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Bass Fingerstyle Funk Grooves Made Easy. Bass Guitar sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music. Fingerpicking Guitar sheet music. Beginning.


Bass Fingerstyle Funk Grooves Made Easy. Bas kitara note. Electric Guitar note. Fingerpicking Guitar note. Začetek.


Bass Fingerstyle Funk Grooves Made Easy composed by Chris Matheos. For Electric Bass Guitar. Perfect binding, Rhythm. Backup. Bill's Music Shelf. Funk. Beginning. Book. 32 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.21443. ISBN 9780786675777. Funk. 8.5 x 11 inches. Electric Bass. Fingerstyle funk bass playing can be found in many styles of modern music. Some of those styles include. funk, soul, fusion, contemporary jazz, hip-hop, pop, and dance. This book focuses on advanced rhythmic studies. It is loaded with grooves and funky progressions. The companion free downloadable audio files feature all of the examples recorded with a full band. There are play-along tracks for many of the full band examples available for download as well. This can help students focus on groove and time. All examples are written in bass clef and tablature. Free audio files available from the publisher.


Bass Fingerstyle Funk Grooves Made Easy, ki ga sestavljajo Chris Matheos. Za električno bas kitaro. Popolna vezava, Rhythm. Backup. Billov Glasba Rok. Funk. Začetek. Knjiga. 32 strani. Izdala Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.21443. ISBN 9780786675777. Funk. 8,5 x 11 palcev. Electric Bass. Fingerstyle funk bas igra je mogoče najti v mnogih stilov sodobne glasbe. Nekateri od teh stilov vključuje. funk, soul, fusion, sodobni jazz, hip-hop, pop in dance. Ta knjiga se osredotoča na naprednih ritmični študij. To je naložen z žlebovi in ​​funky napredovanja. So brez spremljevalca prenesete avdio datotek značilnost vseh primerov, zabeleženih s polno pasu. Obstajajo play-vzdolž proge za veliko polnih primerov banda na voljo za prenos, kot tudi. To lahko pomaga študentom osredotočiti na utor in časa. Vsi primeri so napisani v bas ključu in tablature. Prosti avdio datotek na voljo od založnika.