo, da pevci v TIS izraznih možnosti. "Božič Garland" bo čudovito addtition za kateregakoli zbora božičnega repertoarja, in je še posebej primerno za koncertno rabo.