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Nutcracker - Singer 5 Pak. Ruth Artman. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music.


Hrestač - Singer 5 Pak. Ruth Artman. Voice note. Zbor note.


Nutcracker - Singer 5 Pak. A Holiday Musical. Arranged by Ruth Artman. For Choral. Singer 5 Pak. Expressive Art. Choral. Children's Musical. 5 Singer's Editions. 24 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.9970762. This delightful adaptation of the timeless holiday ballet features eight songs, dances and a script that are created especially for the young performer. This production will provide an opportunity for young people everywhere to experience the magical kingdom of the NUTCRACKER firsthand. The curtain opens on a Christmas Eve party at the home of Fritz and Marie. The gift of a tiny nutcracker from their Godfather causes a bit of a family disturbance but it is that very gift that starts us on our magical journey to the land of sweet dreams. At the stroke of midnight, the Nutcracker is transformed. He leads his army in a victorious encounter with the evil Mouse King after which he escorts Marie on an enchanted journey to Candy Meadow, Cookie County and the Kingdom of Sweets. They meet all sorts of interesting people on their travels. a Sugar Plum Fairy, the Russian Bakers, the Candy Flutes, Chinese Tea Dancers, beautiful Arabian Dancers and wonderful Waltzing Flowers. Let the dialogue and eight delightful songs whisk you away on this marvelous journey with Marie and the Nutcracker. Available. Teacher's Manual, Singer's Edition 5-Pak, Performance. Accompaniment CD, Video. Performance Time. 45 minutes. For Grades 3-8. 5 Booklets of vocal lines and dialog. Arabian Dance. 'Coffee'. Chinese Dance. 'Tea'. Dance Of The Reed-Flutes. Russian Dance. 'Trepak'. Overture. Waltz of the Flowers. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy. March.


Hrestač - Singer 5 Pak. Počitniške Musical. Urejen Ruth ARTMAN. Za zborovsko. Singer 5 Pak. Izrazna umetnost. Zborovska. Otroška Musical. Editions 5 pevca. 24 strani. Izdala Hal Leonard. HL.9970762. To čudovito prilagoditev brezčasno počitnic baleta ima osem pesmi, plesov in skript, ki so ga ustvarili posebej za mladega izvajalca. Ta proizvodnja bo priložnost za mlade povsod doživeli čarobno kraljestvo Hrestač iz prve roke. Zavesa se odpre na božični večer stranko na domu Fritz in Marie. Dar majhen Hrestač od svojega Botra povzroča malo družinsko motnjo pa je, da zelo darilo, ki nam začne na našem čarobnem potovanju v deželo sladkih sanj. Ob polnoči se Hrestač preoblikoval. On vodi svojo vojsko v zmagoviti srečanju z zlobnim Mouse kralja, po katerem je spremljevalcev Marie na zasanjane poti do Candy Travnik, Cookie County in Kraljevino Sladice. Izpolnjujejo vse vrste zanimivih ljudi na svojih potovanjih. Sugar Plum Fairy, ruske Bakers, CANDY flavte, kitajski Dancers Tea, lepe Arabian Dancers in čudovitih Waltzing Cvetje. Naj dialog in osem čudovito pesmi vas whisk stran na tem čudovitem potovanju z Marie in Hrestač. Na voljo. Priročnik za učitelje, pevca Edition 5-Pak, Performance. Spremljava CD, Video. Uspešnost čas. 45 minut. Za razrede 3-8. 5 Knjižice vokalnih linij in dialogu. Arabian Dance. "Kava". Chinese Dance. "Tea". Dance Of The Reed-flavte. Ruski Dance. "Trepak". Uvertura. Waltz od Flowers. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy. Marec.
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