Partiture $1.85
Be the Stream that Oxbows. Julie Gardner Bray. Choir sheet music.
Bodite Stream da mrtvice. Julie Gardner Bray. Zbor note.
Be the Stream that Oxbows composed by Julie Gardner Bray. For 3-part mixed choir. General, Graduation. Octavo. Published by Heritage Music Press. LO.15-1185H. Perfect for the graduation season or general concert use, this stunning new original is memorable, poignant, and powerful. The distinctive text. written by an award-winning poet from Wisconsin. , uses the strong imagery of nature to encourage students to. be themselves. have an open mind. listen to advice, but then find their own way, making choices that are best for them without following the crowd. A marvelous teaching piece. Highly recommended.
Bodite Stream da mrtvice sestavljene Julie Gardner Bray. Za 3-mešani zbor. General, Graduation. Osma. Izdala dediščine Music Press. LO.15-1185H. Kot nalašč za sezono gradacije ali splošno uporabo koncertnem to osupljivo novo izvirno je nepozabno, bridki in zmogljiv. Značilen besedilo. z nagrajeno pesnika iz Wisconsina pisno. , Uporablja močne podobe narave, da bi študente. biti sami. imeti odprt um. poslušajo nasvete, potem pa najdejo svojo pot, sprejemanje odločitev, ki so najboljše za njih, ne da bi se množice. Fantastična poučevanje kos. Zelo priporočljivo je,.